Who had the better Socialist societal ideal?

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
This is more for the Leftists and Left leaning on the board. Who had the better vision of what a Socialist utopia would look like, Marx in the Communist Manifesto or Hitler in his Mein Kampf?

Simple question, maybe or maybe not. But the question on the table is had both achieved their vision from their political 'masterpiece' who's ultimate society would have succeeded better?
This is more for the Leftists and Left leaning on the board. Who had the better vision of what a Socialist utopia would look like, Marx in the Communist Manifesto or Hitler in his Mein Kampf?

Simple question, maybe or maybe not. But the question on the table is had both achieved their vision from their political 'masterpiece' who's ultimate society would have succeeded better?

If they are both fantasies which can not be real, which is what UTOPIA is by definition, I take the question as a moronic waste of time.
This is more for the Leftists and Left leaning on the board. Who had the better vision of what a Socialist utopia would look like, Marx in the Communist Manifesto or Hitler in his Mein Kampf?

Simple question, maybe or maybe not. But the question on the table is had both achieved their vision from their political 'masterpiece' who's ultimate society would have succeeded better?

Nice red herring.
The answer to everything is Contortionists!


And believe me, my answer is much more intelligent than the question!
I'm sorry OPie, but do try to ask a question that is not an insult to everyone's intelligence!

Here OPie- I have a question for you along the same line as your question- "Have you been an asshole- ALL YOUR LIFE"?
This is more for the Leftists and Left leaning on the board. Who had the better vision of what a Socialist utopia would look like, Marx in the Communist Manifesto or Hitler in his Mein Kampf?

Simple question, maybe or maybe not. But the question on the table is had both achieved their vision from their political 'masterpiece' who's ultimate society would have succeeded better?
The Communist Manifesto is a critique on capitalism. The CIA steps in to quash any socialist economy with the exception of the Mondragon Corporation in the Basque region of Spain. The Basque don't have to bailout their corporation every 7 years like Americans do.
How is it a "red herring?" That requires misdirection. I am asking about two (2) written volumes by two authors who both were envisioning a utopia. Choose the better one. Choose the one more likely to succeed.

Your quote: "This is more for the Leftists and Left leaning on the board."
I'm sorry OPie, but do try to ask a question that is not an insult to everyone's intelligence!

Here OPie- I have a question for you along the same line as your question- "Have you been an asshole- ALL YOUR LIFE"?

Actually, this is the sort of response I envisioned. The Left cannot and will not debate--honestly or otherwise--the various forms of Socialist societies that their "thinkers" have envisioned. They won't because if they do get down to specifics, they find that those positions are not only indefensible but abhorrent to reasonable people.
Well, they are the ones that advocate for these types of societies to be formed. You'd think they could explain why they are so desirable and how they'd be better than what we've got.

See that's a red herring fallacy. Nobody advocating for those types of societies.

You need to quit.
See that's a red herring fallacy. Nobody advocating for those types of societies.

You need to quit.

The Democratic Socialists of America is the largest socialist organization in the United States, with over 92,000 members and chapters in all 50 states. We believe that working people should run both the economy and society democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for a few.
List of Democratic Socialists of America members who have held office in the United States
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_...s_w ho_have_held_office_in_the_United_States

So much for your rebuttal.
Actually, this is the sort of response I envisioned. The Left cannot and will not debate--honestly or otherwise--the various forms of Socialist societies that their "thinkers" have envisioned. They won't because if they do get down to specifics, they find that those positions are not only indefensible but abhorrent to reasonable people.

The left is a larger section of WE THE PEOPLE than what you think! You are totally confusing Social Democrats with being SOCIALISTS! And Social Democrats are only a small portion of the left of center in the first place. DID BERNIE GET THE NOMINATION FOOL? Biden won the nomination and he is a Centrist!

Another example: I am a Conservative Democrat and not a Socialist Democrat!

STOP WITH YOUR ONE SIZE FIT'S ALL stupidity and ignorance.

Because it becomes even more apparent with your every post now!

You are insulting and ignorant and not very well educated in government.