why democrats are scum and a waste of skin

yes democrats are scum bags no doubt about it lots of deviants and perverts . I dont know if they are born that way or just become like that

I look at hunter biter and see his dad so (I think he was born that way
yes democrats are scum bags no doubt about it lots of deviants and perverts . I dont know if they are born that way or just become like that

I look at hunter biter and see his dad so (I think he was born that way

BBBrain must be referring to that mysterious "Democrat Party" to which trumpanzees frequently refer.

Did they just make it up, or do they have actually delusion that it exists?
I actually know a fbi agent or 2 dutch . And you threatened president Biden . you should be ashamed of your self what a great example you are for your grand kids .
Why are you telling me and not them, Bob? Are you lying again? Just a chickenshit coward?

Speaking of people who should be ashamed:
you know a lot about the shape of trumps cock dutch , which one of your grand kids were out on the corner working as a hooker told you about it , or was it owl woman
o then it was your wife out on the corner turning tricks hey dutch, or was she just looking for a real man to get what she couldn't get at home ,

You are in pain, Bob. Time to end the pain before the only legacy you have left is a bitter, nasty old man no one feels sorry for when he chokes on a piece of toast. They'll just watch him die as an act of mercy.
Why are you telling me and not them, Bob? Are you lying again? Just a chickenshit coward?

Speaking of people who should be ashamed:

You are in pain, Bob. Time to end the pain before the only legacy you have left is a bitter, nasty old man no one feels sorry for when he chokes on a piece of toast. They'll just watch him die as an act of mercy.
only pain Im in is my shoulder and from nephropathy .
Well thats not totally true when I see what liberal bastards like you do our our nation it causes me pain thge way your trying to turn it into a deviant shit hole
only pain Im in is my shoulder and from nephropathy .
Well thats not totally true when I see what liberal bastards like you do our our nation it causes me pain thge way your trying to turn it into a deviant shit hole

Your pain is as easy to read as the words on this page. You are bitter, angry and selfish. You don't give a shit about anyone but yourself as displayed by your multiple attacks on women and children.

You obviously have nothing to live for, no one to love and no one who loves you. End your pain. It's easy.

you know a lot about the shape of trumps cock dutch , which one of your grand kids were out on the corner working as a hooker told you about it , or was it owl woman
o then it was your wife out on the corner turning tricks hey dutch, or was she just looking for a real man to get what she couldn't get at home ,
Your pain is as easy to read as the words on this page. You are bitter, angry and selfish. You don't give a shit about anyone but yourself as displayed by your multiple attacks on women and children.

You obviously have nothing to live for, no one to love and no one who loves you. End your pain. It's easy.

so I'm selfish dutch , really is that why I support veterans the salvation army and donate to homeless shelters and food banks .

Is that why I have went out and gave homeless people cloths,shoes food and tents and buy meals for them ..

Is that why I provide ammo to student wanting to learn to shoot but couldn't afford to buy ammo and donated my time every week for lessons and meetings ,

is that why I gave a friend a 1200.00 shot gun as a gift because he wanted one to hunt with but couldn't afford it ?

yes dutch clearly you know what your talking about and clearly Im selfish .

As fr women I love women but when a woman is a asshole like you aka arrogant asshole as you call yourself they are open game ,
and I supprt women competing in sports aginst women not men like democrats so , I also support womens and female kids right to use the bathroom with other females not men dressed as women like democrats do.
also I dont support a man like biden who is really perverted around kids and who clearly cant be trusted around them whenhis own staff had to tell him to stop tiuching others kids but democrat support it ,
so I'm selfish dutch , really is that why I support veterans the salvation army and donate to homeless shelters and food banks .

John Wayne Gacy was a clown for children. Jack the Ripper had medical knowledge when it wasn't easy to acquire. What's your point?

How does that excuse you attacking innocent women and children, Bob? It came so easy to you. Why is that, Bob?
John Wayne Gacy was a clown for children. Jack the Ripper had medical knowledge when it wasn't easy to acquire. What's your point?

How does that excuse you attacking innocent women and children, Bob? It came so easy to you. Why is that, Bob?
dutch .
no proof jack the ripper had medical knowledge , whats your point,

I dont attack children thats democrats that do that with making laws that endanger them daaaa as for women I have never physically attached a woman in my life or touched one inappropriately with out asking . thats hunter blow joke Joe and jeff and the 2 bill and all the other deviant democrats .

Now I will argue with women here . if they have the balls to post then its to be expected.
as for your wife knowing so much about trumps penis thats a problem for you to deal with , Id ask for a divorce if I was you Im hguess she may know a lot about a lot of various penis
yes democrats are scum they pass laws that all men to compete in sports with women and use the same bathroom with little girls and women and ignore the complaints about big daddy biter touching women and his perverted ways with kids they should be proud
nope dutch its not a lie Im not a democrat who made little kids and women vulnerable in public bathrooms , thats why I think they are scum

Bob, do you think bullshitting and denying you attacked innocent women and children is making you look reasonable and mature? Or do you think it makes you look like a demented dumbass who needs to have his guns taken away for his own good?
Bob, do you think bullshitting and denying you attacked innocent women and children is making you look reasonable and mature? Or do you think it makes you look like a demented dumbass who needs to have his guns taken away for his own good?

what attack on women and children I have never laid a hand on either, but I do see how democrats are attacking women and children's rights by allowing men to use their bathrooms .You seem to pretend that inst going on.
O dutch if you think I need my guns taken away please continue your informant ways and report me , or better yet come to Florida and do it your self .
what attack on women and children I have never laid a hand on either, but I do see how democrats are attacking women and children's rights by allowing men to use their bathrooms .You seem to pretend that inst going on.
O dutch if you think I need my guns taken away please continue your informant ways and report me , or better yet come to Florida and do it your self .
Obviously you are too far gone, Bob. Others can see it from your posts that I've reposted twice. The fact you can't see it is just prove I am correct about your mental stability.

Good luck, sir.
Obviously you are too far gone, Bob. Others can see it from your posts that I've reposted twice. The fact you can't see it is just prove I am correct about your mental stability.

Good luck, sir.

keep on reporting them dutch , call the police to have my guns taken away tell joe bier all about it. by the way heres a song that your wife might like, bring back old memory's ..

Bob, do you think bullshitting and denying you attacked innocent women and children is making you look reasonable and mature? Or do you think it makes you look like a demented dumbass who needs to have his guns taken away for his own good?

democrats are making women and kids vulnerable in women's bathrooms by letting men go in them in schools and in women's locker rooms in sports . yes I am reasonable to bad democrats like you are scum and cant see the truth dutch
keep on reporting them dutch

What's to report, Bob? You openly attacked innocent women and children then publicly denied you did. You proved yourself a liar. Anyone can read your posts and draw the same conclusion.

Lying is just part of your dementia. Have you already had your guns taken away?
democrats are making women and kids vulnerable in women's bathrooms by letting men go in them in schools and in women's locker rooms in sports . yes I am reasonable to bad democrats like you are scum and cant see the truth dutch

You are no better than the fucking Democrats, Bob. I've quoted your posts proving so.