Who in the hell is "Krusty Kathy"??

That's an interesting question. I've just been having a conversation with one of the Forums more advanced and professional detectives on 'socks' and their creators.
I think you are right. 90 days? What's all that about?

I have zero idea. I guess someone created a sock account to reveal something about a member they knew. It makes me curious as to why the master account wasn't banned as well if the sock account got banned for 90 days unless they haven't figured out whose it is yet.
I have zero idea. I guess someone created a sock account to reveal something about a member they knew. It makes me curious as to why the master account wasn't banned as well if the sock account got banned for 90 days unless they haven't figured out whose it is yet.

Well, one ... I have only seen that sock post once, and it didn't say much. Two, you would think they would know who the sock account belongs too? Three, the Moderators seem to be pretty far right on the political scale (along with being religious-types), so I hope this isn't another excuse they have of banning the left-leaning moderates here. Seeing that is a little depressing and a possible reason why ThatOwlWoman left.
Well, one ... I have only seen that sock post once, and it didn't say much. Two, you would think they would know who the sock account belongs too? Three, the Moderators seem to be pretty far right on the political scale (along with being religious-types), so I hope this isn't another excuse they have of banning the left-leaning moderates here. Seeing that is a little depressing and a possible reason why ThatOwlWoman left.

I wouldn't call Plastic who issued the ban far right, but I have no idea anything about the account. I never even saw the poster post anything that I recall, but I tend to look more at what is said than who posted it when it comes to new/infrequent usernames. Just stating what I have stated based on logic and common sense without any real actual knowledge. To see anybody banned for something other than 12B is unusual. Amazon/Goodreads people are the only ones that seem to be up in each other's personal business around here. TOW has expressed growing dissatisfaction here and there for awhile so I have no particular reason to suspect that KK revealed anything about her. I recall a conversation quite awhile back--like 6 months or more--when it came up about her looking for other sites to migrate to and I had posted that I have another site I go to when I want to have serious, substantive discussions on issues where trolling, personal attacks, and general hackery are largely forbidden. It is just such a low traffic site it gets kind of boring going there more than about twice a month and it isn't good as a proxy news aggregation since it is mostly issue oriented with more academic quality discussion.
Owl hasn't posted here, under that name, in quite some time so it wouldn't surprise me if her protector issued the ban under the name of one of her sock accounts.

Of course, that is just a guess on my part. Whomever Krusty Kathy is, I wonder what the moderator vote was.
I wouldn't call Plastic who issued the ban far right, but I have no idea anything about the account. I never even saw the poster post anything that I recall, but I tend to look more at what is said than who posted it when it comes to new/infrequent usernames. Just stating what I have stated based on logic and common sense without any real actual knowledge. To see anybody banned for something other than 12B is unusual. Amazon/Goodreads people are the only ones that seem to be up in each other's personal business around here. TOW has expressed growing dissatisfaction here and there for awhile so I have no particular reason to suspect that KK revealed anything about her. I recall a conversation quite awhile back--like 6 months or more--when it came up about her looking for other sites to migrate to and I had posted that I have another site I go to when I want to have serious, substantive discussions on issues where trolling, personal attacks, and general hackery are largely forbidden. It is just such a low traffic site it gets kind of boring going there more than about twice a month and it isn't good as a proxy news aggregation since it is mostly issue oriented with more academic quality discussion.

Low traffic or not you're lucky to have it, there aren't many left. I had two I used to go to; one of them swung hard-core righty and most members left so now it's just an echo chamber and on the other one people just went nuts and it wasn't worth it anymore...a friend of mine owns that board and I was a mod there, I just couldn't take the endless fucking stupidity anymore.
I wouldn't call Plastic who issued the ban far right, but I have no idea anything about the account. I never even saw the poster post anything that I recall, but I tend to look more at what is said than who posted it when it comes to new/infrequent usernames. Just stating what I have stated based on logic and common sense without any real actual knowledge. To see anybody banned for something other than 12B is unusual. Amazon/Goodreads people are the only ones that seem to be up in each other's personal business around here. TOW has expressed growing dissatisfaction here and there for awhile so I have no particular reason to suspect that KK revealed anything about her. I recall a conversation quite awhile back--like 6 months or more--when it came up about her looking for other sites to migrate to and I had posted that I have another site I go to when I want to have serious, substantive discussions on issues where trolling, personal attacks, and general hackery are largely forbidden. It is just such a low traffic site it gets kind of boring going there more than about twice a month and it isn't good as a proxy news aggregation since it is mostly issue oriented with more academic quality discussion.

