Who's Goinna Build Your Wall?


Hello and goodbye forever katzgar,

I have made my policy quite clear.

I appreciate the fact that we're done since you're too thick to understand simple humor.

You mocked me in a mean and nasty way, and then claimed 'humor.' If you thought that was funny, this ought to be a total side-splitter for you:

Your comments will now be permanently Ignored.

You also won't have to worry about how to reply to my threads.

You will be banned from posting in any future thread I create.

Thanks for helping me to save time while searching for the most intellectual comments.

Thanks for helping me to get my filters set properly for time-savings.

It's nice to be able to quickly breeze right past insignificant and meaningless personal attacks.

This leaves me with a wonderful gift - a posting experience which excludes anything you type.

Hello and goodbye forever katzgar,

I have made my policy quite clear.

You mocked me in a mean and nasty way, and then claimed 'humor.' If you thought that was funny, this ought to be a total side-splitter for you:

Your comments will now be permanently Ignored.

You also won't have to worry about how to reply to my threads.

You will be banned from posting in any future thread I create.

Thanks for helping me to save time while searching for the most intellectual comments.

Thanks for helping me to get my filters set properly for time-savings.

It's nice to be able to quickly breeze right past insignificant and meaningless personal attacks.

This leaves me with a wonderful gift - a posting experience which excludes anything you type.


You don't understand what it means to be done do you
Symbolic? Silly. Our president wishes to enforce our laws, do you disagree?
As for resentment, no one opposes legal immigration.
And the hatred? I have never seen the hatred expressed for a sitting president
like the hatred expressed for this president, those who voted for him and those
who work for him in my lifetime like I see today. Every president before him has
had those who disagree with him, haven't they?
How has he "championed hatred," other than bring out the hatred of those who
disagree, or just simply dislike him?
How diabolical!

You kidding? Obama had hate like no president ever. That is mostly because of bigots. Trump is creating his hate. He had all the protections against it, white and wealthy. But he blows it by being such a nasty man. Trump is in the middle of a trip alienting allies and polishing it off with blowing Putin. He may break up NATO when he is done. Trump is such a damn liar too.
It does raise some interesting questions...

Wouldn't the wall cost less with immigrant labor?

I got no problem with Mexicans building the wall. We could probably offer them a deal after convicting them for crossing the border illegally: Spend 20 years behind bars or spend 2 years building the wall.
You kidding? Obama had hate like no president ever. That is mostly because of bigots. Trump is creating his hate. He had all the protections against it, white and wealthy. But he blows it by being such a nasty man. Trump is in the middle of a trip alienting allies and polishing it off with blowing Putin. He may break up NATO when he is done. Trump is such a damn liar too.

Hello hvilleherb,

I got no problem with Mexicans building the wall. We could probably offer them a deal after convicting them for crossing the border illegally: Spend 20 years behind bars or spend 2 years building the wall.

Bad idea.

It costs approx $18,000 to incarcerate a prisoner for a year. Would you be willing to pay higher taxes to lock up everyone who crosses illegally for 20 years?

That would cost $360,000 per undocumented immigrant.

Since few people wish to pay an extra $18,000 in taxes per year, it would take 18 tax-paying Americans for every undocumented immigrant, each paying an extra $1000 per year in taxes to fund such a policy. Or it would take 36 Americans willing to pay an extra $500 per year. Or 72 Americans paying $250.

I don't want to pay an extra $250, or $500, or $1000 or $18,000 per year in taxes. I disagree with that policy idea. And I don't want the cost tacked onto the debt with interest for my grandchildren to pay, either.

How about we just schedule a hearing for them, slap a reusable ankle monitoring bracelet on them and release them until we can give them the hearing they deserve under international law that we agree to? And in the duration, anything they buy has sales tax on it so they are actually paying taxes while they are here. Which is a good argument for the Fair tax.
Hello Nordberg,

You kidding? Obama had hate like no president ever. That is mostly because of bigots. Trump is creating his hate. He had all the protections against it, white and wealthy. But he blows it by being such a nasty man. Trump is in the middle of a trip alienting allies and polishing it off with blowing Putin. He may break up NATO when he is done. Trump is such a damn liar too.

This is the TRUTH that Trump's believers must pretend is not so, in order to cling to their false, rigged, and fake 'alternative facts.'
Hello hvilleherb,

Bad idea.

It costs approx $18,000 to incarcerate a prisoner for a year. Would you be willing to pay higher taxes to lock up everyone who crosses illegally for 20 years?

That would cost $360,000 per undocumented immigrant.

Since few people wish to pay an extra $18,000 in taxes per year, it would take 18 tax-paying Americans for every undocumented immigrant, each paying an extra $1000 per year in taxes to fund such a policy. Or it would take 36 Americans willing to pay an extra $500 per year. Or 72 Americans paying $250.

I don't want to pay an extra $250, or $500, or $1000 or $18,000 per year in taxes. I disagree with that policy idea. And I don't want the cost tacked onto the debt with interest for my grandchildren to pay, either.

How about we just schedule a hearing for them, slap a reusable ankle monitoring bracelet on them and release them until we can give them the hearing they deserve under international law that we agree to? And in the duration, anything they buy has sales tax on it so they are actually paying taxes while they are here. Which is a good argument for the Fair tax.

Getting free labor from those convicted of crossing the border is a win-win situation. We get the wall for free and the Mexicans who build it get job training.
Some people have to take what they're skill level allows ... have at it.

Can you operate a crane? I can't.

If it's publicly funded there will be a line of corporatists wanting at govt money, while they decry it out the other side of their mouths.

What the Sam Hell does that have to do with knowing how to operate a crane?

It has to do with your economic system and the built in corruption, that's why we need to get this off on another rail, right?

Economic system and built in corruption? Operating a crane? I think it is you who is "off on another rail..." :rolleyes: