Why Democrats are Cooler: Dems clobbering GOP in making friends....

Yeah, and he thinks he's a freaking genius. He's got these two guys who follow him around telling him how great he is. They both work for him. One of them calls him a "visionary". I'm like yeah, I remember when he looked like Greg Brady, ok? So over the past year, I have noticed that this is really going to his head, and now he thinks he knows everything about everything. Being a "visionary" and all.

He'll get a dose of reality sometime next year.
speaking of political "visionaries" Darla, did you see any of the sunday morning shows.

I think it was on Chris Mathews, that all the talking heads were saying that "everyone" is shocked that Hillary is in trouble, and floored that she is NOT able to swamp her opponents with money and support.

I'm quite sure I said over 12 months ago, that Hillary's support was weak, in the grass roots and netroots, regardless of what the national polls said. And I'm sure you probably said this too.

It sucks being brilliant, doesn't it? ;)
speaking of political "visionaries" Darla, did you see any of the sunday morning shows.

I think it was on Chris Mathews, that all the talking heads were saying that "everyone" is shocked that Hillary is in trouble, and floored that she is NOT able to swamp her opponents with money and support.

I'm quite sure I said over 12 months ago, that Hillary's support was weak, in the grass roots and netroots, regardless of what the national polls said. And I'm sure you probably said this too.

It sucks being brilliant, doesn't it? ;)

I saw that too! Yeah, they are just so insulated, they're always "shocked" when their predictions don't pan out. You'd think they'd be used to it by now.
I saw that too! Yeah, they are just so insulated, they're always "shocked" when their predictions don't pan out. You'd think they'd be used to it by now.

I didn't see it, but I think just about every liberal that posts here said she didn't have the support the media was making her out to have.
Cypress you may be right but I still have a feeling you are going to be wrong. Why? Because history has shown that we often do not get the best deal when it comes party nominees.

For me Hillary winning the nomination would suck hard and that is why I expect it. Edwards or Obama would be ok so that why I feel it won't happen.

Just doing the whole Colbertian gut thing but I feel I'm right. Hope I'm wrong though. We shall see.
I saw that too! Yeah, they are just so insulated, they're always "shocked" when their predictions don't pan out. You'd think they'd be used to it by now.

Spot on. It's unbelievable how often they are wrong.

Mathews could just pay you or me to come on his show. You or I could have told him 12 months ago, that Hillary's candidacy was not as strong as the national polls would suggest. It's scary - are we EVER wrong? j/k
Yep, I got no eddicatishun, but I coldhv tuld them expeurts how iraq wuduve turnd oot. Rove aint so drun smart. Just a fat boy that wud luv to squeel, Il bet.
Spot on. It's unbelievable how often they are wrong.

Mathews could just pay you or me to come on his show. You or I could have told him 12 months ago, that Hillary's candidacy was not as strong as the national polls would suggest. It's scary - are we EVER wrong? j/k

Not that I've noticed.
Yep, I got no eddicatishun, but I coldhv tuld them expeurts how iraq wuduve turnd oot. Rove aint so drun smart. Just a fat boy that wud luv to squeel, Il bet.

That's why I always rejected the media spin about how educated the "NeoCons" were. Sure, a lot of them had PhDs from fancy schools. But, dudes like you or me, sure had more wisdom and judgement about a lot of things

Not that I've noticed.

Yeah, I've never noticed that our predictions are never wrong either.

I'm predicting that within two years, LadyT will be CEO of a hot-shot financial services company, USC will be a wealthy country gentleman of property and leisure, and Darla will be executive director for Code Pink in California.

Yeah, I've never noticed that our predictions are never wrong either.

I'm predicting that within two years, LadyT will be CEO of a hot-shot financial services company, USC will be a wealthy country gentleman of property and leisure, and Darla will be executive director for Code Pink in California.


lol...you're too funny.
Yeah, I've never noticed that our predictions are never wrong either.

I'm predicting that within two years, LadyT will be CEO of a hot-shot financial services company, USC will be a wealthy country gentleman of property and leisure, and Darla will be executive director for Code Pink in California.


I am working on my part of the prediction. I hope the others work out well too.
I actually like to everyone do well. umm well I do like to see assholes faces bounced off the ground a few times to get their attention and modify their attitudes, before doing well. But then I guess they are doing as well as one can expect from an ass.
Yeah, I've never noticed that our predictions are never wrong either.

I'm predicting that within two years, LadyT will be CEO of a hot-shot financial services company, USC will be a wealthy country gentleman of property and leisure, and Darla will be executive director for Code Pink in California.


LOL, two or three.
Rudy scares me way more than Mcain.
I saw a poll that had him beating Hillary or Obama in the general.
Not much would get me depressed. 4 more years of republicans would depress me.