Why Can't I Own a Canadian?

lol....that's called isogesis, apple.....putting your own beliefs INTO scriptures.....

There's nothing eisegesis about it. That's a direct Biblical quote. "Hath oppressed the poor and needy, hath spoiled by violence, hath not restored the pledge, and hath lifted up his eyes to the idols, hath committed abomination," http://www.biblestudytools.com/kjv/ezekiel/18-12.html

"Hath oppressed the poor and needy." Taking money that could have been used to provide medical care or housing or basic food for the poor and using it for a drummed up war isn't an abomination? It appears you're the one guilty of eisegesis.
There's nothing eisegesis about it. That's a direct Biblical quote. "Hath oppressed the poor and needy, hath spoiled by violence, hath not restored the pledge, and hath lifted up his eyes to the idols, hath committed abomination," http://www.biblestudytools.com/kjv/ezekiel/18-12.html

"Hath oppressed the poor and needy." Taking money that could have been used to provide medical care or housing or basic food for the poor and using it for a drummed up war isn't an abomination? It appears you're the one guilty of eisegesis.

Have you never wondered why these bible thumpers are so war-like?
Have you never wondered why these bible thumpers are so war-like?

It's what they've been taught.

(Excerpt) As the Jewish Encyclopedia put it, "David waged a sacred war of extermination against the Amalekites," who may have subsequently disappeared from history. Long after, in the time of Hezekiah, five hundred Simeonites annihilated the remnant "of the Amalekites that had escaped" on Mount Seir, and settled in their place (1 Chr. 4:42-43).

(King James Version) Exd 17:14 ¶ And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this [for] a memorial in a book, and rehearse [it] in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. (End)

Extermination of the Amalekites. Genocide. And then we have the Canaanites.

(Excerpt) (King James Bible) And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. (Genesis 9:25) (End)

A servant of servants. Slavery.

And then there's assorted passages mentioning how to treat enemies such as killing the men and young boys and even the women but keeping the virgins as whores? servants? What would one expect of people who base their life on such teachings?

What puzzles me is why they choose such a belief? Is it because they want to live forever so they'll do anything to ensure they do (assuming it's true)? Or do they follow such teachings because of the fear of Hell? Or do they just like killing and torture and slavery?

Maybe there is a devout Christian here who can shed some light on this.
I came across this while Googling. It should be good news to everyone.

(Excerpt) When studying Genesis 15:16 there is a key word in this verse. It is the Hebrew word translated full. This word is directly connected with the idea of friendly or friendship. The concept of this word is that when a society is friendly with iniquity at that point it is subject to judgment from God. Iniquity is no longer shameful or disgraceful.

Later in chapter 18, the Bible defines iniquity. It includes such acts as: adultery, child sacrifice, homosexuality and bestiality. Homosexuality is singled out from this group and described as an abomination. Without any doubt, God strongly condemns the homosexual act as iniquity. There is no section in the Old Testament where God approves or condones homosexuality. The homosexual act is a very serious offense to God. It is linked with child sacrifice and bestiality.

The Bible warns that when homosexuality becomes an ordinance, social custom or norm, it will bring God's judgment on that nation.

America is continually making ordinances to advance the homosexual agenda. Sodomites can legally marry in California and Massachusetts while many states recognize civil unions. Homosexuals are now able to adopt children and gain custody of children during a divorce. There are now numerous hate speech laws which are being used to silence opposition to the homosexual agenda. America is a long way down the road to enacting all the Ordinances of the Amorites.

The Bible warns of God judging a nation that walks in these ordinances. When the corporate attitude of a nation is friendly toward homosexuality then at this point the iniquity is full. It is apparent that "the cup" of America’s sin is rapidly filling up. Americans hardly blush anymore at fornication and adultery. The nation kills over one million babies a year with up to 50 million killed since 1973. The legalizing of abortion was an additional Ordinance of the Amorites. Homosexuality is fast becoming a constitutional right. The only ordinance left to fulfill Leviticus 18 is bestiality. This is probably next on line to become an ordinance! (End) http://averyheavystone.blogspot.com/2008/10/ordinances-of-amorites.html

I suppose one can reasonably conclude that until bestiality becomes common place God will not strike. Now I understand why certain people oppose homosexual marriage and mention it will lead to marrying ones dog or cat or goat or whatever. I’d say we have a while to go before that is acceptable. At least till after I’m long gone.

So, rejoice! Be happy. We are spared God’s wrath. Halleluiah, brother! :cheer:
I bought myself a keg of Molson one time, back in my drinking days. $65 versus $40 for my usual Bud, but well worth it.

I thought of the time I was in Hawaii listening to a band. The singer reminded Canadians they had to drink three beers for every two they'd normally drink due to the lower alcohol content. :)
One of best friends is Canadian by naturalisation, he's lived in Vancouver for nearly thirty years. I must go to see him in Canada sometime as we meet up in Thailand or England.

Which doesn't change that it would cost too much for you to buy one and take it home. ;)

There's too many in the shelters anyway. Remember to spay and neuter your pets.
Taking money that could have been used to provide medical care or housing or basic food for the poor and using it for a drummed up war isn't an abomination?

lol.....that's what I'm talking about, apple......it may come as a surprise to you but the war in Iraq is not mentioned in scripture......