Why DEMONCRATS Hate Black Folks

It is you that is making no sense. Why should I have to explain or justify the obvious? It's clear to me, why is it not to you? Could it be that you are trapped by your own life experiences, which don't include being able to walk in someone else's shoes, or to see "clearly" another's point of view, because you're so entrenched by ideology and stereotype?

Says the dude that tells me first that only people of the same pigmentation can judge people of that pigmentation...

I can pick up a newspaper, or watch a news program which underscores what has become conventional wisdom...Republicans don't like anyone that doesn't resemble them......conservative, white and male. Conservative women fall for the okey doke, ignoring the fact that most Republican men are chauvanists and sexist, and actually have no fear of a Sarah Palin or a Michele Bachmann presidency, knowing that they will be "contained" by the Republican male Congress, to do their bidding, as women are seen as subservient to men. Barefoot and pregnant. Ain't nobody stupid..save you.

You can read editorials that agree with you and ignore others that don't with the best. The only thing "stupid" is the assumption that because people have been successful getting some people to define themselves through fear, that the definition they have declared is somehow the only "right way"...

It isn't me trapped, you were the only one who said, quite literally, that you can't understand people of a certain pigmentation that think differently than you, I have never made such a claim. I would be embarrassed to do so.
So what you're implying is that millions of Blacks vote for Democrats not because they think it is in their best interest but becuase they have the worlds largest collective case of Stockholm syndrome?

Once again I'll ask you to define specifically what that "best interest" is and you will cower away.
Says the dude that tells me first that only people of the same pigmentation can judge people of that pigmentation...

So true. When we were brought here, against our will, with our traditions, languages, history, and culture "trashed". Of course, we could only be the judges of ourselves, since you're lacking in moral compass and compassion. The enslavement of human beings ? Man's inhumanity to man? Justified by claiming that the slaves were only 3/4 human? Please.

You can read editorials that agree with you and ignore others that don't with the best. The only thing "stupid" is the assumption that because people have been successful getting some people to define themselves through fear, that the definition they have declared is somehow the only "right way"...

Fear= the Democratic way?????? That's a right wing Fox News talking point, and having no basis in reality.
It isn't me trapped, you were the only one who said, quite literally, that you can't understand people of a certain pigmentation that think differently than you, I have never made such a claim. I would be embarrassed to do so.

I didn't mean to say that I don't understand black people per se...I meant that I don't understand the reasoning for the alignment with a political party that holds them in contempt.
I'm clear, even if you're not.

So true. When we were brought here, against our will, with our traditions, languages, history, and culture "trashed". Of course, we could only be the judges of ourselves, since you're lacking in moral compass and compassion. The enslavement of human beings ? Man's inhumanity to man? Justified by claiming that the slaves were only 3/4 human? Please.

Fear= the Democratic way?????? That's a right wing Fox News talking point, and having no basis in reality.

I didn't mean to say that I don't understand black people per se...I meant that I don't understand the reasoning for the alignment with a political party that holds them in contempt.
I'm clear, even if you're not.

Fear, yes. And no not "the democratic way", it is based on your immediate use of racially based epithets to dismiss anybody who thinks differently than you displayed, perhaps, in another thread but displayed directly today.

Again you judge solely by what you assume to be my pigmentation, 3/5 of a human has nothing to do with me, you tell me based on what you assume is my "race" that I have no moral compass or compassion.

Again I'll ask you: How is this even remotely compatible with the idea that we should judge people based on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin?
Fear, yes. And no not "the democratic way", it is based on your immediate use of racially based epithets to dismiss anybody who thinks differently than you displayed, perhaps, in another thread but displayed directly today.

Again you judge solely by what you assume to be my pigmentation, 3/5 of a human has nothing to do with me, you tell me based on what you assume is my "race" that I have no moral compass or compassion.

Again I'll ask you: How is this even remotely compatible with the idea that we should judge people based on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin?

I'm done. You're a dishonest poster and moderator. Don't ask me any questions, that you yourself are unwilling or unable to answer.
I'm done. You're a dishonest poster and moderator. Don't ask me any questions, that you yourself are unwilling or unable to answer.

You assume that I am unwilling to answer those questions? That's preposterous. You haven't bothered to ask any of them. First you assume my "race", then assign a "moral compass" and a level of "compassion" to me based on that assumption. You don't answer questions and accuse, then try to tell me what I am willing to answer, you try to dismiss the questions with tissue-thin remarks like this.

