Why are liberal men so feminine?


Richard Gephardt: Air National Guard, 1965-71.

David Bonior: Staff Sgt., Air Force 1968-72.

Tom Daschle: 1st Lt., Air Force SAC 1969-72.

Al Gore: enlisted Aug. 1969; sent to Vietnam Jan. 1971
as an army*Journalist, Engineer Brigade)

Bob Kerrey: Lt. j.g. Navy 1966-69; Medal of Honor, Vietnam.

Daniel Inouye: Army 1943-'47; Medal of Honor, WWII.

John Kerry: Lt., Navy 1966-70; Silver Star, Bronze Star with Combat**V Purple Hearts.

John Edwards: did not serve.

Charles Rangel: Staff Sgt., Army 1948-52; Bronze Star, Korea.

Max Cleland: ! Captain, Army 1965-68; Silver Star & Bronze Star,Vietnam.

Ted Kennedy: Army, 1951-1953.

Tom Harkin: Lt., Navy, 1962-67; Naval Reserve, 1968-74.

Jack Reed: Army Ranger, 1971-1979; Captain, Army Reserve 1979-91.

Fritz Hollings: Army officer in WWII, receiving the Bronze Star and*7 campaign ribbons.

Leonard Boswell: Lt. Col., Army 1956-76; Vietnam, Bronze Stars, *Soldier's Medal.

Pete Peterson: Air Force Captain, POW. Purple Heart, Silver Star and**Legion of Merit.

Mike Thompson: Staff sergeant, 173rd Airborne, Purple Heart.

Bill McBride: Candidate for Fla Governor Marine in Vietnam; Bronze Star*with Combat.

Gray Davis: Army Captain in Vietnam, Bronze Star.

Pete Stark: Air Force 1955-57

Chuck Robb: Vietnam

Howell Heflin: Silver Star

George McGovern: Silver Star &DFC duringWWII.

Bill Clinton: Did not serve. Student deferments. Entered draft but*received 311.

Jimmy Carter: Seven years in the Navy.

Walter Mondale: Army 1951-1953

John Glenn: WWII and Korea; six DFCs and Air Medal with 18 Clusters.

Tom Lantos: Served in Hungarian underground in WWII. Saved by Wallenberg

Wesley Clark: U.S. Army, 1966-2000, WestPoint, Vietnam, Purple Heart*Silver Star. Retired 4-star general.

John Dingell: WWII vet

John Conyers: Army 1950-57, Korea

Dennis Hastert: did not serve.

Tom Delay: did not serve.

House Whip Roy Blunt: did not serve.

Bill Frist: did not serve.

Rudy Giuliani: did not serve.

George Pataki: did not serve.

Mitch McConnell: did not serve.

Rick Santorum: did not serve.

Trent Lott: did not serve.

Dick Cheney: did not serve. Several deferments, the last by marriage.

John Ashcroft: did not serve. Seven deferments to teach business.

Jeb Bush: did not serve.

Karl Rove: did not serve.

Saxby Chambliss: did not serve.
Paul Wolfowitz: did not serve.

Vin Weber: did not serve.

Richard Perle: did not serve.

Douglas Feith: did not serve.

Eliot Abrams: did not serve.

Richard Shelby: did not serve.

Jon Kyl: did not serve.

Tim Hutchison: did not serve.

Christopher Cox: did not serve.

Newt Gingrich: did not serve.

Don Rumsfeld: served in peacetime Navy (1954-57) as aviator and flight*instructor.*

George W. Bush: six-year Nat'l Guard commitment (incomplete).*

Ronald Reagan: due to poor eyesight, served in a non-combat role making*movies
Gerald Ford: Navy, WWII

Phil Gramm: did not serve.

John McCain: Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit,Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross.

Bob Dole: an honorable veteran.

Chuck Hagel: two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, Vietnam.

Jeff Sessions: Army Reserves, 1973-1986

JC Watts: did not serve.

Lindsey Graham: National Guard lawyer.

