The answer is drugs especially pot, you simpleton. That's the right-wings fault.
It's actually not drugs. 45% a federal prisoners are incarcerated over drug charges. Federal prisons aren't the majority of prison most prisoners are being held in state prisons.
So you have about 96,000 people incarcerated in federal prison for drugs. And you have about 230,000 people incarcerated in state prisons for drugs. it's definitely the biggest chunk of the pie in both but it's nowhere near the majority. This isn't just smoking pot this is all drug offenses. I don't think people should be locked up for smoking pot. I don't know that they are in large numbers I didn't get that deep.
So we're talking 320000 people out of 1.7 million that's not even a quarter. 4 drug users would rehab be better sure but how many of these drug offenders are there 4th and 5th offense? Is sending them to rehab going to do anything if they've already done it three or four times?
If meth heads and people on PCP just stayed at home and got high that would be fine but they don't.
people who do meth in heroin and all this other stuff they have an extremely expensive habit and have you ever had anything stolen from you? Have you ever had your house burglarized nine times out of 10 it's someone feeding a drug habit.
I think it's good ideas catch them before they get there but some people you can't. This is what jail is for.
Not like I said if you have a drug problem and you want to get help I think a court-ordered rehab program for you is probably better than prison. If it's your third or fourth time you sit your ass in prison. This is to stop you from doing it again. I don't think it should be a life sentence, but if we gave you a first chance and maybe even a second one and you threw it away fuck off.
I think there may be something to Mental health. I think our society in general is sorely lacking in understanding of people with mental illness or just mental problems. and I think investing in that before people wind up in jail is probably more profitable than putting them in jail print the taxpayer at least. But nobody seems to give a s*** about that.
I'm not against prison reform I think it's desperately needed. but I think what is needed before that is social reform to stop people from getting to that point in the first place. We don't have to worry about how badly we treat our prisoners if there's no one there.
I think the big glaring problem that causes these problems mixed people turn to a life of crime is fatherless homes. Most of the people in prison are men. Most of them have traumatic childhoods. If we don't give a s*** about boys the population in prison is going to expand ever greater.
This is a big stinking messy problem that is not going to be easily solved but it is the way to address prison populations.