Why are Republicans so afraid of Alexandria?

They aren't afraid of her. She is acting like a girl-child, however. She is the democratic version of Trump without the power. She is a joke. It is amusing to watch her....everybody seeing the fall coming but her is kind of tragic, but spellbinding at the same time.

Like watching a train wreck in real time
Why is everyone afraid of a girl?

Based on years of message boarding adventures, one insight I have gained is that conservatives abhor uppity women and uppity "darkies".

I mean, the hatred of Hillary Clinton has been relentless for the better part of three decades. Even the teabagger hatred of Bill Clinton mellowed with age - some Cons even belatedly claim that the Clinton presidency wasn't too bad at all.
Based on years of message boarding adventures, one insight I have gained is that conservatives abhor uppity women and uppity "darkies".

I mean, the hatred of Hillary Clinton has been relentless for the better part of three decades. Even the teabagger hatred of Bill Clinton mellowed with age - some Cons even belatedly claim that the Clinton presidency wasn't too bad at all.

There is nothing " uppity " about her . Stupidity , yes ! .

Not many had a problem with Bill Clinton .... Hillary on the other hand ! Is WHY you got Trump !
lol.....you simple minded fools have no idea what presidential material looks like........your last choice lost to Trump.......

You retards ran and voted for a totally unqualified guy who is making a real mess. Mueller investigation into Russian interference, Now Trump was secretly dealing with Putin and the Russians. We also know Trump stopped the administration and the people from finding out what our president said to Putin in every meeting. Wonder what he had to hide. Now the asshole shut down the government. What a horrible disaster.
Then it's pretty hypocritical to rag on people who thought Hillary was presidential material.

Yep, highly educated. Worked to improve kids lives. Married a president and lived in Whitehouse. She was a senator and the Secretary of State. Yeah, she was qualified, highly qualified. Not as much s a reality TV show host, I guess.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the face of emerging America.

Get used to it or retreat to Mississippi with the other sub-humans.

We'll make it a reservation for the under-evolved.
Had 3 million more votes. She whipped him in the election, but Trump won an old out of date electoral college race. It is surely an affront to all votes being equal, and Democracy where the most votes win.

We're not a democracy, boy.

Why is it that none of you Hillary suck ups had a problem with the electoral college before the election.

If you think it's out of date, start the process of changing it. The Constitution you hate spells out how to do it. Just to let you know, even the big blue states like NY and California don't support changing it. They benefit too much from having a lot of EVs. That's why candidates spend so much time and money there instead of places like Montana, the Dakotas, and Delaware.