why are so many blacks mass shooters

I am aware of no studies indicating that people of African ethnicity globally have a great proclivity for engaging in firearms related crimes.

American blacks do a lot of shooting.
American whites do a lot of shooting.
If we come across any chartreuse-pigmented Americans, assume that they're well armed as well.

Americans cap each other's asses.
It's who we are.
It's what we do.

No need to discuss it ad nauseam.
So says the lying fool that has no credibility, and cannot face the truth.

Timothy McVeigh killed 168 in one setting, and you want to compare that to a serial killer that killed 90 over a 30 year period. But McVeigh was white so he does not fit the lie you want to tell.

Even for a Russian troll you're exceptionally incompetent.

Obama murdered hundreds of innocent children - far more children than those of all ages killed by McVeigh.

And Obama murdered thousands more of all ages beyond the children he blew to pieces.

But you're a paid Russian troll with no interest in the truth.
So says the lying fool that has no credibility, and cannot face the truth.

Timothy McVeigh killed 168 in one setting, and you want to compare that to a serial killer that killed 90 over a 30 year period. But McVeigh was white so he does not fit the lie you want to tell.

you should call dutch or guano to rub butt hurt cream on you
Even for a Russian troll you're exceptionally incompetent.

Obama murdered hundreds of innocent children - far more children than those of all ages killed by McVeigh.

And Obama murdered thousands more of all ages beyond the children he blew to pieces.

But you're a paid Russian troll with no interest in the truth.

YAWN. And the endless lies continue to be spewed from the mouth of a born liar with nothing else to do.
Democrats hate the truth so much its pathic .
Blacks commit 52 percent of the murders in America but only account for 13 percent of the population.

When you narrow the discussion down to just the most at risk for gun violence sectors of the population, say males, aged 15 to 29 years old, the result is even more shocking.

Black males aged 15-29 represent 1.7% of the US population but experience 22% of murders.

2017 statistics using CDC's WIQARS Fatal Injury Reports Tool:

Non-Hispanic White Males 15-29
18,876,039 population
949 homicides
5.8% of US population / 4.86% of total homicides
5.03/100K rate

Black Males 15-29
5,543,872 population
4,578 homicides
1.7% of US population / 22.3% of total homicides
82.58/100K rate -- 16.41 times the corresponding White rate

To put those two disparate rates into a different perspective, if Black males aged 15-29 were murdered at the same rate as non-Hispanic White males aged 15-29, there would have been 279 instead of 4,578 young Black men being murdered in 2017, a 94% reduction.

Here's an even more shocking statistical perspective of just how criminal and homicidal young Blacks are . . .

If the entire nation (population 325,147,121) was murdered at the same rate as Black males aged 15-29, (82.58/100K), there would have been 268,506 murders in 2017, nearly 14 times the actual total (3251.47121 X 82.58 = 268,506).

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When you narrow the discussion down to just the most at risk for gun violence sectors of the population, say males, aged 15 to 29 years old, the result is even more shocking.

Black males aged 15-29 represent 1.7% of the US population but experience 22% of murders.

2017 statistics using CDC's WIQARS Fatal Injury Reports Tool:

White Males 15-29
18,876,039 population
949 homicides
5.8% of US population / 4.86% of total homicides
5.03/100K rate

Black Males 15-29
5,543,872 population
4,578 homicides
1.7% of US population / 22.3% of total homicides
82.58/100K rate -- 16.41 times the corresponding White rate

To put those two disparate rates into a different perspective, if Black males aged 15-29 were murdered at the same rate as non-Hispanic White males aged 15-29, there would have been 279 instead of 4,578 young Black men being murdered in 2017, a 94% reduction.

Here's an even more shocking statistical perspective of just how criminal and homicidal young Blacks are . . .

If the entire nation (population 325,147,121) was murdered at the same rate as Black males aged 15-29, (82.58/100K), there would have been 268,506 murders in 2017, nearly 14 times the actual total (3251.47121 X 82.58 = 268,506).


yes the numbers are shocking but many democrats ignore the actual fcts and the problem especially blm and people like guano

What the hell kind of cherry-picked bullshit is that?

All we've been hearing is the DEMedia squalking that there have been XXX mass shootings so far in 2021, the Gun Violence Archive puts "mass shootings" at 159 for 2021 so far (at the time of this post) . . . Where does your site come up with 116 over 39 years?

You are pushing a crumbly boulder of crap up a hill with that one . . . Howsabout you intellectually dishonest leftists pick ONE criteria for "mass shooting" and stay with it?