G.H.! W. Bush: Pilot in WWII. Shot down by the Japanese.

Tom Ridge: Bronze Star for Valor in Vietnam.

Antonin Scalia: did not serve.

Clarence Thomas: did not serve
Pundits as Patriots:

Sean Hannity: did not serve.

Rush Limbaugh: did not serve (4-F with a 'pilonidal cyst.')

Bill O'Reilly: did not serve.

Michael Savage: did not serve.

George Will: did not serve.

Chris Matthews: did not serve.

Paul Gigot: did not serve.

Bill Bennett: did not serve.

Pat Buchanan: did not serve.

Bill Kristol: did not serve.

Kenneth Starr: did not serve.

Michael Medved: did not serve.

Alvin Cullum York (December 13, 1887*– September 2, 1964), also known as Sergeant York, was one of the most decorated United States Army soldiers of World War I.[1] He received the Medal of Honor for leading an attack on a German machine gun nest, taking 35 machine guns, killing at least 25 enemy soldiers, and capturing 132. York's Medal of Honor action occurred during the United States-led portion of the Meuse-Argonne Offensive in France, which was intended to breach the Hindenburg line and force the Germans to surrender.

Political views[edit]
York originally believed in the morality of America's intervention in World War I.[71] By the mid-1930s, he looked back more critically: "I can't see that we did any good. There's as much trouble now as there was when we were over there. I think the slogan 'A war to end war.' is all wrong."[72] He fully endorsed American preparedness, but showed sympathy for isolationism by saying that he would fight only if war came to America.[73]
A consistent Democrat*– "I'm a Democrat first, last, and all the time",[74] he said*– in January 1941 he praised FDR's support for Great Britain and in an address at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day of that year he attacked isolationists and said that veterans understood that "liberty and freedom are so very precious that you do not fight and win them once and stop." They are "prizes awarded only to those peoples who fight to win them and then keep fighting eternally to hold them!"[75] At times he was blunt: "I think any man who talks against the interests of his own country ought to be arrested and put in jail, not excepting senators and colonels." Everyone knew that the colonel in question was Charles Lindbergh.[76]
In the late 1940s he called for toughness in dealing with the Soviet Union and did not hesitate to recommend using the atomic bomb in a first strike: "If they can't find anyone else to push the button, I will."[77] He questioned the failure of United Nations forces to use the atomic bomb in Korea.[77] In the 1960s he criticized Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara's plans to reduce the ranks of the National Guard and reserves: "Nothing would please Khrushchev better."[78]

Richard Gephardt: Air National Guard, 1965-71.

David Bonior: Staff Sgt., Air Force 1968-72.

Tom Daschle: 1st Lt., Air Force SAC 1969-72.

Al Gore: enlisted Aug. 1969; sent to Vietnam Jan. 1971
as an army*Journalist, Engineer Brigade)

Bob Kerrey: Lt. j.g. Navy 1966-69; Medal of Honor, Vietnam.

Daniel Inouye: Army 1943-'47; Medal of Honor, WWII.

John Kerry: Lt., Navy 1966-70; Silver Star, Bronze Star with Combat**V Purple Hearts.

John Edwards: did not serve.

Charles Rangel: Staff Sgt., Army 1948-52; Bronze Star, Korea.

Max Cleland: ! Captain, Army 1965-68; Silver Star & Bronze Star,Vietnam.

Ted Kennedy: Army, 1951-1953.

Tom Harkin: Lt., Navy, 1962-67; Naval Reserve, 1968-74.

Jack Reed: Army Ranger, 1971-1979; Captain, Army Reserve 1979-91.

Fritz Hollings: Army officer in WWII, receiving the Bronze Star and*7 campaign ribbons.

Leonard Boswell: Lt. Col., Army 1956-76; Vietnam, Bronze Stars, *Soldier's Medal.

Pete Peterson: Air Force Captain, POW. Purple Heart, Silver Star and**Legion of Merit.

