If telling a white supremacist piece of shit that they’re a white supremacist piece of shit is race hustling then yea I guess...sure
So if someone says they are proud they are white, they are a white supremacist piece of shit????
If telling a white supremacist piece of shit that they’re a white supremacist piece of shit is race hustling then yea I guess...sure
So if someone says they are proud they are white, they are a white supremacist piece of shit????
He literally called black people brainless animals in this thread
I'd have thought that a capitalist oligarchy, run by the rich for the rich, was as near as you could get to an aristocracy (given the lack of the necessary aristocratic class) and you've already got that. Heil Trumpf and the Power of Money!
The last election was between two rich corrupt Capitalists owned by the 1% who made their wealth through exploiting the working-class. So, yeah, seems pretty close to an aristocracy, alright.
Thank you for that brilliant insight, "Aristotle"
On a personal note I am a White Anglo-Saxon man and I am very proud of my cultural heritage and ancestry I am proud to be a White European man.
White Western European civilisation began about 1000 years ago and the culture of this civilisation is OBJECTIVELY superior that which has been produced by ANY other race/ethnic group in the entire 6,000 years of human civilisation. White culture reached its greatest heights over the past 500 years and many of the most stunning cultural achievements in science, mathematics, the fine arts, literature, technology, politics/ government, exploration, engineering were the work of White, Western ANGLO-Europeans The unquestioned superiority of White Western Anglo-European culture/civilisation had two roots: the spiritual cities of Jerusalem (Christian morality) and Ancient Athens (rational thought).
While Black sub-Saharan African were slaughtering and cannibalising each other, eating grubs and nuts, incapable of any form of agriculture, incapable of organising any kind of organised government or civilised society (incapable, in short, of organising a fuck in a brothel), Neil Armstrong was walking on the moon. Meanwhile in the Islamic Middle Eastern nations the majority of Muslims were still living as they had in the 7th century, for example, still practising primitive Sharia law which involved such charming behaviours as stoning women convicted of adultery to death, pushing homosexuals off the top of cliffs, amputating the hands of children who had been accused of theft with knives and axes, allowing husbands to regularly, rape and beat their wives, cutting the heads off apostates, practising polygamy, marrying and impregnating 12 year old girls who died giving birth, being governed by religious maniacs like the Ayatollah Khomeini and psychopaths like Saddam Hussein whose Baath Party tortured and murdered well over 1,000,000 of his own people and so on. The Muslims' Islamic "culture" also managed to cook up such delightful organisations as ISIS, Al Quaeda, the Taliban and so on. While kids in the West were free to dance to the the "Beatles" and the "Rolling Stones" in the 1960s, in China , however, there was no fun to be had, because Chairman Mao was carrying out a bloodthirsty form of Marxist revolution and murdering any Chinese youth who refused to kiss his fat communist arse.
So arsehole don't ever insult my White Western culture or my pride in its superior achievements and civilizations, or I'll grab you by the scruff of the neck and throw you on a plane headed for the Republic of South Africa where a White CUNT like you would very likely be tortured to death by the local Blacks in short order after arriving, basically because they are brainless animals (average IQ=70) who get a kick out of killing Whites in 2020 as revenge for apartheid. Funny, but when South Africa was under White rule the state didn't fall apart. But ever since 1995, when the Republic of South Africa, began to be governed by corrupt, Black, ANC, Marxist thugs/killers, they can't even keep the Republic's electricity flowing on a reliable basis and the murder-rate is stratospheric. Also half the fucking place is infected with AIDS and every second person lives on welfare. Now THAT'S what I call culture!
When Britannia got rid of the Romans in 410, the authorities in the Eastern provinces hired German mercenaries after the Roman fashion . According to the latest thinking there weren't many of them, but the guess is that the local dignitaries decided force was the future in a Post-Roman world and intermarried with them, so that their language gradually replaced Latin and British in the East, as Irish threatened to do in the West and succeeded in doing in large areas up beyond the Wall in the future Scoitland. The likelihood that Dachshynddawg] actually has many 'Anglo-Saxon' German genes in his makeup is therefore quite small. There were four-to-five million people in Roman Britannia, and the number of Germans seems to have been in the thousands. By a certain point everybody is descended from everybody, I suppose, but this use of 'Anglo-Saxon is, though common, historically most odd! Incidentally, I believe the Germans were, like so many of us now, a pinkish sort of colour!![]()
According to the latest thinking there weren't many of them [Anglo-Saxons], but the guess is that the local dignitaries ... intermarried with them, so that their language gradually replaced Latin and British in the East
'Aristocracy' was rule by the self-proclaimed 'best', the people the Athenian democrats called 'the fat'. What you have is a plutocracy- though Trump is fat enough, it would be difficult to find anything he was 'best' at except perhaps ludicrous lying!![]()
If that scenario is correct, isn't it surprising that, excluding place names, there are so few words of Welsh origin in the English language? Here is a list of about twenty, and they're scraping the barrel! (bara brith? crwth? hiraeth? kistvaen?)
Long live Boudica.
Oh, wait a minute. She's long dead!