Either you leftists stick with the DEMedia's / Gun Violence Archive's loose criteria for "mass shooting" -- 4+ shot (not necessarily killed) in one incident, excluding the perpetrator(s), at one location, at roughly the same time -- and accept that while it allows you to hyperventilate over hundreds of "mass shootings" per year (to push for gun control), that criteria has warts and faults . . . Like having a preponderance of the incidents really be just piss-ant Black gangstas shooting up a playground, or once weekly stash house rips, or drug corner enforcement drive-bys, or the best of all, the retaliation shooting at mourners standing at candlelight vigils for other thugs gunned down over dumb crap nobody but hood-rats care about . . . OR, you use the more rigorous Statistica model which only shows 116 "mass shootings" in 39 years but shows the "Blame Whitey" racial breakdown you would so wish to be real . . .

You can't use both, you disingenuous, cheating fakers.


Stick to the big murder picture that uses real data from death certificates, not some fuzzy, fluid criteria.

Black males are roughly 1/5th of the White male population but get murdered with a gun 3X+ as many times as White males . . . Which pushes the firearm homicide RATE for Black males to 15X the rate for White males.

CDC stats for 2019::



Black males are roughly 1/5th of the White male population but get murdered with a gun 3X+ as many times as White males . . . Which pushes the firearm homicide RATE for Black males to 15X the rate for White


And that has what to do with the number of mass shooters?
Why are white men carrying out more mass shootings?

According to the criteria most commonly used currently to define what a "mass shooting" is, White men are not the primary perpetrators. I can predict that as that fact becomes more widely known, the defining criteria will be changed or an already existing one will be adopted by the DEMedia and DEMpoliticos to better fit the leftist narrative.

After another weekend of mass shootings, Americans are once again debating the problem of gun violence.

But the criteria most often used now, "4+ shot in one incident, excluding the perpetrator(s), at one location, at roughly the same time" is a big net that catches a lot of incidents that are just the everyday violence that happens a few times a week where most shootings happen and are the kind of shootings regular people don't really pay much attention to, except to note that they lead the local news every other day, in about every large city.

There ain't a gun control law that will EVER slow that down because it is a rot in culture that celebrates the criminal lifestyle, rejects outright western societal norms and has zero respect for life.

Given that if Black males aged 15-29 were murdered at the same rate as White males aged 15-29, there would have been 279 instead of 4,578 young Black men being murdered in 2017, a 94% reduction, what the hell are you proposing to bring the young male Black murder rate (82.58/100K), down into alignment with the young male White murder rate (5.03/100K)?

You really think "gun control" will do it . . . especially laws that you hope to enact just to poke a stick in the eye of predominately White gun rights supporters, i.e., Biden is going to "take on the NRA!"?

Their names now join a roll call of mostly white men attached to the atrocities.

I agree, the "roll call", the names you can rattle off, is of mostly White guys . . . But that's only because the majority of shootings are being ignored because they don't fit the narrative.

Here, here's a page with the real mass shooting "roll call" so far this year with an identified perp for 2021 and just for the hell of it, 2020.

Notice anything?

The US Congress defines a mass shooting as a single incident where three or more people are murdered.

That is the DoJ's definition of "mass killing", it has no relationship with the term "mass shooting".

The term "mass killing" and its definition, "3 or more killings in a single incident", is set out in law, "Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012, 28 USC 530C(b)(1)(M)(i).

Another definition that is often used classifies it as when at least four people are shot (either injured or killed)."

Yes, that is what is commonly referred to as a "mass shooting" in the DEMedia currently. There is no legal definition of "mass shooting"; many definitions exist invented by media corporations or private entities tracking multiple victim gun violence -- each with their own agendas -- which is why so much mischief can be made in both the terminology and statistics and then of course, the analysis of the "data".

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And that has what to do with the number of mass shooters?

Tell me what the term "mass shooting" has to do with anything . . . The term "mass shooting" is often used as a "statistic" but it has no fixed definition. I've seen it used in ridiculous comparisons heralding the "success" of Australia's gun laws in stopping their "mass shootings" . . . Problem is, the analysis of Australia's "mass shooting" incidents is based on 5 or more killings. Comparing incidents with 4 people injured, against 5 people killed, is an extreme example of the apples vs. oranges going on, but it is exemplary of the disingenuous crap leftist anti-gunners try to pull.

