yes it's mostly white people telling people of different races where they should live based on the color of their skin. How is that any different than the 1950s
The crime rate in certain neighborhoods isn't caused by slavery or segregation or any of that crap. It's caused by predominantly young men and women growing up without fathers. That's a very messy difficult problem that nobody wants to address because there are too many sacred cows at stake.
I don't think it has anything to do with people being black or white or Hispanic or whatever. These are irrelevant genotypes.
well their power is limited. we definitely see their influence on art and entertainment. But I think the term counterculture is more apt. But yes this is absolutely exists.
the wall actually is being built and that's a good thing. Illegal aliens flooding our border is a problem and we should take care of it and I won't want to help reason why we know it won't will help is because the people in charge of border security say so. I would trust experts like law enforcement professionals on it over politicians. just like I would trust a doctor over medical advice over a politician.
People voted for Trump because they see the problem caused by illegal aliens.
Nobody wants multiculturalism most of all you. Would you be okay with a group of neo-nazis or klansmen moving into the house across the street from you?
If you say no but then you are against multiculturalism.
Multiculturalism can't exist that's called anarchy.
Seeing a bunch of different skin colors has shit to do with culture. It's racist for you to think that way.
if you want to say is that people want to stop illegal border crossings because they are prejudiced against Mexicans then go right ahead and I will say not really because I have nothing against Mexico. It's just the United States isn't Mexico.
That's false sjws are white supremacists. they talk about the house Superior and privileged and now much more power white people have.
Now if they have power and privilege meaning the rich or famous they should use that to help mend the wounds not to lecture and shame people that comparatively have nothing just because of their race.
so all black people think exactly the same no matter what? I would consider this stereotyping and a racist.
I don't think it's extremely common among people to hold a grudge for something that happened to their ancestors if it is there stupid and I'm speaking from authority because my ancestors were treated worse than theirs at the same time.
stopping illegal immigration is a black Hispanic Asian LGBT and white interest.
Illegal immigrants undercut the American worker and commit crimes in discriminately against Americans of any stripe.
no open borders are only an interest for anarchists.
No multiculturalism fails because backward cultures have no place I most sophisticated ones. If you doubt this go visit a prison. There's a culture inside of prisons. Do you want to live in that? If not you can't unironically support multiculturalism. You would be practicing selective culturalism.
Jesus Tits Christ, this place is a goddamned haven for Klan members.
Please kill yourself, and all of your family, you racist piece of shit.