Why are only 4 out of 44 of trump's cabinet endorsing him?

Fox had to hand over a butt load of money already

OAN is about to have to pay millions for their lies

Just like Alex Jones they are getting sued for their lies about people and businesses

And are LOSING

Oh I get it, wait for other's to tell you what to think.
Well, I normally listen to what those that were there as a witness have to say.

Why would I make my own conclusions to things I have no way of knowing when I realize and understand I wasn't there to even be in a position to form my own conclusions?

Jesus Holy Christ man!
Well, I normally listen to what those that were there as a witness have to say.

Why would I make my own conclusions to things I have no way of knowing when I realize and understand I wasn't there to even be in a position to form my own conclusions?

Jesus Holy Christ man!
You realize eye witness testimony is not necessarily reliable right

Especially given what motivation people might have for speaking up. As if id believe anything you said regarding trump evening you "witnessed" it.

Holy Jesus Christ man!
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You realize eye witness testimony is not necessarily reliable right

Especially given what motivation people might have for speaking up

Holy Jesus Christ man!
I do realize that!

But I know that Donald Trump is a worthless liar.

SO I WILL TAKE THEIR WORD FOR IT- before I would ever believe a known lying SON-OF-A-BITCH!

Donald Trump is a proven LIAR.
I do realize that!

But I know that Donald Trump is a worthless liar.

SO I WILL TAKE THEIR WORD FOR IT- before I would ever believe a known lying SON-OF-A-BITCH!

Donald Trump is a proven LIAR.
But you ignore it because hatred clearly makes you stupid

As I know biden is and as that dei hire of a vp has shown herself to be

Uh oh someone is filled with hatred AND anger. You want to kill him don't you?

So is Biden and that worthless dei stain he selected.
No only right wing News tries to massage the brains of their viewers

Real news reports the facts

These idiots will kill people when their trump daddy loses

It will be fewer people dying than if trump wins though

Trump and this ReTrumpAgain party will out right off people if in power
Well Trump has said he was going on a revenge tour if he gets elected and take a lot of peoples CONSTITUTIONAL rights away.
possibly killing a few.
But that will be okay with the ReTrumpagains because he will be doing it as a Presidential act and no charges will be filed.
Have a nice day
The answers are far less meaningful than the question.
It just amazes me that trump would lose an election of his own cabinet so badly, or just that he would lose. Every now and then, there is one former cabinet member that refuses to endorse a candidate, but two would be bizarre, and 90% is beyond imagination.