Why Democrats are Cooler: Dems clobbering GOP in making friends....

I know this is all fun and games but this is one of the dorkiest threads ever and this amongst people who debate politics on the internet.

Great point! Using and exploiting the web to energize the netroots, and get your message out is a waste of time! The web is not a political tool!

Libertarians and republicans should forget about the web, and its potential to grow netroots politics. Its a waste of time!
Like we're not all dorks here. The cool people are on myspace iHG! I don't even know how to set up an account ther

I know and I admit as much. I'm saying this is a dorky thread even for people who are dorks themselves.
Great point! Using and exploiting the web to energize the netroots, and get your message out is a waste of time! The web is not a political tool!

Libertarians and republicans should forget about the web, and its potential to grow netroots politics. Its a waste of time!

Cypress please. You don't need to school me on the value of the internet in grass roots campainging. But come on you have to admit there is something dorky sounding about, "Haha I've got more internet friends on my myspace page than you."

Sounds like something out of a South Park episode.
I just made Obama, John Edwards, and John McCain my friends.

I felt sorry for the old dude, McCain. Only 300 friends. :crybaby:
MySpace is old... The cool people don't hang there anymore, it has become a churning machine for ads.
Great point! Using and exploiting the web to energize the netroots, and get your message out is a waste of time! The web is not a political tool!

Libertarians and republicans should forget about the web, and its potential to grow netroots politics. Its a waste of time!

Cypress please. You don't need to school me on the value of the internet in grass roots campainging. But come on you have to admit there is something dorky sounding about, "Haha I've got more internet friends on my myspace page than you."

Sounds like something out of a South Park episode.

But come on you have to admit there is something dorky sounding about, "Haha I've got more internet friends on my myspace page than you."

It got a laugh at of a few people. Where's your sense of humour, man?

Besides, the web and the netroots are going to be increasingly important in political campaigns. Those who dismiss it as "dorky" do so at their own peril.

I could be wrong, but when the Democrats, and even their wives, can pull, what - a hundred thousand myspace users - compared to republicans barely getting a thousand, that may tell us something significant about who really knows how to use the web for netroots organizing.
I just made Obama, John Edwards, and John McCain my friends.

I felt sorry for the old dude, McCain. Only 300 friends. :crybaby:

You are very charitable Cypress.

Last night, over Easter dinner, I ended up making a bet with my brother. 500 dollars that Rudy Guiliani is not the R nominee. He was driving me crazy, telling me that Rudy was going to be the nominee, and win the Presidency in a landslide.

I plan on buying myself some very nice shoes, on him, when the time comes for him to pay up.
Great point! Using and exploiting the web to energize the netroots, and get your message out is a waste of time! The web is not a political tool!

Libertarians and republicans should forget about the web, and its potential to grow netroots politics. Its a waste of time!

Cypress please. You don't need to school me on the value of the internet in grass roots campainging. But come on you have to admit there is something dorky sounding about, "Haha I've got more internet friends on my myspace page than you."

Sounds like something out of a South Park episode.

Oh please. You're being a drama queen. The fact is its hilarious. Obama's got well over 180 times as many MS friends as fossil and he's been in the senate a fraction of the time. That's pure comedy.
You are very charitable Cypress.

Last night, over Easter dinner, I ended up making a bet with my brother. 500 dollars that Rudy Guiliani is not the R nominee. He was driving me crazy, telling me that Rudy was going to be the nominee, and win the Presidency in a landslide.

I plan on buying myself some very nice shoes, on him, when the time comes for him to pay up.


Plan on winning that bet.

Although Maineman can tell you, from personal experience, that Republicans don't pay bets they lose. They welch on them!

You are very charitable Cypress.

Last night, over Easter dinner, I ended up making a bet with my brother. 500 dollars that Rudy Guiliani is not the R nominee. He was driving me crazy, telling me that Rudy was going to be the nominee, and win the Presidency in a landslide.

I plan on buying myself some very nice shoes, on him, when the time comes for him to pay up.

Does your brother follow politics?

Plan on winning that bet.

Although Maineman can tell you, from personal experience, that Republicans don't pay bets they lose. They welch on them!


I've got witnesses. He's got plenty of money. That's why I made it 500. I would have made it a thousand, but I had to make it a number I can actually afford to pay myself, just in case. But I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be hitting the Bloomies shoe department.

He claims he's not a Republican, and I will say that he hates Bush. No one can take a backseat to him on that. But, at heart, he's a damned Republican and I knew it was only a matter of time till he reverted back.
I've got witnesses. He's got plenty of money. That's why I made it 500. I would have made it a thousand, but I had to make it a number I can actually afford to pay myself, just in case. But I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be hitting the Bloomies shoe department.

He claims he's not a Republican, and I will say that he hates Bush. No one can take a backseat to him on that. But, at heart, he's a damned Republican and I knew it was only a matter of time till he reverted back.

Damn! Another closet republican, claiming to not be a Bush-fan. It's getting to be like an epidemic!

Let me speak to your brother. I'll straighten him out, on this Guiliani pipe dream crap ;)
Does your brother follow politics?

Yeah, and he thinks he's a freaking genius. He's got these two guys who follow him around telling him how great he is. They both work for him. One of them calls him a "visionary". I'm like yeah, I remember when he looked like Greg Brady, ok? So over the past year, I have noticed that this is really going to his head, and now he thinks he knows everything about everything. Being a "visionary" and all.
I've got witnesses. He's got plenty of money. That's why I made it 500. I would have made it a thousand, but I had to make it a number I can actually afford to pay myself, just in case. But I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be hitting the Bloomies shoe department.

He claims he's not a Republican, and I will say that he hates Bush. No one can take a backseat to him on that. But, at heart, he's a damned Republican and I knew it was only a matter of time till he reverted back.

Well, if he can afford it you should up that bet. As a matter of fact i want in on it.
It got a laugh at of a few people. Where's your sense of humour, man?

Besides, the web and the netroots are going to be increasingly important in political campaigns. Those who dismiss it as "dorky" do so at their own peril.

I could be wrong, but when the Democrats, and even their wives, can pull, what - a hundred thousand myspace users - compared to republicans barely getting a thousand, that may tell us something significant about who really knows how to use the web for netroots organizing.

You are totally not understanding what I'm saying. Not saying that it isn't good for the three Dem frontrunners to have so many friends.

Not even saying it is dorky. I'm just saying the tone of this thread about it is dorky. That also doesn't mean I don't think it is funny. I even compared it to South Park which I consider very funny.

I am just amused. Nothing more to it than that.