Who's not vaxxed?

I started doing an accounting of my actions in here a couple of months back and didnt like what I saw at all. I had allowed Satan to use politics as a way to divide people. Thats what he does,...he corrupts and divides people. Gets them to look at each other as the enemy so they never see who the true enemy is. NO MORE. Like you, many/most of my views are unchanged but I refuse to be hateful over political matters. Kind of defeats the purpose if you think about it. We all have a choice between living in darkness or choosing the truth that our Lord and savior brought into the world. I choose the truth and the truth is a message of love for your fellow man, not hatred.

Amen!Run for office!
For me, there are too many unanswered questions about both the virus and the vaccine for me to say "Sure, hit me."

My Mom and brother are both vaxxed. My daughter and son-in-law are vaxxed. Many of my friends are vaxxed.

But until someone can tell me why people who've been fully vaxxed and wear masks are getting Covid (which I've had twice), there's little chance I'll submit...

It doesn't keep you from getting it, it keeps you from being dead or on a ventilator a few weeks. Your choice.
you could easily say everyone is not vaxed since the jab is no guarantee that you will not:
a. test positive for one or more cooties once or multiple times
b. actually develop symptoms even if you do test positive

Clearly the tests are all but useless and the danger of actually contracting the disease(s) is quite low.

Stay away from public restrooms, hotels, airliners and banging people you just met. Far more effctive than masks and untested vaccinations.

You're the dumb ass when some guy at the grocery,carryout,Wal-Mart, gas station,coughs,sneeze,breaths by you,and you end up in the hospital begging the nurse for the shot,a day late.
Your choice.
I only have two jabs, so I am on the edge of not being fully vaxxed. I am off of the Jab Train at least temporarily...increasingly it looks like taking more jabs is a bad idea.
The very fact that any people globally have a choice is very objectionable to me.

The un-vaccinated are potential carriers and thus their prerogative to forgo inoculation does not exist in actual civilization.

Their rightful options are to be vaccinated or not be vaccinated but rather kill themselves instead.
Those who choose neither require to have the choice made for them.
Why is that?

Because Gert might be right that we are likely to see a very deadly version of SARS-COV2 because we have completely bungled this pandemic, and he might also be right that those who allowed themselves to be jabbed will be the worse off then, those who took the most jabs will be the most likely to die.
Because Gert might be right that we are likely to see a very deadly version of SARS-COV2 because we have completely bungled this pandemic, and he might also be right that those who allowed themselves to be jabbed will be the worse off then, those who took the most jabs will be the most likely to die.

Gert who?
I am a pureblood. No jabs for me. Haven't been sick with anything in numerous years, let alone COVID. Not the least bit concerned about it.
The very fact that any people globally have a choice is very objectionable to me.

The un-vaccinated are potential carriers and thus their prerogative to forgo inoculation does not exist in actual civilization.

Their rightful options are to be vaccinated or not be vaccinated but rather kill themselves instead.
Those who choose neither require to have the choice made for them.

Silly boi, vaccinated people are carriers too. You get to make choices for you and those you are in charge of only.
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I think you’re going to find you will enjoy less and less of your perceived freedom as a result of your decision. It’s a lose lose. Exactly the opposite of what you said. Since your choice not to end the pandemic and put others at risk it can only mean you are not interested in participating in society. Prepare to be obliged. We’re going to help you out with that.

Seig Heil, Der Fuhrer! I'd like to see you personally be the first to step up and try.
I had the sniffles on Monday. I had to drive 35 miles to get a rapid test. I was lucky…I checked today and couldn’t find an appointment for the entire weekend. So their selfishness costs ALL of us. Sadly I’m in Florida and DeSantis has no qualms about killing people but NY should be the model. You should not be allowed in any public venues without proof of vaccination. Period. Full stop. I’m sick of their attitude.

Then why the fuck are you in Florida, bitch? GTFO>

We have quite enough arrogant NYers to suffer here without yet another one of the jackasses.