Why Are So Many Americans in Prison?

The truth is racist.

-- The Left

Doesn't the entire establishment do that? Like when the Right blames the conditions of black communities on Democrats, all of those "dEmS aRe ThE rEaL rAcIsTs" arguments, isn't that also saying the truth is racist?

There ya go, all one of them, and that only recently, and only for weed. Meanwhile, people have been languishing in prison for many years. And while it's true, Republican control freaks are big part of the problem, it's a huge stretch to make the claim that they are solely to blame. In fact, Jade didn't even blame just Republicans, but the entire "right". A major portion of which are libertarians, who absolutely support decriminalizing, and even complete legalization of all drugs in many cases. As a conservative, I've long advocated the legalization of weed, and decriminalization of all drugs. So it sure as hell ain't MY fault. And I'm far from alone among conservatives.
The answer is drugs especially pot, you simpleton. That's the right-wings fault.

Hey asshole, can't you type with normal sized letters? The enlarged type doesn't make you look any more intelligent. Everyone knows you're an idiot...
Hey asshole, can't you type with normal sized letters? The enlarged type doesn't make you look any more intelligent. Everyone knows you're an idiot...
It’s Trump sized font used so stable geniuses can read it.
It’s Trump sized font used so stable geniuses can read it.

That's your excuse.


I can read normal sized print, even without my glasses...