Who takes the most pills on JPP?

What is the TOTAL number of pills, both meds and supplements, you take per day?

  • Less than 3

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • up to 5

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 5-10

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 10+

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
I hate pills. I didn't even take the pain pills or anti-inflammatories I was prescribed when I fractured my neck in a car accident 20+ years ago.


I am 70 and not taking any prescriptions.

And like you I have a ruptured disk and an inflamed bulging disk in my neck that bothers me when I think about it.

Yep a taxi rear ended me in Manhattan while I was sitting at a red light- 30 years ago.

I try not to think about it- But damn- it does hurt 7 by 24. Mind over matter only gets you so far!

However, I have been thinking about ordering some of those THC Delta9's!

Because smoking is out of the question for old farts like me- and I hate opioids with a passion.

If anyone has had success with Delta 9's please get back!
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I am 70 and not taking any prescriptions.

And like you I have a ruptured disk and an inflamed bulging disk in my neck that bothers me when I think about it.

Yep a taxi rear ended me in Manhattan while I was sitting at a red light- 30 years ago.

I try not to think about it- But damn- it does hurt 7 by 24. Mind over matter only gets you so far!

However, I have been thinking about ordering some of those THC Delta9's!

Because smoking is out of the question for old farts like me- and I hate opioids with a passion.

If anyone has had success with Delta 9's please get back!

If you're in a legal state shop at a dispensary
Why would you post a photo of a guy who committed treason.

Thats weird. There is a DEMOCRAT President,...A DEMOCRAT Atty General, A DEMOCRAT senate, and a DEMOCRAT congress. Either he didnt commit treason, or the Dems committed Treason with him and are in on it, Or the Dems are so worthless, stupid and weak that they cant lock him up. Otherwise he would be in jail for Treason. So which of the three is it do you think?

I am 70 and not taking any prescriptions.

And like you I have a ruptured disk and an inflamed bulging disk in my neck that bothers me when I think about it.

Yep a taxi rear ended me in Manhattan while I was sitting at a red light- 30 years ago.

I try not to think about it- But damn- it does hurt 7 by 24. Mind over matter only gets you so far!

However, I have been thinking about ordering some of those THC Delta9's!

Because smoking is out of the question for old farts like me- and I hate opioids with a passion.

If anyone has had success with Delta 9's please get back!
There's not enough THC in Delta 9 for pain relief. It's used to relax and to help you sleep. You're a tough old man.
10,000 JPP points sez you're sucking off synthetics. LOL

What is your drug of choice, Fredo? Alcohol? It's legal. Pot? Legal in some places. WSE Meth? Ummmmm?

pharmaceutical companies pervert the medical and food industries to create sick customers who need their pills.


you probably love that evil too. because you're basically evil.
Today, three of the companies formed from the breakup of IG Farben remain: Agfa, BASF, and Bayer. Two of these companies, BASF and Bayer, were listed in C&EN's most recent “Global Top Fifty.” In fact, BASF is the largest chemical producer in the world.


IG Farben
The history of the founding of the camp is connected with the initiative by the German chemical concern IG Farbenindustrie A.G. to build its third large plant for synthetic rubber and liquid fuels. The new camp was to be located in Silesia, beyond the range of Allied bombers at the time. Among the several sites proposed in December 1940/January 1941, the final choice fell on the flat land between the eastern part of Oświęcim and the villages of Dwory and Monowice. The decision was justified by the favorable geological conditions, access to railroad lines, water supply (the Vistula), and the availability of raw materials: coal (the mines in Libiąż, Jawiszowice, and Jaworzno), lime (Krzeszowice), and salt (Wieliczka). Furthermore, the belief that it would be possible for the firm to employ prisoners from the nearby Auschwitz concentration camp was by no means a trivial consideration, and may in fact have been decisive in the choice of the project.

IG Farben put the pieces of the deal in place between February and April 1941. The company bought the land from the treasury for a knock-down price, after it had been seized from its Polish owners without compensation; their houses were vacated and demolished. At the same time, the German authorities expelled the Jews from Oświęcim (resettling them in Sosnowiec and Chrzanów), confiscated their homes, and sold them to IG Farben as housing for company employees brought in from Germany. Some local Polish residents were dispossessed in the same way. Finally, IG Farben officials reached an agreement with the concentration camp commandant on hiring prisoners at a preferential rate of 3 to 4 marks per day for the labor of auxiliary and skilled construction workers. In a letter to his colleagues about the negotiations, IG Farben director Otto Ambros wrote that “our new friendship with the SS is very fruitful.”
Thats weird. There is a DEMOCRAT President,...A DEMOCRAT Atty General, A DEMOCRAT senate, and a DEMOCRAT congress. Either he didnt commit treason, or the Dems committed Treason with him and are in on it, Or the Dems are so worthless, stupid and weak that they cant lock him up. Otherwise he would be in jail for Treason. So which of the three is it do you think?

Looks like Pedo Don to me, the traitor who attempted a coup. Do you agree that anyone who took an oath to defend the Constitution and then attacked Congress is a traitor?
Thats weird. There is a DEMOCRAT President,...A DEMOCRAT Atty General, A DEMOCRAT senate, and a DEMOCRAT congress. Either he didnt commit treason, or the Dems committed Treason with him and are in on it, Or the Dems are so worthless, stupid and weak that they cant lock him up. Otherwise he would be in jail for Treason. So which of the three is it do you think?

You're completely full of steaming shit!
Jan 6 was completely a Trump and Trump followers production!