Tell me what the term "mass shooting" has to do with anything . . . The term "mass shooting" is often used as a "statistic" but it has no fixed definition. I've seen it used in ridiculous comparisons heralding the "success" of Australia's gun laws in stopping their "mass shootings" . . . Problem is, the analysis of Australia's "mass shooting" incidents is based on 5 or more killings. Comparing incidents with 4 people injured, against 5 people killed, is an extreme example of the apples vs. oranges going on, but it is exemplary of the disingenuous crap leftist anti-gunners try to pull.


I see that the fool in you is eager to come out. In the US a "mass shooting" is described/defined as 4 or more killed/wounded. How Australia defines the same is up to Australia, not the US. And the topic here is not about Australia, but about the US. It is quite common for a low IQ right winger to try and find someway to distract from the actual discussion as you have evidently tried to do since the number of homicides has nothing to do with mass shootings. And your attempt to make it about Australia is what is "disingenuous crap".
I see that the fool in you is eager to come out. In the US a "mass shooting" is described/defined as 4 or more killed/wounded. How Australia defines the same is up to Australia, not the US. And the topic here is not about Australia, but about the US. It is quite common for a low IQ right winger to try and find someway to distract from the actual discussion as you have evidently tried to do since the number of homicides has nothing to do with mass shootings. And your attempt to make it about Australia is what is "disingenuous crap".

^Incompetent/witless Russian troll.
In the US a "mass shooting" is described/defined as 4 or more killed/wounded.

Except when it isn't, which is my point.

How Australia defines the same is up to Australia, not the US. And the topic here is not about Australia, but about the US

My mention of Australia had nothing to do with how they compile or analyze their stats, it pertained to US leftists employing Australia's stats for mass casualty events against the US's stats when the two nations use entirely different terminology, criteria and compilation methods.

Look, I guess I need to apologize, I haven't posted here in a while and I forgot how stupid you leftist are here . . . I'll dumb it down especially for you moving forward.

It is quite common for a low IQ right winger to try and find someway to distract from the actual discussion as you have evidently tried to do since the number of homicides has nothing to do with mass shootings.

It is quite common for a low IQ left winger to feel someone is trying to distract him but actually it is just his idiocy and lack of understanding that is confusing him.

I honestly don't give a shit about "mass shootings"; my first post in this thread was to @BulletBob, quoting his comment in post 7, "Blacks commit 52 percent of the murders in America but only account for 13 percent of the population" because it didn't fully capture how disproportionate the Black homicide numbers really are.

It should be very evident I think "mass shooting"is a BS term employed by narrative crafting leftists to try to befuddle and control stupid narrative swallowing leftists like you.

The term "mass shootings" is an effective mechanism reinforced by DEMedia to distract leftists from real crime statistics and the incredible levels of Black crime and you are the embodiment of how well it works.

You are so distracted you can't recognize what the discussion is even about. That Blacks commit the most "mass shootings" is just the natural byproduct of the combination of Blacks throwing bullets around indiscriminately and their ridiculously oversized footprint in just plain old gun murder stats.

I note you don't take issue with any of my stats or my analysis, just my lack of adherence to the "mass shooting" thread topic -- which shows how distracted you are, cause that ain't really the topic.

And your attempt to make it about Australia is what is "disingenuous crap

You are a waste of time, it's clear you can't comprehend what I write, what's even more foolish is you thinking you are capable of offering a reasoned reply to what i write . . . really, just stop pretending.

Look, I guess I need to apologize, I haven't posted here in a while and I forgot how stupid you leftist are here . . . I'll dumb it down especially for you moving forward.

It is quite common for a low IQ left winger to feel someone is trying to distract him but actually it is just his idiocy and lack of understanding that is confusing him.

Once again the ignorance of the right winger is put forward in the idiotic attempt to ridicule the intelligence of the left while clearly demonstrating the ignorance of the common right winger. And when asked to actually prove their lies they will inevitably fall back on the Alinsky/trump approach of ridicule. The article you posted has nothing to do with comparing the statistics of one country to the other as you falsely claim. It is an article about the nature of the laws, and a comparison of those, not the nature of the killings. However, since you are one of those low IQ useless idiots you cannot prove you are not a liar, so you try to denigrate others. If a dumb f**king idiot like you can actually come up with some evidence that you are not just another right wing lying hack please post it.
Americans of every shade and hue have been capping each others' asses since the dawn of the republic.
Why are we still shocked by it? We're Americans, remember?

Are we supposed to, all of a sudden, turn into Danes or something overnight?