Who's not vaxxed?

I never bent the knee.

I'm not anti-science, I have no reason to not believe in the vaccine, and even though democrats like biden, kamala harriis, andrew cumo, joy reid and others said the FDA and CDC can't really be trusted, and told people to be skeptical of the vaccine - it's probably ok.

But I don't need it. The vaxxed are safe, and I remain a pureblood and vaccine free. It's a win-win

I will never submit to the government and have them forcefully inject chemicals into my body.

The government lies about everything, and they lied about the dangers of covid. I hope to catch omricon so I get natural immunity and can finally put this behind me.

My opinion is a bit different.
Shot in the arm or shot in the head.

I don't lose sleep worrying about your personal liberties. You're a disease carrier and thus a public enemy.
I will never submit to the government and have them forcefully inject chemicals into my body.

The government lies about everything, and they lied about the dangers of covid. I hope to catch omricon so I get natural immunity and can finally put this behind me.

Do you refuse to take all medicines (all approved by the FDA). If we can't trust the government surely no other medicine is safe, either. You refuse all operations or anethesia or blood pressure medicine, or anything else recommended by the medical community?
I never bent the knee.

I'm not anti-science, I have no reason to not believe in the vaccine, and even though democrats like biden, kamala harriis, andrew cumo, joy reid and others said the FDA and CDC can't really be trusted, and told people to be skeptical of the vaccine - it's probably ok.

But I don't need it. The vaxxed are safe, and I remain a pureblood and vaccine free. It's a win-win

I will never submit to the government and have them forcefully inject chemicals into my body.

The government lies about everything, and they lied about the dangers of covid. I hope to catch omricon so I get natural immunity and can finally put this behind me.

I got my Booster at the Airport a few days ago. but I want to assure you that I support the Right-wing and their 'Right-to-Die' campaign.

Victory 2022 & 2024!

Got two jabs as soon as I was able...and did a booster as soon as available.

I've been vaccinated for smallpox and polio...as well as several others that I cannot even remember about.

For those who think that is too intrusive...I wish them the best of luck in avoiding Covid. I hear it is a bitch when it hits hard.
Another thing I wanted to mention. So,....as some of you know,...I just lost my best good buddy a few weeks back. Our family Dog. Then,.....on the second day of my illness I found out that an old friend had recently passed away. Rumor is it was of Covid and he was double jabbed. I have no idea if either is true, never looked into it. Then, about a week into the illness my sister in law passed away,....NOT covid. Oh,...and at the same time all this is going on I find out another good friend of mine had Covid and pneumonia. He is fully recovered now and just fine.

But heres the point.......... We all know how the Human mind can work. Can you imagine what my mindset was there for awhile? Ahhhhh,....not too good. To say the least. All better now though,.... feel like ME again. STILL going to stay away from politics though. We are ripping the country apart with this @#$&#$% and I wont be a part of it any more. BOTH sides are wrong. The hate MUST stop,....if it doesnt we wont have a country anymore. I wont be a part of that.

Been right there exactly one year ago. Had COVID, notified me on Christmas Day was isolated, we lost several people in my community the weeks before I came down with it (I had to preach a funeral for two of my friends…one COVID and one not) and a couple community members died during my quarantine. My mindset was much the same as yours, I’m sure.

And I agree with your assessment of the political stuff as well. I have voiced my opinion much more softly the last year and will continue to walk that path. I am still staunchly for some things and against some things. That hasn’t changed, but I will simply vote accordingly. I don’t know where this country is headed but it’s a worrisome thing to read this board and think that it is representative of America.
I’m moving to a good neighborhood.


What I always wanted to be. A baby sitter. Now you have welfare making decisions for you.

I’m walking around with my deek out. Where ever you look. Dough Nuts! The high school is right there. Zoning laws.
The salute, you ever fish for cut throat trout?
Been right there exactly one year ago. Had COVID, notified me on Christmas Day was isolated, we lost several people in my community the weeks before I came down with it (I had to preach a funeral for two of my friends…one COVID and one not) and a couple community members died during my quarantine. My mindset was much the same as yours, I’m sure.

And I agree with your assessment of the political stuff as well. I have voiced my opinion much more softly the last year and will continue to walk that path. I am still staunchly for some things and against some things. That hasn’t changed, but I will simply vote accordingly. I don’t know where this country is headed but it’s a worrisome thing to read this board and think that it is representative of America.

Agree on all. Right there with you.
I have minor asthma...so I got the jabs.

Sadly...they did not work and I died from Covid-19 a few weeks ago.
But...it's great here in heaven...so I cannot complain.

As for other people getting it?
I honestly do not much care.
It should be 100% up to them.
Been right there exactly one year ago. Had COVID, notified me on Christmas Day was isolated, we lost several people in my community the weeks before I came down with it (I had to preach a funeral for two of my friends…one COVID and one not) and a couple community members died during my quarantine. My mindset was much the same as yours, I’m sure.

And I agree with your assessment of the political stuff as well. I have voiced my opinion much more softly the last year and will continue to walk that path. I am still staunchly for some things and against some things. That hasn’t changed, but I will simply vote accordingly. I don’t know where this country is headed but it’s a worrisome thing to read this board and think that it is representative of America.

I started doing an accounting of my actions in here a couple of months back and didnt like what I saw at all. I had allowed Satan to use politics as a way to divide people. Thats what he does,...he corrupts and divides people. Gets them to look at each other as the enemy so they never see who the true enemy is. NO MORE. Like you, many/most of my views are unchanged but I refuse to be hateful over political matters. Kind of defeats the purpose if you think about it. We all have a choice between living in darkness or choosing the truth that our Lord and savior brought into the world. I choose the truth and the truth is a message of love for your fellow man, not hatred.
For me, there are too many unanswered questions about both the virus and the vaccine for me to say "Sure, hit me."

My Mom and brother are both vaxxed. My daughter and son-in-law are vaxxed. Many of my friends are vaxxed.

But until someone can tell me why people who've been fully vaxxed and wear masks are getting Covid (which I've had twice), there's little chance I'll submit...
you could easily say everyone is not vaxed since the jab is no guarantee that you will not:
a. test positive for one or more cooties once or multiple times
b. actually develop symptoms even if you do test positive

Clearly the tests are all but useless and the danger of actually contracting the disease(s) is quite low.

Stay away from public restrooms, hotels, airliners and banging people you just met. Far more effctive than masks and untested vaccinations.
For me, there are too many unanswered questions about both the virus and the vaccine for me to say "Sure, hit me."

My Mom and brother are both vaxxed. My daughter and son-in-law are vaxxed. Many of my friends are vaxxed.

But until someone can tell me why people who've been fully vaxxed and wear masks are getting Covid (which I've had twice), there's little chance I'll submit...

They should open American Auschwitz just for the anti-vaxxers.
That's my Christmas wish for today.