You just lost right there.
On TV I saw the words coming out of his own mouth as he admitted to downplaying the seriousness of the coronavirus.
You just lost right there.
How would you know. All you have to go by is history written by the victors.
The victors have access to all the document, films, etc. of the losers and use that to write the best history available. We have films of the American troops liberating the concentration camps and reports and oral histories of many of those soldiers.
Next you are going to tell me there were no concentration camps. Anne Frank was a crisis actor. There was no need to make up all that stuff. The winners don't have to justify winning a war started by the Axis powers.
Though there was apparently an ex-OSS operative to claimed to be responsible. By shooting him in the neck with a low powered gun that shot a bolt from a car part.
Boy, have you drank the Kool Aid. In WW II, "WE," The U.S. of fucking A were the bad guys!!! Unfortunately, the righteous don't always win. The only bad thing Hitler did was to support the Japanese. And on that account, it was FDR who caused that war to happen. So, what do scum sucking pieces of shit do when they are victorious? They write the fucking history! To their advantage! And if you go against it, you may as well be dealing with the mafia. They can make anybody they want to disappear. They could also make it so that nobody will ever know they existed to begin with. Anybody who knows any different would be shut up. Look at General Patton. He was most likely mortally wounded on purpose. But he lived a couple weeks after his "accident." But if he said what was actually responsible for his situation, nobody repeated it. I wouldn't doubt if there are still things that are still classified. Though there was apparently an ex-OSS operative to claimed to be responsible. By shooting him in the neck with a low powered gun that shot a bolt from a car part.
T. A. Gardner Is that the best you have as a rebuttal?[/QUOTE said:It was perfect for the nonsensical drivel you posted.
On TV I saw the words coming out of his own mouth as he admitted to downplaying the seriousness of the coronavirus.
It was perfect for the nonsensical drivel you posted.
Tell me anything I said anywhere that you think is untrue.
So did the Chinese...
Tell me anything I said anywhere that you think is untrue.
Is giving me crap about what some ex-OSS agent claimed the best you can do? The the accident that ended up killing general Patton not being an accident is well known. But in such a case, as you can imagine, proving it is a whole different can of worms. Next, the victors, the historians and those with different points of view are all liars. There are thousands of them. Millions of them! Next, those who might agree with what I say, for the most part, aren't allowed to speak.
As for Hitler, he invaded Poland because ethnic Germans there were being murdered. For which war was declared on Germany. Was war declared on Russia when they did the same a couple weeks later? No. Neither was it a few weeks after that when they invaded Norway. And why did Germany eventually invade Russia? Because the Germans found out that the Russians were about to invade them! So they wisely decided to strike first. Also, it would be best to start a whole thread dedicated as to how FDR got us involved into going to war with Japan. And how he knew well in advance that japan was going to attach Pearl Harbor. But did nothing to stop it because that was exactly what he wanted to happen.
Any other real history you would like to know about? How about the holocaust. Well there is a thread around here called, "The Holocaust LIE!" Look it up and leave a reply in it. Then tell me you did so. I'll discuss it with you there. But in the meantime, I have a couple videos for you. Each is 15 minutes long. I wonder if you would be willing to put that much "effort" into learning some real truth. In the second half of the second one, they talk to people who were actually IN those "concentration camps." Do you have it in you to call people who actually went through it liars? Given your brainwashing, probably.
Hitler invaded Poland on a lie. Hitler had been agitating for return to Germany of the Danzig corridor, and other land in Poland almost from the day he first took office. There is no evidence of "ethnic Germans being murdered" in Poland pre-invasion. The event the Nazis used to declare war on Poland was the Gleiwitz radio station incident. This was a wholly fabricated event staged by the Nazis as an excuse to declare war.
It should be noted, that the Germans had agreements with the Soviet Union who also invaded Poland a week or so after Germany, and that the Slovak state, a puppet of Germany declared war and did a land grab as well.
So, you are full of shit on that one.
The Soviets didn't invade Norway. In fact, the British and French invaded Norway first provoking a German response. Again, you are full of shit.
You are totally wrong about Stalin planning an invasion of Germany. The Red Army in 1941 was undergoing a massive reorganization and reequipping and was in no shape to do an offensive. Hitler invaded Russia because he was stalemated in the West with Britain and redirected his army to take Russia--well a big chunk of it--as he had planned as part of his expansion of land for German living space.
FDR didn't provoke Japan into war. The Japanese Army provoked the war--not their Navy. This was because the IJA was lead by generals who were under social pressure and norms of Japanese culture to succeed completely. There could be no compromise. Thus, in China they kept fighting an expanding war that could only end with Japan taking all of China, or being completely defeated. The US and world in general responded by assisting China.
