Who's not vaxxed?

I never bent the knee.

I'm not anti-science, I have no reason to not believe in the vaccine, and even though democrats like biden, kamala harriis, andrew cumo, joy reid and others said the FDA and CDC can't really be trusted, and told people to be skeptical of the vaccine - it's probably ok.

But I don't need it. The vaxxed are safe, and I remain a pureblood and vaccine free. It's a win-win

I will never submit to the government and have them forcefully inject chemicals into my body.

The government lies about everything, and they lied about the dangers of covid. I hope to catch omricon so I get natural immunity and can finally put this behind me.
I am not jabbed. Interestingly enuff,.... I am literally just recovered from C-19. Here is what I will say on it. It is no fun. I understand it is different for everyone but for me it was a 2 and a half week thing from onset to totally back to normal. First 4 days were awful. Got better every day after that but in small little by little stages. The whole losing my taste and smell thing was much worse than I thought it would be. Not a fun experience.

That the good Lord for the new C-19 treatment drug that was FINALLY just approved though. Over 90% effective. I think that it could be a game changer. I myself would have zero problem taking it if I ever needed it. In fact, as soon as I had symptoms I have no doubt I would seek a script for it.
Something else I find interesting about my experience. All of us have had common colds, flu's, sinus stuff, ear infections, ect ect. We KNOW what they all FEEL like from experience.

About 16 years ago I managed to get full blown bacterial pneumonia. THAT,...was horrific. Way worse than the C-19. Could have easily bit the dust with that one. Funny thing was,....almost as soon as I was first getting it I could kinda tell that it was just different. More serious. Just FELT different right from the start even before I had any of the severe symptoms. AND IT WAS.

Same thing with the C-19. Just had a totally different feel right from the beginning. No idea why,....just know thats how it was. Hope this helps someone.......
I never bent the knee.

I'm not anti-science, I have no reason to not believe in the vaccine, and even though democrats like biden, kamala harriis, andrew cumo, joy reid and others said the FDA and CDC can't really be trusted, and told people to be skeptical of the vaccine - it's probably ok.

But I don't need it. The vaxxed are safe, and I remain a pureblood and vaccine free. It's a win-win

I will never submit to the government and have them forcefully inject chemicals into my body.

The government lies about everything, and they lied about the dangers of covid. I hope to catch omricon so I get natural immunity and can finally put this behind me.

Dude, it's Trump's vaccine. Even he recommends it.

I'm fully vaxxed with booster, flu shot every year, just updated my TDAP and both pneumonia shots. Next up is Shingles. I was a military dependent up through HS graduation then military myself. I always vaxxed because 1) I hate being sick and 2) a slight majority of people are dirty idiots.

Looking at person to determine if they are contagious or not is like looking at beautiful woman who wants to fuck raw dog and trust that she doesn't have an STD.

Smart people take care of themselves and trust what the majority of our scientists, doctor and political leaders of both sides are doing: Get the shot.
Something else I find interesting about my experience. All of us have had common colds, flu's, sinus stuff, ear infections, ect ect. We KNOW what they all FEEL like from experience.

About 16 years ago I managed to get full blown bacterial pneumonia. THAT,...was horrific. Way worse than the C-19. Could have easily bit the dust with that one. Funny thing was,....almost as soon as I was first getting it I could kinda tell that it was just different. More serious. Just FELT different right from the start even before I had any of the severe symptoms. AND IT WAS.

Same thing with the C-19. Just had a totally different feel right from the beginning. No idea why,....just know thats how it was. Hope this helps someone.......

You were very lucky, both with the pneumonia and with the Covid. Glad you recovered. I hope that you will reconsider getting the vaccine. You won't be 100% immune with either a natural case or with the vax, but odds are very good with the vaccine that if/when you do encounter the virus again, you won't be nearly as sick.

Happy holidays to you and hours.
You were very lucky, both with the pneumonia and with the Covid. Glad you recovered. I hope that you will reconsider getting the vaccine. You won't be 100% immune with either a natural case or with the vax, but odds are very good with the vaccine that if/when you do encounter the virus again, you won't be nearly as sick.

Happy holidays to you and hours.

Thank you....and happy holidays to you and yours as well.
You were very lucky, both with the pneumonia and with the Covid. Glad you recovered. I hope that you will reconsider getting the vaccine. You won't be 100% immune with either a natural case or with the vax, but odds are very good with the vaccine that if/when you do encounter the virus again, you won't be nearly as sick.

Happy holidays to you and hours.

If he gets the vax, he can't be a COVID superspreader. ;)
You were very lucky, both with the pneumonia and with the Covid. Glad you recovered. I hope that you will reconsider getting the vaccine. You won't be 100% immune with either a natural case or with the vax, but odds are very good with the vaccine that if/when you do encounter the virus again, you won't be nearly as sick.

