why democrats are scum and a waste of skin

What's to report, Bob? You openly attacked innocent women and children then publicly denied you did. You proved yourself a liar. Anyone can read your posts and draw the same conclusion.

Lying is just part of your dementia. Have you already had your guns taken away?

I doubt your wife is innocent dutch , where did the 2 of you meet on a street corner or a brothel , maybe a crack house
I doubt your wife is innocent dutch , where did the 2 of you meet on a street corner or a brothel , maybe a crack house

Awww, Bob. I'm disappointed you didn't attack the grandkids first like you always do.

Thanks for proving you're just as degenerate and disgusting as the Democrats you hate and want to kill.
Awww, Bob. I'm disappointed you didn't attack the grandkids first like you always do.

Thanks for proving you're just as degenerate and disgusting as the Democrats you hate and want to kill.

I don't want to kill any Americans dutch that's just you lying again trying to put words in others mouth , that natural for you a lying scum bag.
Im sorry if your family is like you dutch its not my fault .
You know biters daddy was a con man used car salesman scum bag lying democrat , he passed his genes and ways down to his son blow hole joey biter who passed his deviant genes down to hunter .
I can only wonder if you did the same. I think maybe your family would have been better of if you had your nut cut off at birth to prevent breeding like the biters did. who knows what kind of spawn you have created that will be a plague on society and nature.
I don't want to kill any Americans dutch that's just you lying again trying to put words in others mouth , that natural for you a lying scum bag.

Sure you do, Bob. That's what you've been posting about for weeks. You also like to attack innocent women and children.

Face it, Bob, you're just a bitter old man in a lot of pain and you are lashing out like a two-year old who shit his diapers.
Sure you do, Bob. That's what you've been posting about for weeks. You also like to attack innocent women and children.

Face it, Bob, you're just a bitter old man in a lot of pain and you are lashing out like a two-year old who shit his diapers.

no I don't dumb ass , democrats kill many more people in America then Republicans.
Im not sure they can help it as they tend to be criminally inclined naturally.

so you have been attacked by a 2 year old in diapers dutch ? did they kick your ass ?

did you report them for it ?
You're a liar, Bob. It's posted on this very thread. Why are you denying the obvious, Bob? Have you always been a liar, Bob, or did that come later?

no I am not a democrat dutch , why are you denying the fact that democrats support deviants and perverts and illegals and crime
no I am not a democrat dutch , why are you denying the fact that democrats support deviants and perverts and illegals and crime

You're lying again, Bob. Why do you lie like an idiot when both of our posts can be read by everyone? I'm not denying anything about the fucking Democrats. I'm just saying that a lowlife scumbag liar like yourself, a bitter asshole who attacks innocent women and children is no better than a fuckng Democrat.

If you don't like that truth, perhaps you should stop being a lowlife, scumbag liar, Bob. Or stop your pain.
You're lying again, Bob. Why do you lie like an idiot when both of our posts can be read by everyone? I'm not denying anything about the fucking Democrats. I'm just saying that a lowlife scumbag liar like yourself, a bitter asshole who attacks innocent women and children is no better than a fuckng Democrat.

If you don't like that truth, perhaps you should stop being a lowlife, scumbag liar, Bob. Or stop your pain.

awww dutch your unset again,must because you married a whore isn't my fault dutch I doubt she is innocent after all she married you , a clear sign of a lack of intelligence and morals and ethics.
awww dutch your unset again,must because you married a whore isn't my fault dutch I doubt she is innocent after all she married you , a clear sign of a lack of intelligence and morals and ethics.

LOL. Not "unset" Bob. Just sad to see a man crash and burn in his own bitterness. The sooner the better for you since it will end your pain sooner.
The OP is exactly what is wrong with this country! There was a time when the left and right would talk and most often come to an agreement on the best action for the country. Then the Democrats slowly got pulled farther and farther left, while the Republicans got pulled farther and farther right. Now we are at the point where both sides hate each other and refuse to work together. It is time to throw the career politicians out and elect men and women who will work together for the good of the nation. Doubt my words just look through the threads, nothing but political hatred.
The OP is exactly what is wrong with this country! There was a time when the left and right would talk and most often come to an agreement on the best action for the country. Then the Democrats slowly got pulled farther and farther left, while the Republicans got pulled farther and farther right. Now we are at the point where both sides hate each other and refuse to work together. It is time to throw the career politicians out and elect men and women who will work together for the good of the nation. Doubt my words just look through the threads, nothing but political hatred.

the op is right and you know it democrats hurt America every chance they get .