Why are atheists like cypress so invested in monotheism?

I'd say the same thing about you, Cypress. YOU are the one who gets me threadbanned and then proceeds to ATTACK ME. What kind of fuck up does that? Well, I know...it's the kind of fuck up who realizes someone is on to his game and can outplay him every day and twice on Sundays.

So you ban me. You are scared of me. I find that kind of funny.
:lolup: Why don't you tell everyone again how smart you are because you are the only poster who knows about a guy who wrote some college chemistry textbooks. :laugh:

Ummm, he's more than just "some chemistry professor", that's P. Fuckin' W. Atkins.

Who wrote the P-chem book you had in college? (I kept my copy of Atkins 3rd Ed. for about 30 straight years...one of the best p-chem books I ever saw)
:lolup: Why don't you tell everyone again how smart you are because you are the only poster who knows about a guy who wrote some college chemistry textbooks. :laugh:

Yuppers. You feel threatened.

I get it. You invested so much of your "identity" into being the "smartest person in the room" and you lose your shit when you are bested.

If you were REALLY smart you wouldn't ban me on every thread. That's your tell, little guy.
:lolup: Why don't you tell everyone again how smart you are because you are the only poster who knows about a guy who wrote some college chemistry textbooks. :laugh:

It's ironic given how you LITERALLY on just about EVERY thread announce to EVERYONE every book title and author you know.
@Cypress plays it coy with his religious convictions. He claims to be an agnostic but loses his shit anytime anyone so much as hints at anything unpleasant about the God of Judeo-Christianity.

My favorite part of Cypress is that whenever someone like me shows up who knows more than he does and who can call him on his bullshit, he immediately bans me.

That's how you know he's a fake intellectual. He is scared SHITLESS of someone with more education who can call him on his shit. It's hilarious!
Define "Education"?
Yuppers. You feel threatened.

I get it. You invested so much of your "identity" into being the "smartest person in the room" and you lose your shit when you are bested.

If you were REALLY smart you wouldn't ban me on every thread. That's your tell, little guy.

So by your logic, you have Dutch Uncle on permanent ignore because you fear him and are intimidated by his intellect. (y)

Again, not the question that was asked.

You shouldn't get angry when other people start threads about religion, and I comment on them.

I am going to correct misinformation when I see it.
Whether that means when a holy roller dismisses evolutionary theory,
or when a militant atheist mistakenly claims that nothing was written or reported about Jesus until seven decades after he died.

There are things I can actually learn from religion. I learned as much from the Taoist and Buddhist classics as I did from my college physics and chemistry textbooks.

There's nothing I can learn from atheism, therefore what is there to talk about? Atheism is just the certainty that an eternal logos, a tanscendant rational agency, or deities do not exist. Atheism does not have any universally accepted philosophy, framework of morality, or canon of literature to talk about.
Not the definition of atheism, Sybil. Redefinition fallacy.
The Church of No God is a fundamentalist style religion.

there is no such thing as a 'militant atheist'.
So by your logic, you have Dutch Uncle on permanent ignore because you fear him and are intimidated by his intellect. (y)

No. I have Doc on permanent ignore because the man is evil. The man is nothing but a toxic dump. You, even though you have the same proclivities and you like Doc, are not as toxic and can actually introduce topics worth discussing. The fact that you CAN'T follow through and discuss them really doesn't change the fact that the topics are often interesting.

Doc doesn't bring any of that. Just pure toxicity.

Don't get me wrong: I still think you like Doc because Doc is not that bright and a huge asshole (maybe a few other "common interests" you two have). You seem to like the assholes. That's your thing. I do think you are a real demonstration case for someone who THINKS he's smarter than he actually is. I like the topics you introduce. NOT YOU. I think you are kind of a toxic shitstain of a human being, but you do post interesting topics. Even if you don't actually know much about them.

You come across as a fragile ego with less intellect than he actually wants people to think he has.
You choose to not know.

@Cypress likes @Hume and can carry on long conversations with Hume despite Hume only ever insulting Cypress, mocking him, and telling everyone who will listen how they don't care bout the topic.

This is because Hume is, similar to Cypress, another person who fancies themselves super smart but is clearly NOT. Cypress likes Hume because Hume presents no threat to Cypress' claims to great knowledge.

I do.

That's why HUME, despite TROLLING EVERY THREAD THEY ARE ON, never gets threadbanned from a Cypress thread but I do.
No. I have Doc on permanent ignore because the man is evil.
That's an interesting theory you've got there Perry PhD, but it's full of holes :laugh:

You claim your putting @Dutch Uncle on permanent ignore does not mean you fear him, but if I do something similar it means I fear you LOL You are getting yourself twisted into pretzels

The last thread of mine you lurked, you jumped in and immediately tried to divert and derail the topic of the thread away from atheism and religion, to whether or not I knew the author of some college chemistry textbook. You are a troll, a bad faith poster, and a stalker Perry PhD. That is why your posting privileges get periodically curtailed. (y)
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