why democrats are scum and a waste of skin


Verified User
They support open boarder
health care for illegals
sanctuary cites
some want heroin meth cocaine meth made legal and have already decriminalized in it one state

they support men using women's restrooms
men competing in women's sports

they love sending money to our enemies and supporting nations like china and iran who hate up

they want America to become a socialist shit hole

they supported the riots this summer that caused billions of damages
they want to de fund the police

they have a severe lack of morals and ethics and values that built America

they want it all for free when nothing is really free but expect it

many of them hate America

Anti gun

they want to raise taxes on select people instead of being fair

I love how O bung hole built the cages and used them that they cried about trump using and now that biter is using them its all ok again the triple standard they have do as I say not as I do , pure scum

This is the first segment of why I think democrats are scum and a waste of skin , please feel free to add to the last.
They support open boarder
health care for illegals
sanctuary cites
some want heroin meth cocaine meth made legal and have already decriminalized in it one state

they support men using women's restrooms
men competing in women's sports

they love sending money to our enemies and supporting nations like china and iran who hate up

they want America to become a socialist shit hole

they supported the riots this summer that caused billions of damages
they want to de fund the police

they have a severe lack of morals and ethics and values that built America

they want it all for free when nothing is really free but expect it

many of them hate America

Anti gun

they want to raise taxes on select people instead of being fair

I love how O bung hole built the cages and used them that they cried about trump using and now that biter is using them its all ok again the triple standard they have do as I say not as I do , pure scum

This is the first segment of why I think democrats are scum and a waste of skin , please feel free to add to the last.
What do you plan to do about it, Bob?
Proofread your "stuff" next time, or is that the best you can do?

Anyway, have a Great Day :cool:

Bob is suffering from debilitative age issues. Having dealt with a similar problem with my dad, now passed, I can see he's on the slide down into oblivion.

The problem is that he's so bitter about it. Worse than my dad. Much worse.

I hope to be a lot more cheerful about a life well lived when my time comes, not bitter about opportunities wasted as he continues to do.
Exhibit A why unity is laughable. This dumb fucker hates anyone that doesn't agree with him. He is the scum of the earth. I wouldn't walk across the street to put him out if he was on fire.

What is an open boarder? Is that a boarder that's open to new experiences? A boarder who has an open ended lease?
Exhibit A why unity is laughable. This dumb fucker hates anyone that doesn't agree with him. He is the scum of the earth. I wouldn't walk across the street to put him out if he was on fire.

What is an open boarder? Is that a boarder that's open to new experiences? A boarder who has an open ended lease?

you know what it means dont pretend your stupid o wait you are
They support open boarder
health care for illegals
sanctuary cites
some want heroin meth cocaine meth made legal and have already decriminalized in it one state

they support men using women's restrooms
men competing in women's sports

they love sending money to our enemies and supporting nations like china and iran who hate up

they want America to become a socialist shit hole

they supported the riots this summer that caused billions of damages
they want to de fund the police

they have a severe lack of morals and ethics and values that built America

they want it all for free when nothing is really free but expect it

many of them hate America

Anti gun

they want to raise taxes on select people instead of being fair

I love how O bung hole built the cages and used them that they cried about trump using and now that biter is using them its all ok again the triple standard they have do as I say not as I do , pure scum

This is the first segment of why I think democrats are scum and a waste of skin , please feel free to add to the last.

Thanks Sean, now back to your radio
democrats make up the majority of convicted felons in America and radicals , those involved in the riots all over the nation looting and burning destroying property and businesses .
not to mention the majority of sexual deviants, and anti Americans . the scum of America all in one political group.
proud deviants.
Maybe one day we can brand them on the fore head and hands and make them apply for a license before they are allowed to breed . limit where they live , thats the kind of stuff they want to to to republicans so wouldn't it fair to do it to them ?
send them to re education camp like they want to do to republicans and not to mention the ethnic cleansing they were calling for