Who will control the Senate after Election 2020?

Which party will control the Senate after the 2020 elections?

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The rallies don’t mean anything, back in 2016 they were a novelty, just as Obama’s crowds were in 2008, now, nothing, only FOX covers them, and only Trumpkins attend/watch them. Biden purposely doesn’t have them, following COVID guidelines, which sells in his party, besides, they don’t want any Herman Cains on their record

It’s a wash, only significant to those that want to believe either strategy significant

It's not that simple. Obama had the enthusiasm on his side in 2008. He drew large crowds. His opponent lacked both. That only FOX covers them only says that the MSM is in the Democrat's pocket. But offsetting that, FOX out performs the competition significantly in viewers. As an example of that, Trump and Biden recently gave speeches in Pennsylvania. Trump drew about four times as many viewers as Biden.

Biden's "following COVID guidelines" is an excuse for his lack of crowds.