why democrats are scum and a waste of skin

Lol not likely take more then scum like you.

Time will tell. Time and tide wait for no man.

The odds favor most JPP members outliving you.

Donald Trump looks like a pedophile:

Taxing drug addicts dutch wont work you stupid bastard.didnt your daddy teach you anything .
They steal to buy drugs all you will do it increase their cost like legal pot did .
Shouldn't that be joey biter or his son hunter

Talking to yourself again, Bob? Are you under the care of anyone, Bob? Getting your meds daily in the proper dosage? Do you have a auto pill dispenser so you don't under or overdose yourself? They're covered by Medicare, Bob.
They support open boarder
health care for illegals
sanctuary cites
some want heroin meth cocaine meth made legal and have already decriminalized in it one state

they support men using women's restrooms
men competing in women's sports

they love sending money to our enemies and supporting nations like china and iran who hate up

they want America to become a socialist shit hole

they supported the riots this summer that caused billions of damages
they want to de fund the police

they have a severe lack of morals and ethics and values that built America

they want it all for free when nothing is really free but expect it

many of them hate America

Anti gun

they want to raise taxes on select people instead of being fair

I love how O bung hole built the cages and used them that they cried about trump using and now that biter is using them its all ok again the triple standard they have do as I say not as I do , pure scum

This is the first segment of why I think democrats are scum and a waste of skin , please feel free to add to the last.

They are cancer cells
I'm what, Bob? Smarter, saner and more educated than you? Yes, abso-fucking-lutely.

As for Donald Trump, there's ample evidence he's a pedo rapist. I'd advise against following him.

pedo rapist that sounds a whole lot more like joe biter and his son hunter there dutch .
yes modern democrats know they are scum and anti American . its in their genes I think.

Look at dutch calling trump a rapist and pedo when we have a real model for that in the white house, guess hes blind to that isn't he .

joeys been touching kids for years and he raised a real chip off the old biter block with hunter the crack head .
pedo rapist that sounds a whole lot more like joe biter and his son hunter there dutch .

It's Trump. He's the self-styled adulterous playboy banging hookers, porn stars and little girls on Pedo Island....and, of course, his own daughter.