So long as you are unwilling to make any attempt at introspection and actually discuss issues like this, we will never be able to have an honest discussion of race. Thankfully there are some people that are willing to do so or we'd be stuck and there would be no way to go forward on the issue.
You, evidently, don't know what racism is. Why do you think the majority of black people, who can't all be stupid and sheep, are Democrats? It's because the Republican Party sees black people as inconveniences, and problems to solve. The Democratic Party, though only slightly better, at least talks the talk if not exactly walking the walk. That is infinitely more appealing that being talked down to, and only thrown crumbs. Where are the black Republican Congressmen? How many are there? I rest my case.

The reason the majority of blacks vote democrat is because they have allowed themselves to be bought. You vote democrat for what they can do for YOU. The Dems have used the money of others to give you things for your vote. You have allowed yourself to be bought off and you have become a slave to the democrat master. You've made a deal. You've sold your freedom to return to slavery of the white liberal.

That wasn't a republican who stood up and filibustered the Civil Rights Bill in the 60s. That was a former KKK big shot named Robert K Byrd who sat in his US Senate seat until 2010. Clinton and Obama both got up and told us what a great American he was except for a few "mistakes". You've been brainwashed to believe a lie. It wasn't Democrats who freed the slaves. It was republicans.
How many times have I publicly rejected any notion of "reparations"? It would the tantamount to "blood money", and there is not enough gold in Fort Knox to satisfy the injury, the insult to "our collective sensibilities" , for the wrongs done to us.....so consider the debt forgiven. Did you hear me? I said you owe us nothing. But, if you were decent, Christian, faithful and true, you could present a level "playing field", which has never been, and allow "us" to compete on the merits, for opportunities, contracts, authority and advancement.

I don't know how many times you've rejected it, we're talking about the black community, if you disagree with them, you should be more vocal. Besides, the welfare and affirmative action programs are a form of reparations, for all intents and purposes. In your final sentence, you reveal the mindset I was referring to, the mentality that society owes you something because you are black. IF you were a decent faithful Christian, you'd understand that we're already on a level field as far as non-prejudice, non-bigoted people are concerned, and for the prejudiced bigot, nothing could ever level the field.

Any achievement I have made personally, was on my own merits, and hardly out of any entitlements, imagined or given.....Your rhetoric says otherwise. And you don't get a pass , trying to have it both ways. The suggestion is I didn't work hard for what I have, and that my whole life has been the receiving of handout after handout.

I didn't ask for a pass, I happen to be 1/16 African-American, 1/8 Cherokee, 1/8 Creek, 1/8 Asian. It would be rather 'self-defeating' for me to be racist. And again, I am not talking about YOU personally, I know nothing about YOU or what you have or haven't done in life, and I'm unqualified to comment on that. We are talking about black people and the government handing out welfare to them on the basis they are black. Yes, I know more white people are on welfare than blacks, but more white people are on welfare than part black/indian/asian people too! That's not the point.

I'm surprised you don't get the point, your responses are indicative of the very point I am making. You constantly feel the need to justify yourself to me, to explain to me how you don't fit the stereotype, that you have accomplished and achieved on your own merits, not because of handouts. Now, why do you feel the need to defend yourself? Because society sees a government system designed to give you and advantage, to "level the field" ...and because this exists, it hangs over your head with any accomplishment you may obtain in life. What you've done in life, would have so much more merit and meaning, if this stereotype no longer existed, and we all understood that every American plays on the same field and has the same rights and privileges. As long as there is a perception that black people get special treatment, there will be the perception that you don't deserve what you've achieved.

Contrary to popular belief...black folks are as smart as white folks..and sometimes, moreso. And the government has been tilting things in your favor, since its' inception...and it's high time that changed. In any event, you and others like you are fastly headed to be the new minority, and see how well you like that.

Again.. therein lies the rub! FDR and LBJ simply didn't believe black folks were as smart as white folks, which is why they established a government system of subsidy for blacks on the basis that they are black. They convinced you that things have to be tilted in your favor, to make up for the years they weren't. And you have bought into the rhetoric completely, thinking that your people are totally deserving of anything they can get... because they are black people. Go scour the law books, see if you can find any indication that white people are given any advantage over black people under the law? It doesn't happen anymore in America, we passed Civil Rights, we prosecute people for discrimination and sometimes send them to prison. Are there still prejudiced bigots out there? Sure, but no amount of government 'tilting' is going to change the heart of a bigot. In fact, if anything, it serves to do the opposite, it (in their mind) justifies their bigotry.