Notably, the Germans--The Germans under Hitler--gave massive assistance to China both in arms and military training.
Nobody provoked the Japanese into the sinking of the USS Panay either.
US embargos were a result of Japanese actions, not unilateral.
In this respect, you are beyond full of shit.
The Holocaust happened. There is zero doubt of that. Allied aerial reconnaissance photos are a start to putting to lie those videos you cited.
So, you are full of shit.
Discard of history.
You are describing yourself and other Democrats. LIF.
What 'big lie'?????!? Buzzword fallacy.
You are describing yourself.
This thread isn't about the chinese.
You brought up the Chinese Disease. I said they downplayed it first. Get with the program if you want to stay on topic.
Hitler invaded Poland on a lie. Hitler had been agitating for return to Germany of the Danzig corridor, and other land in Poland almost from the day he first took office. There is no evidence of "ethnic Germans being murdered" in Poland pre-invasion. The event the Nazis used to declare war on Poland was the Gleiwitz radio station incident. This was a wholly fabricated event staged by the Nazis as an excuse to declare war.
It should be noted, that the Germans had agreements with the Soviet Union who also invaded Poland a week or so after Germany, and that the Slovak state, a puppet of Germany declared war and did a land grab as well.
So, you are full of shit on that one.
The Soviets didn't invade Norway. In fact, the British and French invaded Norway first provoking a German response. Again, you are full of shit.
You are totally wrong about Stalin planning an invasion of Germany. The Red Army in 1941 was undergoing a massive reorganization and reequipping and was in no shape to do an offensive. Hitler invaded Russia because he was stalemated in the West with Britain and redirected his army to take Russia--well a big chunk of it--as he had planned as part of his expansion of land for German living space.
FDR didn't provoke Japan into war. The Japanese Army provoked the war--not their Navy. This was because the IJA was lead by generals who were under social pressure and norms of Japanese culture to succeed completely. There could be no compromise. Thus, in China they kept fighting an expanding war that could only end with Japan taking all of China, or being completely defeated. The US and world in general responded by assisting China.
Notably, the Germans--The Germans under Hitler--gave massive assistance to China both in arms and military training.
Nobody provoked the Japanese into the sinking of the USS Panay either.
US embargos were a result of Japanese actions, not unilateral.
In this respect, you are beyond full of shit.
The Holocaust happened. There is zero doubt of that. Allied aerial reconnaissance photos are a start to putting to lie those videos you cited.
So, you are full of shit.
Who are you to say it was a lie. Certainly there were probably jews in Poland who were pissed off at Germany deporting most of their jews. That could have caused them to murder some ethnic German Poles. Also, Russian agents could have also done so. To provoke the Germans into invading. Which would have been and turned out to be to the Russian's advantage. Also, it is said that there was a "secret protocol" in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact to divide Poland between them. But being a 'secret protocol' that was only publicly reveled during the kangaroo court Nuremberg trials, I would have to doubt its authenticity. Also, Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. If Germany and Russia had a pact to divide Poland, why did Russia wait until September 17th to invade too. So who are you to tell me I am full of shit about this point.
Next, you are right. I got a little mixed up. Russia didn't invade Norway. They invaded Finland. I knew it was some far north European country. As for the reason Germany invaded Russia, it was pointed out by a Russian defector named Vladmir Rezun. He was an officer in Soviet Military Intelligence! He wrote a book that was widely "debunked" called "Icebreaker: Who started the Second World War." I will show you something that showed how the German and Russian forces stacked up against each other. Also, with an unresolved war in the west, only a fool would have started another war in the east unless they were forced to. And Hitler was no fool.
Next, there were a number of recommendations made to FDR to provoke the Japanese into attacking the U.S. They were ALL done. One of which was moving the main U.S. Pacific fleet to Hawaii. Neither do I believe it was an accident that at the time of the attack, the two most important U.S. warships weren't in port. Our aircraft carriers. Also, it was no sneak attack. The Japanese navy was supposed to have maintained radio silence. They didn't. Probably because admiral Yamamoto didn't want to enrage the U.S.public with an actual sneak attack. Here is part of a message sent from the Japanese fleet to Japan on Novenber 25. "The task force keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow." So, who is full of shit now.
Next, I see that you never did post a reply in that thread "The Holocaust LIE!" Whats the matter. Afraid of the truth? And as you probably know, I posted a couple links to a couple videos that were each 15 minutes long. Anybody can post a picture with words on it that show the position to imaginary things. Watch the god damned videos! When you have the person who actually runs the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz saying that there was no gas chamber there, you have to take their word for it. Because they are in the best position to know! Also the person who actually made the first video was a JEW named David Cole. Not all Jews believe the bullshit about the "holocaust" like you do. I'll show you a meme of another who doesn't.
So did the Chinese...