The Iceni got as bit wild (not difficult if your daughters get raped by a lot of bloody bossy foreign nasties) and rushed things. We Silures took it steady and managed to wipe out most of one of their legions, which caused them to swear to exterminate us. Here we still are, however!![]()
Odd that we all came out of Africa. We are descendants from tribes that became successful hundreds of thousands of years ago. People are essentially identical. Egypt is in Africa and they were way ahead of Europe and other civilizations.
Another fact is that Muslim civilizations were way ahead of European civilizations. That is why we use Arabic numerals. They were into science and philosophy. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2010/feb/01/islamic-science
What happened? Religion. Just like Christian book burning and destruction of advances societies, the Arabs did the same thing and their advancement slowed to a crawl. People from every place on earth are equal in intelligence.
Are you fucking kidding here...or are you terminally stupid?
The Angles and the Saxons were fucking mud-eating barbarians while the Greeks, Egyptians and Romans were "civilizing" the world. There is damn near nothing that comes to us directly from either group that was not borrowed (or bestowed) on them from one of those cultures.
Your entire post is bullshit.
I don't have time to teach you a detailed history of Western culture/civilisation. I can tell you that it began about 3,500 years ago when the fair-skinned Indo-European speaking Yamnaya culture headed West into Europe from their homeland on the grasslands of the Pontic-Caspian steppe (located immediately north of the Caucasus mountains)What is most important for understanding the subsequent development of White Western European culture is the nature of the SPIRIT of these ancient Indo-European Yamnaya peope or what Oswald Spengler, the German philosopher of history referred to as their "Faustian Soul". The predominant characteristics of this "Faustian (Western) Soul" or Western spirit that inspired intellectual achievements of the Greeks of classical antiquity and the "aristocratic egalitarian" ethos of the warrior classes within the Germanic tribes such as the Goths, Vandals, Angles, Jutes and Saxons. The Romans did call them "barbarians, but they conquered the Roman Empire (which means the Western and major province of the Roman Empire in 476 AD (that is the date which is still conventionally given). Medieval scholaticism, the Renaissance, the Scientic Revolution, the Enlightenment, the Indidtrial revolution were all driven by attributes of the same Western Spirit or "Faustian Soul"
If you are a White, Anglo-European man and you wish to start learning about who you are and where you came from, you might start with this article...
"Oswald Spengler and the Faustian Soul of the West" by Ricardo Duchesne. My tatty, old lap-top will not allow me to post a link to the article directly for you, but it's easy to "google up." Moreover, if you find it interesting, there are plenty of other (free access) papers Duchesne has written regarding the unique history of the West - its exceptional/superior culture and magnificent civilizations over the millennia - that you can find very easily by doing a quick search on your computer.
On a personal note I am a White Anglo-Saxon man and I am very proud of my cultural heritage and ancestry I am proud to be a White European man.
White Western European civilisation began about 1000 years ago and the culture of this civilisation is OBJECTIVELY superior that which has been produced by ANY other race/ethnic group in the entire 6,000 years of human civilisation.
What you said, Asshole, was:
So I ask again:
Are you fucking kidding here...or are you terminally stupid?
You don't have to cut and paste all that shit...you can just choose the one of those two that best answers my question.
I don't "cut and paste" anything, you loathesome,leftist faggot. I just happen to know the history of my race in some detail. I'm proud of it you see (my race and my culture)- its important to me; but that's something a spineless, Democrat (socialist) jellyfish like yourself wouldn't be able to comprehend. I don't want my white, (Western European)-majority, Anglosphere nation to be over-run by dirty, "cognitively challenged" (i.e. low IQ/ dysexecutive syndrome) Blacks (from jungle-bunny republics in Sub-Saharan Africa), or Hispanics, or Latinos, or Guatemalans, or Muslims (Iraqis, Iranians, Saudi Arabians, Syrians, etc),or Brazilians,or Colombians, etc; like yours has been. That is, I don't want it turning into a filthy, disorderly, violent, decrepit, third-world "shit-hole" which is what will start to happen to America later this century (actually it's already happened in California - be careful you don't tread in those Mexicali turds on the city sidewalks there, brother!) when Whites become a despised minority group who will relentlessly persecuted by the coloured majority for the fact that they were such terrible racists in the past. You'll need to be very careful where you go, Frankie, or sho nuff some nigger will pop a cap in yo' chicken, honky ass on account o' Jim Crow![]()
And no, I'm NOT FUCKING kidding, cretin; White, Western European culture is objectively SUPERIOR to any other high culture that has ever emerged in the 6,000 year history of human civilization. That is a concrete , cold verifiable fact. "Even Daffy Duck" knows it. Are you denying it ? IF SO ,TELL ME WHICH CULTURE YOU THINK OUT-CLASSES IT?
Finally, I say I am Anglo-Saxon NOT because I'm actually a Germanic tribesman living in East Anglia in the 5th century, but because "Anglo-Saxon" is a common, modern-day synonym for "English". My parents/grandparents and their parents and grandparents were native ENGLISH, i.e; White Western (European) folk born in England.