Happy holidays to you and hours.

I know you were in nursing so maybe you can answer this for me. Regarding the bacterial pneumonia. We were working on a project surrounded by a couple of lakes at the time. When this was going on a strange thing was happening in that neighborhood. It seems many of the dogs in the general area were coming down with Blasto. I know Blasto has something to do with the soil, damp soil I think. Then,....I come down with the bacterial. I always wondered if the two were somehow connected or just an odd coincidence because blasto I believe is also a disease of the lungs.
I know you were in nursing so maybe you can answer this for me. Regarding the bacterial pneumonia. We were working on a project surrounded by a couple of lakes at the time. When this was going on a strange thing was happening in that neighborhood. It seems many of the dogs in the general area were coming down with Blasto. I know Blasto has something to do with the soil, damp soil I think. Then,....I come down with the bacterial. I always wondered if the two were somehow connected or just an odd coincidence because blasto I believe is also a disease of the lungs.

Blasto is caused by a fungal infection; yours was verified as bacterial which is treated with standard antibiotics. But the same conditions that led to the blasto outbreak -- warmth, humidity, etc. -- could have also increased bacterial growth. Usually bacterial pneumonia begins as a viral infection like the flu or even the regular old cold. For whatever reason the bacteria already present in your respiratory tract multiply out of control, probably because your immune system is busy fighting the viral infection. I had bacterial pneumonia that developed from a bad case of the flu many years ago. You're right; you KNOW something is wrong. I could hear my lungs crackle like cellophane even w/o a stethoscope.
Another thing I wanted to mention. So,....as some of you know,...I just lost my best good buddy a few weeks back. Our family Dog. Then,.....on the second day of my illness I found out that an old friend had recently passed away. Rumor is it was of Covid and he was double jabbed. I have no idea if either is true, never looked into it. Then, about a week into the illness my sister in law passed away,....NOT covid. Oh,...and at the same time all this is going on I find out another good friend of mine had Covid and pneumonia. He is fully recovered now and just fine.

But heres the point.......... We all know how the Human mind can work. Can you imagine what my mindset was there for awhile? Ahhhhh,....not too good. To say the least. All better now though,.... feel like ME again. STILL going to stay away from politics though. We are ripping the country apart with this bullshit and I wont be a part of it any more. BOTH sides are wrong. The hate MUST stop,....if it doesnt we wont have a country anymore. I wont be a part of that.
They have to be infected first though.

Science deniers love to show their ignorance by screaming it from the top of Mount Stupid.

And I dont want to hear about how much people LOVE the country anymore. If you support hating your fellow man, if you support spreading hate and conflict because of your silly political views than you dont really love the country at all. Way too many good people have allowed themselves to be turned into monsters because of this bullshit and I was one of them. Among the worst in fact. NO MORE......
Another thing I wanted to mention. So,....as some of you know,...I just lost my best good buddy a few weeks back. Our family Dog. Then,.....on the second day of my illness I found out that an old friend had recently passed away. Rumor is it was of Covid and he was double jabbed. I have no idea if either is true, never looked into it. Then, about a week into the illness my sister in law passed away,....NOT covid. Oh,...and at the same time all this is going on I find out another good friend of mine had Covid and pneumonia. He is fully recovered now and just fine.

But heres the point.......... We all know how the Human mind can work. Can you imagine what my mindset was there for awhile? Ahhhhh,....not too good. To say the least. All better now though,.... feel like ME again. STILL going to stay away from politics though. We are ripping the country apart with this bullshit and I wont be a part of it any more. BOTH sides are wrong. The hate MUST stop,....if it doesnt we wont have a country anymore. I wont be a part of that.

Life is too short for hate.
I never bent the knee.

I'm not anti-science, I have no reason to not believe in the vaccine, and even though democrats like biden, kamala harriis, andrew cumo, joy reid and others said the FDA and CDC can't really be trusted, and told people to be skeptical of the vaccine - it's probably ok.

But I don't need it. The vaxxed are safe, and I remain a pureblood and vaccine free. It's a win-win

I will never submit to the government and have them forcefully inject chemicals into my body.

The government lies about everything, and they lied about the dangers of covid. I hope to catch omricon so I get natural immunity and can finally put this behind me.

I think you’re going to find you will enjoy less and less of your perceived freedom as a result of your decision. It’s a lose lose. Exactly the opposite of what you said. Since your choice not to end the pandemic and put others at risk it can only mean you are not interested in participating in society. Prepare to be obliged. We’re going to help you out with that.