Mike Thompson: Staff sergeant, 173rd Airborne, Purple Heart.

Bill McBride: Candidate for Fla Governor Marine in Vietnam; Bronze Star*with Combat.

Gray Davis: Army Captain in Vietnam, Bronze Star.

Pete Stark: Air Force 1955-57

Chuck Robb: Vietnam

Howell Heflin: Silver Star

George McGovern: Silver Star &DFC duringWWII.

Bill Clinton: Did not serve. Student deferments. Entered draft but*received 311.

Jimmy Carter: Seven years in the Navy.

Walter Mondale: Army 1951-1953

John Glenn: WWII and Korea; six DFCs and Air Medal with 18 Clusters.

Tom Lantos: Served in Hungarian underground in WWII. Saved by Wallenberg

Wesley Clark: U.S. Army, 1966-2000, WestPoint, Vietnam, Purple Heart*Silver Star. Retired 4-star general.

John Dingell: WWII vet

John Conyers: Army 1950-57, Korea

Dennis Hastert: did not serve.

Tom Delay: did not serve.

House Whip Roy Blunt: did not serve.

Bill Frist: did not serve.

Rudy Giuliani: did not serve.

George Pataki: did not serve.

Mitch McConnell: did not serve.

Rick Santorum: did not serve.

Trent Lott: did not serve.

Dick Cheney: did not serve. Several deferments, the last by marriage.

John Ashcroft: did not serve. Seven deferments to teach business.

Jeb Bush: did not serve.

Karl Rove: did not serve.

Saxby Chambliss: did not serve.
Paul Wolfowitz: did not serve.

Vin Weber: did not serve.

Richard Perle: did not serve.

Douglas Feith: did not serve.

Eliot Abrams: did not serve.

Richard Shelby: did not serve.

Jon Kyl: did not serve.

Tim Hutchison: did not serve.

Christopher Cox: did not serve.

Newt Gingrich: did not serve.

Don Rumsfeld: served in peacetime Navy (1954-57) as aviator and flight*instructor.*

George W. Bush: six-year Nat'l Guard commitment (incomplete).*

Ronald Reagan: due to poor eyesight, served in a non-combat role making*movies
Gerald Ford: Navy, WWII

Phil Gramm: did not serve.

John McCain: Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit,Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross.

Bob Dole: an honorable veteran.

Chuck Hagel: two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, Vietnam.

Jeff Sessions: Army Reserves, 1973-1986

JC Watts: did not serve.

Lindsey Graham: National Guard lawyer.

G.H.! W. Bush: Pilot in WWII. Shot down by the Japanese.

Tom Ridge: Bronze Star for Valor in Vietnam.

Antonin Scalia: did not serve.

Clarence Thomas: did not serve
Pundits as Patriots:

Sean Hannity: did not serve.

Rush Limbaugh: did not serve (4-F with a 'pilonidal cyst.')

Bill O'Reilly: did not serve.

Michael Savage: did not serve.

George Will: did not serve.

Chris Matthews: did not serve.

Paul Gigot: did not serve.

Bill Bennett: did not serve.

Pat Buchanan: did not serve.

Bill Kristol: did not serve.

Kenneth Starr: did not serve.

Michael Medved: did not serve.

real men dont pretend to be war supporters when they refuse to fight themselves
Could be because liberal men allow themselves to be neutered by liberal women. Example the men in Owl Woman's life.

Wow, sinking to even lower levels now, Angry Bird -- attacking people's family? It's not surprising though, given what passes for a "woman" in your life -- the manly five-oclock-shadowed Toxic.

Do you think you two will ever recover from your obsession with me?
Wow, sinking to even lower levels now, Angry Bird -- attacking people's family? It's not surprising though, given what passes for a "woman" in your life -- the manly five-oclock-shadowed Toxic.

Do you think you two will ever recover from your obsession with me?

he is terrified of women

he is just sure loving a woman means his tiny balls will fall off

that is why they have so little blood flow to them

he just wont let go