Who's really responsible aside from the bleeping shooter?

It seems, according to the El Paso shooter’s manifesto his agenda was to murder as many Latino people as he could, caused by his frustration with the illegal invasion of Latinos at our southern border. While President Trump’s frustration is well understood being similar, our President has attempted to solve the border invasion legally by building a wall, making an agreement with Mexico for Mexican troops to stop the illegal invasion of thousands of Latinos, & by consistently charging the Congress to amend our immigration and asylum laws to discourage and prevent such invasions of Latinos & others. Donald Trump has done everything he legally can to solve the border situation without a single dime’s wort of help from the Congress, especially the obstructionist Democrats who are intentionally obstructing any & all action by the Congress to solve the problem, simply because the Democrats hate Trump and want him to fail & be blamed for the border humanitarian tragedy, emergency & dilemma.

Taking all of the above into consideration, every sane, honest & intelligent person can only come to the conclusion that The Congress & especially the Democrat Congress critters are responsible for creating the conditions at our border that pushed the El Paso shooter over the edge. If anybody aside from the bleeping insane shooter bears any responsibility for the mass murders it sure as hell isn’t Donald J. Trump, it’s the slackers and obstructionist in the bleeping Congress!

I blame idiots like ROBO, who support our racist president!

The President isn't racist you buffoonish lying moron.

You either support racism- or stand up to it and call it out!

You should kill yourself. You're a nobody. You'll always be a nobody. You're a moron. You will always be a moron. No one will miss you. No one would care. The worlds collective IQ would increase and it would save the valuable oxygen you waste with every breath.
The shooter is legally responsible for his actions.


Trump and his supporters are morally accountable for creating a climate of xenophobic paranoia which can only help rightwing terrorists feel justified in their fantasies of mass murder, it provides them a sense of legitimacy as their paranoid grievances are given voice by the nation's highest public office holder.

You know perfectly well that over-the-top rhetoric about "invasions" of brown people from the south, invasions of Mexican rapists, and hollering about hordes of illegal aliens from shithole countries bent on ruining our country and destroying our culture coming out of the mouth of the President of the United States and his supporters is exactly akin to pouring fuel on a smoldering fire.

You're pegging the bullshit meter on this one snowflake.

One out of two aint bad though. Usually you get NOTHING right.

yes white rightwing christian "kulture"

You should kill yourself. You're a nobody. You'll always be a nobody. You're a moron. You will always be a moron. No one will miss you. No one would care. The worlds collective IQ would increase and it would save the valuable oxygen you waste with every breath.
The shooter is legally responsible for his actions.

Trump and his supporters are morally accountable for creating a climate of xenophobic paranoia which can only help rightwing terrorists feel justified in their fantasies of mass murder, it provides them a sense of legitimacy as their paranoid grievances are given voice by the nation's highest public office holder.
Emotive Language Fallacy. Bigotry Fallacy. Void Argument Fallacy. Psychoquackery.

You know perfectly well that over-the-top rhetoric about "invasions"
It is an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain. It quite literally IS an invasion.

of brown people from the south, invasions of Mexican rapists, and hollering about hordes of illegal aliens from shithole countries bent on ruining our country and destroying our culture coming out of the mouth of the President of the United States and his supporters is exactly akin to pouring fuel on a smoldering fire.
Emotive Language Fallacy. Racism Fallacy. Bigotry Fallacy.

Why are you filled with such hatred and vitriol?
Originally Posted by guno yes white rightwing christian "kulture"

gfm7175 Racism Fallacy. Bigotry Fallacy.

The alt-right bigotry fallacy denying any racism being at fault is once again clear and to the point.

So you are perfectly fine with me coming into your home illegally?? I mean, under your very own logic, I wouldn't be invading, since I'm not a soldier, and I'm simply a person looking to live there...

I didn't say that. I'm not fine with illegal immigration and I'm all for building the wall. I'm saying that lying about this being an invasion leads to people using violence to kill these people.

How old are you?
I didn't say that. I'm not fine with illegal immigration and I'm all for building the wall. I'm saying that lying about this being an invasion leads to people using violence to kill these people.

How old are you?

No one has killed any of these invaders.