Who had the better Socialist societal ideal?

The left is a larger section of WE THE PEOPLE than what you think! You are totally confusing Social Democrats with being SOCIALISTS! And Social Democrats are only a small portion of the left of center in the first place. DID BERNIE GET THE NOMINATION FOOL?

For instance, I am a Conservative Democrat and not a Socialist Democrat!
STOP WITH YOUR ONE SIZE FIT"S ALL stupidity and ignorance.

Because it becomes even more apparent with your every post now!

You are insulting and ignorant and not very well educated in government.

Word! I've grown tired of Gardner..."insulting and ignorant" is right.
How is it a "red herring?" That requires misdirection. I am asking about two (2) written volumes by two authors who both were envisioning a utopia. Choose the better one. Choose the one more likely to succeed.

Dude! Try to even name a TRUE Socialist country now or in the past!
The left is a larger section of WE THE PEOPLE than what you think! You are totally confusing Social Democrats with being SOCIALISTS! And Social Democrats are only a small portion of the left of center in the first place. DID BERNIE GET THE NOMINATION FOOL? Biden won the nomination and he is a Centrist!

The Left represents less than 20% of the political spectrum. That is as true for the US as it was for the Soviet Union. The Democratic Socialist party are Socialists by their own admission. I posted a link to their website. Biden has become a far Left of Center Democrat. I suspect Obama and his administration orchestrated that.

Another example: I am a Conservative Democrat and not a Socialist Democrat!

Okay, anecdote isn't evidence.

Because it becomes even more apparent with your every post now!

You are insulting and ignorant and not very well educated in government.

I'm not making a 'one size fits all' argument here. I'm saying that the Democrat party as a whole is moving to the Left and contains more true Leftists than it did say, two decades ago. They have become the dominant part of the Democrat party.

A good example of that is Arizona's senator Krysten Sinema. She was a hard Leftist a bit over a decade ago. She's mellowed with age and become a true centrist. The Democrat Left wants to expel her from the Democrat party for that. They can't stand that she supports bipartisan legislation and often votes against Leftist interests. There is much talk in the Democrat party and among Leftists of expelling her for her heresy. I hope they do because it will make voting for her much easier.
You go first.

The U.S.S.R. was about the closest country to ever being a socialist country- BUT IN FACT, WAS NOT.

THE U.S.S.R. was in fact a Communist country. And so was the REPUBLIC OF CHINA- STILL IS IN MANY WAYS!

North Korea is so fucked up, I'm not sure that we have a name for that type of government yet!

Venezuela? Not sure what you call that country anymore either. BUT NOT SOCIALIST!
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I am going to just say Marx because he seemed to define Socialism and he tried to make it look like A UTOPIA.

Hitler was not even a socialist- HE WAS A NAZI!

The answer you give says you've never read the Communist Manifesto or Mein Kampf. But I do commend you for at least giving an honest answer based on what you believe.
Gotta similar question which totalitarian UTOPIA do teabaggers (www.teaparty.org) envision for their party?

Xi Jinping' UTOPIA- Dotard really liked them.

Putin's UTOPIA- Dotard's brother.

Kim Jon-un's UTOPIA- Dotard fell in love with him.
This is more for the Leftists and Left leaning on the board. Who had the better vision of what a Socialist utopia would look like, Marx in the Communist Manifesto or Hitler in his Mein Kampf?

Simple question, maybe or maybe not. But the question on the table is had both achieved their vision from their political 'masterpiece' who's ultimate society would have succeeded better?

both of these movements were insincere.

they were implemented by coalitions of financiers and royal families to destroy their target societies.
the jesuit/sabbatean/bankers invented communism and had a major hard on for the russian tsar because he expelled the jesuits, as did most of the eastern nations.
This is more for the Leftists and Left leaning on the board. Who had the better vision of what a Socialist utopia would look like, Marx in the Communist Manifesto or Hitler in his Mein Kampf?

Simple question, maybe or maybe not. But the question on the table is had both achieved their vision from their political 'masterpiece' who's ultimate society would have succeeded better?

Marx very deliberately avoids a detailed description of a future socialist society, whereas Hitler believed in saving capitalism at whatever murderous cost. Americans are quite remarkably gullible.
This is more for the Leftists and Left leaning on the board. Who had the better vision of what a Socialist utopia would look like, Marx in the Communist Manifesto or Hitler in his Mein Kampf?

Simple question, maybe or maybe not. But the question on the table is had both achieved their vision from their political 'masterpiece' who's ultimate society would have succeeded better?

I would say Hitler's. Of course he wasn't a socialist (another red herring).

The Communist Manifesto is just a critique of Capitalism.
This is more for the Leftists and Left leaning on the board. Who had the better vision of what a Socialist utopia would look like, Marx in the Communist Manifesto or Hitler in his Mein Kampf?

Simple question, maybe or maybe not. But the question on the table is had both achieved their vision from their political 'masterpiece' who's ultimate society would have succeeded better?

There's no such thing as a good Socialist ideal. Nothing good ever came of Government hegemony. ;)

