Why are only 4 out of 44 of trump's cabinet endorsing him?

It just amazes me that trump would lose an election of his own cabinet so badly, or just that he would lose. Every now and then, there is one former cabinet member that refuses to endorse a candidate, but two would be bizarre, and 90% is beyond imagination.
well he does have all the ones he had in his cabinet that wrote the 2025 project, but that probably is because they know how to pull his puppet strings and have him do what they want.
trump can keep saying he isn't following the 2025 project but people are smarter then he is and can see he is lying AGAIN.
We certainly live in strange times. I'm hoping for a peaceful outcome.

I watched "Civil War" on Max this morning.

The forces of freedom, the Western Forces, execute the fascist president as he pleads “Don’t let them kill me!”
The coolest part was that the reporter responded that was good enough for a final quote.

There were a few problems with the end of the movie. A city at war would not have widespread electricity, especially not in the center of the combat. Curtain walls have not been used defensively in many hundreds of years.

There were other odd points that were useful to the plot. I do not think Texas and California would team up against the US Government. One or the other would rebel, for opposite reasons. It made sense for the story, because the movie makers did not want the rebels to be definitively on the right or left. The poster picture of snipers at the torch of the Statue of Liberty is wrong, there is nothing close enough to shoot at from that island, but it is a cool visual, so I accept it.

There are some interesting similarities between the president in Civil War and trump. Both say they want a third term. Both have plans to get rid of the FBI. Both are paranoid of opposition.

The nit picky thing about the movie that bothered me was: they showed a shot of a wooded road, with a Georgia route road sign, and labeled it "Newark NJ." Newark is quite urban, and definitely not in Georgia. I guess an English writer/director filming in Georgia might not realize that.
The closer intelligent and capable people get to Trump, the more he disgusts them. Every possible adjective for stupid has been used to describe Trump by the people in his administration. Stupid people think Trump is smart, and smart people think he is very stupid. Trump ex-employees do not back Trump because they know he is dangerous and incapable. They know he has serious mental problems.
There has never been a president who was so badly thought of by his insiders.
It is not just the political appointees who think so badly of Trump. It is people who worked with and for him for decades.