Black people can (AND HAVE) accomplished many great things, and have proven themselves to be just as smart and capable as anyone else. The fact that you and I must point that out, is a testament to the very point I am trying to make here. As long as the perception exists, that government is "leveling the field" or giving black people an advantage because they are black, the perception will exist that black people don't deserve what they achieve. In order to break that stereotype, black people must first believe in themselves, and stop accepting the rhetoric which says they are inferior and need help from the government to make them equal to whites.
The reason the majority of blacks vote democrat is because they have allowed themselves to be bought. You vote democrat for what they can do for YOU. The Dems have used the money of others to give you things for your vote. You have allowed yourself to be bought off and you have become a slave to the democrat master. You've made a deal. You've sold your freedom to return to slavery of the white liberal.

That wasn't a republican who stood up and filibustered the Civil Rights Bill in the 60s. That was a former KKK big shot named Robert K Byrd who sat in his US Senate seat until 2010. Clinton and Obama both got up and told us what a great American he was except for a few "mistakes". You've been brainwashed to believe a lie. It wasn't Democrats who freed the slaves. It was republicans.

Bitch, no doubt, you're as stupid as you look. Where do you get off saying stupid shit like that? Bought? You mean like the Republicans have bought poor inbred whites and made meal tickets of the wealthy? You are one stupid angry bitch. Continue to believe as you do, while I continue to vote Democratic. My prerogative. My choice. Matters not , whether I've been "bought" or not....it 's my friggin vote and a goddamn Republican will never get it.

And bitch, I can't help you if you continue to remain ignorant of the facts....http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_did_...me_democrats_and_democrats_became_republicans

The old Republicans who voted for the Civil Rights Act are now Democrats and the Democrats who voted against it are now Republicans. Enlightenment is optional. Keep proselytizing..and I'll keep ignoring you.
I don't know how many times you've rejected it, we're talking about the black community, if you disagree with them, you should be more vocal. Besides, the welfare and affirmative action programs are a form of reparations, for all intents and purposes. In your final sentence, you reveal the mindset I was referring to, the mentality that society owes you something because you are black. IF you were a decent faithful Christian, you'd understand that we're already on a level field as far as non-prejudice, non-bigoted people are concerned, and for the prejudiced bigot, nothing could ever level the field.

I didn't ask for a pass, I happen to be 1/16 African-American, 1/8 Cherokee, 1/8 Creek, 1/8 Asian. It would be rather 'self-defeating' for me to be racist. And again, I am not talking about YOU personally, I know nothing about YOU or what you have or haven't done in life, and I'm unqualified to comment on that. We are talking about black people and the government handing out welfare to them on the basis they are black. Yes, I know more white people are on welfare than blacks, but more white people are on welfare than part black/indian/asian people too! That's not the point.

I'm surprised you don't get the point, your responses are indicative of the very point I am making. You constantly feel the need to justify yourself to me, to explain to me how you don't fit the stereotype, that you have accomplished and achieved on your own merits, not because of handouts. Now, why do you feel the need to defend yourself? Because society sees a government system designed to give you and advantage, to "level the field" ...and because this exists, it hangs over your head with any accomplishment you may obtain in life. What you've done in life, would have so much more merit and meaning, if this stereotype no longer existed, and we all understood that every American plays on the same field and has the same rights and privileges. As long as there is a perception that black people get special treatment, there will be the perception that you don't deserve what you've achieved.

Again.. therein lies the rub! FDR and LBJ simply didn't believe black folks were as smart as white folks, which is why they established a government system of subsidy for blacks on the basis that they are black. They convinced you that things have to be tilted in your favor, to make up for the years they weren't. And you have bought into the rhetoric completely, thinking that your people are totally deserving of anything they can get... because they are black people. Go scour the law books, see if you can find any indication that white people are given any advantage over black people under the law? It doesn't happen anymore in America, we passed Civil Rights, we prosecute people for discrimination and sometimes send them to prison. Are there still prejudiced bigots out there? Sure, but no amount of government 'tilting' is going to change the heart of a bigot. In fact, if anything, it serves to do the opposite, it (in their mind) justifies their bigotry.