Uh, 'Plastic' ... is that your name for Miss Phantasmal? She seems pretty conservative to me. Last conversation I had with her she was supporting Muslim kids bringing their Prayer Rugs to school. Maybe compared to all the other Right-wingers around here she seems like a 'moderate'?
Anyway, I could see TOW bailing out of here. It doesn't seem very pleasant on either side. Did you read the banning? "Failure to comply ... 90 days". Who says that kind of shit?
Owl hasn't posted here, under that name, in quite some time so it wouldn't surprise me if her protector issued the ban under the name of one of her sock accounts.

Of course, that is just a guess on my part. Whomever Krusty Kathy is, I wonder what the moderator vote was.

QuetzelGuy seemed to be jubilant in his support. Maybe somebody he and Miss Phantasmal don't like? I got a 'Forced Ignore' for no apparent reason. Maybe they put everybody's name in a hat, shake it up, then pick a name, and then they all fuck with that person for amusement?
Uh, 'Plastic' ... is that your name for Miss Phantasmal? She seems pretty conservative to me. Last conversation I had with her she was supporting Muslim kids bringing their Prayer Rugs to school. Maybe compared to all the other Right-wingers around here she seems like a 'moderate'?
Anyway, I could see TOW bailing out of here. It doesn't seem very pleasant on either side. Did you read the banning? "Failure to comply ... 90 days". Who says that kind of shit?

Of course she supports Muslims bringing prayer rugs. Political correctness mandates "tolerance" and "inclusiveness" of all things not american. I refer to her as Plastic because her entire political ideology is so canned politically correct that I largely know what she will post before she even posts it. It does make it rather easy to toy with her which is the only thing interacting with such boring people are good for, espicially when you cannot put them on ignore because they are a mod. Reminds me too much of my aunt who is literally and figuratively the perfect politician's wife. She can talk about anything without saying anything substantive ever. No character or color whatsoever. Everything is a molded response thus why I refer to such people as Plastics. Anyway, the TOP thread seems to imply that maybe it was a Mason sock they cannot prove was Mason yet. IDK. Hopefully Owl found the greener pastures she was looking for. She seemed to be a magnet for a lot of hatred I never really understood that seemed connected to the other sites. My only issue with her was that she would go around liking all the most hateful left wing comments and then be holier than thou about conservatives making similar comments directed at the left while pretending that it was about something other than politics.
Uh, 'Plastic' ... is that your name for Miss Phantasmal? She seems pretty conservative to me. Last conversation I had with her she was supporting Muslim kids bringing their Prayer Rugs to school. Maybe compared to all the other Right-wingers around here she seems like a 'moderate'?
Anyway, I could see TOW bailing out of here. It doesn't seem very pleasant on either side. Did you read the banning? "Failure to comply ... 90 days". Who says that kind of shit?

You're joking, Rana aka Phantasmal is a full on fembot!
Of course she supports Muslims bringing prayer rugs. Political correctness mandates "tolerance" and "inclusiveness" of all things not american. I refer to her as Plastic because her entire political ideology is so canned politically correct that I largely know what she will post before she even posts it. It does make it rather easy to toy with her which is the only thing interacting with such boring people are good for, espicially when you cannot put them on ignore because they are a mod. Reminds me too much of my aunt who is literally and figuratively the perfect politician's wife. She can talk about anything without saying anything substantive ever. No character or color whatsoever. Everything is a molded response thus why I refer to such people as Plastics. Anyway, the TOP thread seems to imply that maybe it was a Mason sock they cannot prove was Mason yet. IDK. Hopefully Owl found the greener pastures she was looking for. She seemed to be a magnet for a lot of hatred I never really understood that seemed connected to the other sites. My only issue with her was that she would go around liking all the most hateful left wing comments and then be holier than thou about conservatives making similar comments directed at the left while pretending that it was about something other than politics.

LOL. Most of the Amazonites have known each other for so long that they enjoy the constant banter with each other. Owl is/was a good communicator. She would start threads that would reach 10,000 posts, which was the maximum posts for a thread before it was 'frozen', and people would vie to be the last to post on that thread. ... then it would start all over again. Not much 'politics' was ever discussed, but just about everything else was. They were like Soap Operas, lots of Drama Queens, ... and like a Roadrunner Cartoon where everyone was beating the shit out of everyone else with large wooden mallets and stuff. It basically came down to 'Team A' (Owl's Gang), and 'Team B' (TOP's Gang) ... they all seemed to like humiliating and embarrassing each other, making up stories, calling each other names, recalling past events and letting the other know how stupid they were. They were all very creative, especially when it came time for them to weave their lurid sex tales of debauchery, ... Owl was pretty good at this. Never hurts to hear about women talking about Vibrators, Butt Plugs, and Blindfolds.