Who is the clown?

How many kids out of HS could draw the map and correctly label all the states? without google of course ;)

I've learned US geography by studying the weather map. It may sound funny but it worked. How many of those kids could identify even half the state capitals, I wonder?
How many kids out of HS could draw the map and correctly label all the states? without google of course ;)

if they can't handle something that simple, they ought not be out of high school.....good lord, you're talking about "what does the country you live in look like".......
if they can't handle something that simple, they ought not be out of high school.....good lord, you're talking about "what does the country you live in look like".......

Many of them that cannot do it are out of high school and into college.

I don't think an MBA reguires geography in college :D
my villages village idiot was capable of doing the same sort of things but he was able to give you any stat on the old NY Giants baseball team from any game. i think its called idiot savent or something like that.
my villages village idiot was capable of doing the same sort of things but he was able to give you any stat on the old NY Giants baseball team from any game. i think its called idiot savent or something like that.

Sports triva nut? Lots of those idiot savants out there. It is the season for them.

Can quote you all the sports trivia but has not a clue how much he will actually pay for that widescreen he bought on a credit card to watch the games on will cost him.
Not really sure how this is relevant one way or the other. It demonstrates neither raw intelligence nor knowledge. Hell uscitizen could sit down and study the map in that level of detail if he wanted to.
It isn't traced. I'm impressed that he did this so well, but the proportions around the Great Lakes, especially east of Lake Michigan, are quite a bit off.

I say give credit where credit is due. Why always try to drag down someone who has done something well? Who cares if he practiced? It was good.

Yeah, but I think as a US senator he can probably find better uses of his time.
if they can't handle something that simple, they ought not be out of high school.....good lord, you're talking about "what does the country you live in look like".......

PMP, I doubt a third of students could do it with any reasonable amount of precision. Heck, only 2/3 of Mississippi students can even read when they graduate.
The map does seem bizarrely correct to a point that's difficult to believe. He may have spent a long time studying how to draw it that perfectly, though.
I've done stuff like that. I know Engineers who can do stuff like that with ease. It's like memorizing Casey At the Bat (which by the way I did at one time, I can still do about the first half of it, with a little practice I can do the whole thing from memory) or the lines for a play. If you draw it enough, then you can do it from memory. Or music for that matter. Playing 3 minutes of music is way harder then what Franken did drawing the map.
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Not really sure how this is relevant one way or the other. It demonstrates neither raw intelligence nor knowledge. Hell uscitizen could sit down and study the map in that level of detail if he wanted to.
It signifies neither other then how memory can be used as a tool. I know engineers who if you show them an aerial photo of a plant can draw that plant from memory.
Yeah, but I think as a US senator he can probably find better uses of his time.

If you look at the background on the left of the screen, it's apparent that he did this for some event in his home state. Who knows what it was; perhaps it was for a class of school kids or something. He was an entertainer; this sort of thing comes naturally to him, I think. It may have had some positive influence in his own district, perhaps just connecting somehow with his constituents.

He "just wants to be loved -- is that so wrong?" (Please tell me you remember that skit from SNL!) :p