Black people can (AND HAVE) accomplished many great things, and have proven themselves to be just as smart and capable as anyone else. The fact that you and I must point that out, is a testament to the very point I am trying to make here. As long as the perception exists, that government is "leveling the field" or giving black people an advantage because they are black, the perception will exist that black people don't deserve what they achieve. In order to break that stereotype, black people must first believe in themselves, and stop accepting the rhetoric which says they are inferior and need help from the government to make them equal to whites.

You've mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck. I don't.
The old Republicans who voted for the Civil Rights Act are now Democrats and the Democrats who voted against it are now Republicans. Enlightenment is optional. Keep proselytizing..and I'll keep ignoring you.

I hear this all the time, but have never seen anyone give any proof to support the notion. First of all, there is no one currently serving in government, much less representing the Republican party, who was even around when Civil Rights was being debated and passed into law. They've all retired or died, because that was 50 years ago! So what you said is just factually inaccurate. Aside from Strom Thurmond, I don't know of ANY Republican who was once a segregationist democrat. I do know many segregationist democrats who "repented" after Civil Rights was passed, and remained loyal to the Democrat party until the day they died. But again, the salient point... they are DEAD!
I hear this all the time, but have never seen anyone give any proof to support the notion. First of all, there is no one currently serving in government, much less representing the Republican party, who was even around when Civil Rights was being debated and passed into law. They've all retired or died, because that was 50 years ago! So what you said is just factually inaccurate. Aside from Strom Thurmond, I don't know of ANY Republican who was once a segregationist democrat. I do know many segregationist democrats who "repented" after Civil Rights was passed, and remained loyal to the Democrat party until the day they died. But again, the salient point... they are DEAD!

Stupid bitch...the ideologies switched. The Republicans who were pro-civil rights are now known as "Democrats", and the anti-civil rights "Dixiecrats" (the Southern Democrats who supported George Wallace) disenfranchised and disillusioned by Hubert Humphrey flooded the Republican Party and now make up the bulk of the racist constituents of the Republican Party, ignoramus.
The goddamn parties switched.....what you're portraying as the sympathetic Republicans are now known as Democrats. I'm not going to tell you again. Fuck who is alive and who is dead.
The ideologies remain, and the party of Lincoln is now the Democratic Party...and the party of the KKK is now the Republican Party. Get into some acceptance.
Stupid bitch...the ideologies switched. The Republicans who were pro-civil rights are now known as "Democrats", and the anti-civil rights "Dixiecrats" (the Southern Democrats who supported George Wallace) disenfranchised and disillusioned by Hubert Humphrey flooded the Republican Party and now make up the bulk of the racist constituents of the Republican Party, ignoramus.
The goddamn parties switched.....what you're portraying as the sympathetic Republicans are now known as Democrats. I'm not going to tell you again. Fuck who is alive and who is dead.
The ideologies remain, and the party of Lincoln is now the Democratic Party...and the party of the KKK is now the Republican Party. Get into some acceptance.

George Wallace was a Democrat until the day he died, so was Robert Byrd and Lester Maddox... the list goes on and on. Their ideologies remained in the Democrat party through some mysterious pinhead process of 'redemption' ....no evidence of this grand event has ever been recorded. They all just woke up one morning and had a change of heart! And remained loyal and strong DEMOCRATS until the day they died!

True RACIST people, are mostly anarchists. They despise and hate ALL government and certainly both political parties. This is why you have such a hard time trying to find some video or recording of a TEA Party supporter, spewing racial obscenities, it's not happening. Civic-minded people on both sides, are not overtly RACIST people, they just aren't. That's a fact of reality in the world we live in now, it's no longer 1954 or 1964, or even 1974! A whole new generation has come along to take the reigns of society, and the 'old blood' prejudices are dying out, literally. Everyone who has any white ancestry can attest, they know some older relative who is/was very prejudiced and racist in their viewpoints. You see very few young people with those attitudes today. Things are changing with race, race relations, perceptions of people based on race... the whole deal. But when we lower ourselves to bickering and insulting comments declaring each other racist, when we're really not... how does that HELP race relations? How does it do anything other than keep the wound open, keep the scab freshly picked? Can you answer that question for me, poet?