Who is the biggest supporter of racism on the forum

argle bargle snort yawn

Originally Posted by christiecrite

An intelligent person understands that only a baby has to start threads insulting people.

After all this time you're finally accepting my excellent advice instead of spurning it with snark? Praise the Lord!

Who is the biggest supporter of racism on the forum

to me its Guano he absultly hate white people and christian .

According to Ancestry.Com, I have considerably less Northern African blood in me than most Sicilians, which explains why I'm so fucking white.
In any case, I also hate an awful lot of white people and Christians who slither around this forum.
Why wasn't I given consideration for the title?
No, you have one set of rules for "righties" and another for "lefties".

I can't really blame you, though. We both know who calls your tune. You just belt out the lyrics.


:rolleyes: You have one set of rules for me and another for every other poster on JPP. Plus, your continued delusions that I'm in thrall to Owl are disturbing. There are meds that can help you relax, though.
