Making up numbers isn't helping you. Argument from randU fallacy.
So? It isn't serious.
Covid19 does not kill. NONE of the Covid viruses so far discovered kill.
A virus is not technology.
There isn't any reality. The Church of Global Warming routinely discards the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. They also discard mathematics. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. Trump is right to refute this fundamentalist style religion.
The entire EPA is unconstitutional. Congress never had any authority to create it. The EPA has not cleaned up or prevented anything pollution. A naturally occurring gas is not pollution.
They weren't.
Some of them...ex Saudis. They turned against Saudi Arabia.
You are describing Democrats. The coup was far.
There was no election. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats. I have already listed many bits of evidence. Some is public legislative record. Some is mathematics. Some is security camera footage. Some is sworn statements. Some is physical. You are also hallucinating. Trump never ordered the machines seized.
You expect to conduct a coup without protestors?
Trump did not lead the attack, nor order it, nor condoned it.
Evidence does not require a court. You cannot wish away the evidence that way!
There was no election. You cannot lose what never took place.
The evidence exists. You cannot wish it away. You cannot wish away people's opinions formed by it either.
There was no electoral college. Seven States never chose their electors.
I support Trump. The stupidity is YOURS, thinking that your made up shit is going to stick anymore.
You are describing King Newsom or King Troudeau. Trump does not support any dictatorship. He supports the Republic. He is a conservative, upholding the Constitution while Democrats want to discard and deny it.
You can lie to yourself all you want to. It doesn't change what you are. It doesn't change physics. It doesn't change mathematics. It doesn't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats go away.
1. I looked up the numbers myself.
2. Over a million dead from here in the U.S. is serious. It being at least five times deadlier than the flu is serious. I hope you or someone close to you dies from it.
3. You're fucking hallucinating. I was going to reply to the rest of your dumbass points. But that's enough for me.