Truck Fump / h1b
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You really do have nothing to offer the debate.
communism is a jewish creation. just a fact. it does not reflect on jews who disavow marx's deplorable memes. we're all individuals.
You really do have nothing to offer the debate.
What they? When YOU come for me, I am worried about who will defend me.
If you were a better person, you would not have to force a woman to marry you, and stay married to you. "Mrs. Hole" would want to be married to you.
I am sure my wife could walk away with a nice bit of alimony from our marriage. She is a smart, well educated person, who could make a good living without me. The reason she stays married to me is she wants to be married to me.
The Left uses anything and everything to win and defend their debate points and control the narrative. And when they can't find anything handy to use, they make it up.
communism is a jewish creation. just a fact. it does not reflect on jews who disavow marx's deplorable memes. we're all individuals.
What they? When YOU come for me, I am worried about who will defend me.
Marx's ancestry was Jewish, but he was raised an Evangelical Protestant Christian. At no point during his life was anyone in his family a practicing Jew. Are you going to say that Communism is an Evangelical creation?
Lenin and Stalin were Russian Orthodox. Mao was Buddhist Chinese. The Kims were very devout Presbyterian.
The last one is truly bizarre. They still consider themselves Presbyterians. They rebuilt their ancestors Presbyterian church, and they invite foreigners to see the Sunday services there. That being said, if you show up without an appointment on a Sunday, you will not find a service there. And if you make an appointment ahead of time, the service you will find will have no religious content, and the attendees will be more confused by the service than worshipful.
walt poisons the air, and mocks the canaries as they die.
he's not a good person.
"walt poisons the air, and mocks the canaries as they die. he's not a good person."
yeah yeah ok. suuuuure.
sabbateanism. sabbati tzvi, jacob frank. the long march through the institutions.
walt poisons the air, and mocks the canaries as they die.
he's not a good person.
Educated people tended to dabble in Communism, and there were a lot of Jewish educated people. But Communism was nearly completely implemented by non-Jews. Jews were extremely underrepresented in the actual implementers of Communism.
If our SOCIETAL customs stressed staying married and valued the family unit, maybe Mrs. Hole would have chosen someone more inclined to marry a guy before having a child with him. And MAYBE she'd have chosen a guy who would have been a better MARRIAGE and HUSBAND and FATHER prospect than the guy she chose.
But, as the Communists devalued Religion AND the Family in order to weaken the embedded resistance to their ideology, their changes have brought about unforeseen results.
And more and worse are to come.
I cannot support your beliefs in genocide. Sorry.
Educated people tended to dabble in Communism, and there were a lot of Jewish educated people. But Communism was nearly completely implemented by non-Jews. Jews were extremely underrepresented in the actual implementers of Communism.
or switch it up and attack from the other side. "you've no family values".
this phenomenon is a smaller version of why trauma can be used to create split personalities.
walt may be a mind controlled sra survivor from mengele's minions.
AHZ, now that you've vented somewhat, what is your intention here with Walt?
Beat on him?
Convert him to Christianity?
Influence him to change his ideological thinking?
Do you realize how many women there are in the world? If thinks did not work out with one of them, there are 4 billion other ones.
influence him to change his ideological thinking, by showing the roots of the disease.
I dont believe in discrimination against jews, but all people have stinky shit.
are you familiar with sabbateanism and sabbati tsvi? jacob frank, adam weishaupt?