Who is the biggest supporter of racism on the forum



I have never even seen him call out racist comments or the racists that make them here!
Im not him either so your saying im faning the flames it by talking about it. 8snt that what apl Democrats such as biiden harris pelosi have been doing along with the news media.
Now are you capable of naming a forum member or are you going to be like the other liberal morons here
Im not him either so your saying im faning the flames it by talking about it. 8snt that what apl Democrats such as biiden harris pelosi have been doing along with the news media.
Now are you capable of naming a forum member or are you going to be like the other liberal morons here

BB, I didn't call you a racist!

You asked the question, I answered. You know who Damocles is! HE OWNS THE JOINT!
So you say.


The fact is that only one poster can be proven to have boasted about assaulting a black man on this forum, isn't it?

Is it? Here's a present for you, with my compliments. Enjoy! :D


Originally Posted by Concart

Yawn. Tell us more about how you beat up some black people Uncle Woody. You are a troll. Nothing more, nothing less.

Matt Dillon
Verified User

You have never even been in a fight, pussy boy.

I've broken 1 black dude's ribs and beat the everloving fuck out of another. (He deserved it)

But do go right into the middle of the black projects and proclaim how illegals should have more than they do.

Put your mouth where your money is.

G'luck with that!

That's about 1/2 of my altercations..with blacks.
Only 4 fights with blacks

1 was a draw to not draw attention to my friend's house.

Le sigh! That was a good one! We were brawling right in front of the front door.
He's retardified now. He talked that shit to the wrong one and they brained him.
I could not in good conscious beat his ass now.

Challenge let go!
Back in the day, he was a little asshole!

I knew you wouldn't want to name the other poster who's bragged about assaulting a black man, and I understand why.

I have been in fights with whites , blacks and Latinos one Arab . No Asians Eskimos American Indians no one from India .
I am a equal opportunity brawler .
Your refusal to name the other poster who's bragged about assaulting a black man has been established.

We both know why you won't name them. Of course, I understand.

Your refusal to start a thread calling out the 2nd poster who bragged about assaulting black men is troubling.

We all know you claim to be an equal-opportunity critic of racists, don't we. :rofl2:
Your refusal to start a thread calling out the 2nd poster who bragged about assaulting black men is troubling.

Your attempt to deflect from your hypocrisy is noted.


An intelligent person understands that only a baby has to start threads insulting people.

Are you saying that I don't call out Fatt Villon?

Answer, Christiecrite. :burn:

We all know you claim to be an equal-opportunity critic of racists, don't we.

Why, yes, we do. Thanks for noticing.