Who had the better Socialist societal ideal?

The answer to everything is Contortionists!
And believe me, my answer is much more intelligent than the question!

Yep, low IQ thread trolling morons on the left hate topics that expose them as morons.

I'm sorry OPie, but do try to ask a question that is not an insult to everyone's intelligence!

Here OPie- I have a question for you along the same line as your question- "Have you been an asshole- ALL YOUR LIFE"?

You shouldn't troll threads removing any doubt what a thread trolling retard you are. :palm:

The Communist Manifesto is a critique on capitalism. The CIA steps in to quash any socialist economy with the exception of the Mondragon Corporation in the Basque region of Spain. The Basque don't have to bailout their corporation every 7 years like Americans do.

The only thing you are good at is looking like a moron and saying stupid shit that makes sense and unconnected to reality. :palm:
See that's a red herring fallacy. Nobody advocating for those types of societies.

That is a lie and you are full of lie filled shit dumbass. It's hard to take your stupidity serious. You're either a really dumb bad liar, or mentally challenged. I am going for the latter.

The Democratic Party of the Jackass are advocates for Socialism and Autocracy. Apparently, it's hard for you to comprehend the OBVIOUS with your head stuck so far up your asshole.
The U.S.S.R. was about the closest country to ever being a socialist country- BUT IN FACT, WAS NOT.

THE U.S.S.R. was in fact a Communist country. And so was the REPUBLIC OF CHINA- STILL IS IN MANY WAYS!

North Korea is so fucked up, I'm not sure that we have a name for that type of government yet!

Venezuela? Not sure what you call that country anymore either. BUT NOT SOCIALIST!

^Dumb fuck thinks there is a distinction between Socialist and Marxist. :palm:
I just addressed the topic, dumbass. Look at my post above answering the question.

No, you didn't dumbass. You made a stupid baseless claim about something you know nothing about and trolled. Stop being a dishonest dumb fuck. We get it. You're a low IQ dumbass who can't debate or be taken seriously. :palm: