Who's the most fair, or nicest poster on JPP?

Yeah, but my criteria also included "good natured", which MOtt has in spades. I think most of the obnoxious stuff he does is an act.

Actually, before this board prided itself on recently becoming Stromfront Two, fueled by racism, misogyny, libel, and petty personal grudges, this place was chock full of good natured, reasonably polite posters. Don Quixote, IHG, CareForAll, Tianna, Froggie, Oncelear and Thorn are just a few that come to mind.

Oncelor is Thing 1, also a good candidate.
the Dutch already gave Mueller the tapes they recorded

So its the UK who raided the C A offices and gave the evidence to the FBI

and the Dutch with tapes of Russia hacking that they gave to the FBI

how does that translate into an American deep state
You are forgetting Leaning Right.

You are right. He seems like a gentle soul, and by the standards of the internets, surprisingly civilized.

Sorry you did not make my list, man. I commend you for many things (aka, stomping the shit out of lying rightwingers), But I had to mark you down points for belligerent potty mouth!
Hello Jade Dragon,

Do I have to close this discussion, and go back to ban lists? Jeeze people, save the bad stuff for the discussions that address it. Don't ruin this one.

Thread banning is totally your friend.

I would highly recommend it for peace of mind.

There is a place of deeper enlightenment only achievable after the chatter of poster-obssessed posts are filtered out of the issue-oriented posts.

The energy of what you are reading changes, and so does your energy.

I actually discovered this quite by accident.

Long ago and far away in a different galaxy I was a different poster on a different board. Very much like many here today, I traded all the slams I thought were fitting.

But I noticed that a few did not do that. And their credibility was high.

I began to admire their inertia. Always there to say something poignant, never getting involved in the tit-for-tat of trying to burn one another.

I wondered if I could change my own posting style, my image on the board. Could I decide what I wanted to be; and then set about turning myself into that? The short answer was: Yes. It wasn't easy, but over time I stopped making the kind of cheap-shot posts I did not admire, and began making more to-the-point on-Topic posts.

And what I found along the way was both unexpected and wonderful.

Your own energy changes when you purposely change the energy you put out.

It's like the old: 'What goes around comes around' thing.

At first it was really difficult. I had to stop myself from trying to either directly or indirectly attack the credibility of other posters. It takes a bit of work. If you are going to comment about something, you need to learn the details. And it helps to look at the take from the left, and the take from the right.

In order to progress and be a better poster you have to be able to identify the traits you wish to suppress, and learn how to form the ones you want to project. That means you have to be brutally honest with yourself. If somebody makes a valid criticism of you, you have to reckon with that instead of blowing it off. Everybody is human here. We all make mistakes. Some of us learn from them because we admit it when we make one. Others never want to admit their mistakes, so they don't learn from them. And they don't progress. They stay locked into one narrow view, blocking out their own mistake of not seeing it, and denying anything else anyone else says which challenges their bubble. That's sad.

People who self-medicate and fall into an escapist loop tend to not mature during all the years they are on the stuff constantly. They can be the type which does not want to face up to making mistakes. (although that group is not limited only to self-medicators.)

Having a big ego also makes it difficult to admit and reckon with mistakes.

There is a mindset which actually feels inferior inside, (perhaps less informed?) and is ashamed of that, so they project the opposite. They pretend to be a know-it-all, have all the answers, etc. But when you call them on specifics, they don't have any, and their argument quickly falls apart. Instead of letting that happen, the big ego type often turns to internet aggression. Too bad, because these habits hold them back, and actually prevent them from being the better-informed people they have convinced themselves they are. If someone tries to tell them conflicting information, they simply get nasty instead of going over the disagreement point by point. An all-too-predictable pattern. Sad.

But if you manage to rise above that, leave it all behind, YOUR OWN ENERGY changes for the better. You gain the ability to see and understand things which others don't get. (Ironically, they think the same things about you, but if you have actually been like that in the past and risen above it, you know the difference, and they don't.)

The better 'energy?'

Totally worth it.

Which is why I highly recommend using the threadban feature.

We, The Civil, have the power to marginalize the unruly.

All we have to do is use it.
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Hello ThatOwlWoman,

I don't think that there is any "nice" way to stand up to abusers. Our choices are to ignore the abuser and his/her abuse, try to talk nicely to the abuser in hopes of changing his/her behaviors, or getting up in his/her face. I tried the first two, much to my sorrow (and scar collection). They don't work so much.

It is better not to stand up to them at all.

You don't have to.

Denying them any response at all is the ultimate slam. They are left with nothing, and nothing to respond to. Endorphin rush denied. Shut down. Down and out. It is the ultimate power over trolling. It is the nuclear option of internet posting, and it is completely effective. Anything else makes you an enabler for their abuse.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

It is better not to stand up to them at all.

You don't have to.

Denying them any response at all is the ultimate slam. They are left with nothing, and nothing to respond to. Endorphin rush denied. Shut down. Down and out. It is the ultimate power over trolling. It is the nuclear option of internet posting, and it is completely effective. Anything else makes you an enabler for their abuse.

It depends upon whether it is a real life/meatspace situation, or a cyber one -- and it also depends on what is going on. Quite often ignoring bullies just causes an escalation in their abuse.