Whoops: Report That Harris Team Regrets Not Picking Shapiro, As Nate Silver Has More Bad News

Poor desperate MAGATs. Totally untrue that 538 claims Trump is winning. Retrieved just now from the site:



The election will be won or lost in 7 swing states and Nate Silver has Trump ahead in those states.

that is general polling dipshit - and why are we talking Michigan? How is Pennsylvania?

this is about winning the presidency - which is state by state electoral college polls

need any more help retard?
For someone who throws the disgusting term 'retard' around so much, you might want to look in the mirror. You stupid fuck. The OP claims that Harris has trouble in Michigan. If you weren't learning disabled, you would learn how to use Silver's site. The one you hail as much better than 538.

It is NOT general polling. There is a chart where you can select any of a number of states for current polling. Harris is up in Michigan, and Pa as of today. trump lost several points in Michigan when Biden dropped out. He went from a several point lead, to an average of 2-3 point loss.

You really need to stop the hysterics, and do a modicum of work before you embarrass yourself here on a daily basis.
For someone who throws the disgusting term 'retard' around so much, you might want to look in the mirror. You stupid fuck. The OP claims that Harris has trouble in Michigan. If you weren't learning disabled, you would learn how to use Silver's site. The one you hail as much better than 538.
Hey fuckwad, our discussion was about how you all were claiming fake info for using Silvers own site and not 538. Gaslighting shit stain
Hey fuckwad, our discussion was about how you all were claiming fake info for using Silvers own site and not 538. Gaslighting shit stain
You poor, stupid fuck. I get bored kicking your ass every time you try to sit at the adult table. I shoved Silver's website up your ass, and now you cannot back pedal fast enough. Now go play with the children. This thread is WAY above your paygrade.
Does that mean it will always go Republican?

Every election cycle, the polls get closer. It's not like California, where Dems count on big double-digit wins. TX is close now.
Cruz might just lose this time. Beto was a tad too weird for Texans, and he came within a point or two.
You poor, stupid fuck. I get bored kicking your ass every time you try to sit at the adult table. I shoved Silver's website up your ass, and now you cannot back pedal fast enough. Now go play with the children. This thread is WAY above your paygrade.
Derp derp you retard. I even predicted you shit stains would refuse to admit your error. She linked to 538 asswipe