I don't know how many times you've rejected it, we're talking about the black community, if you disagree with them, you should be more vocal. Besides, the welfare and affirmative action programs are a form of reparations, for all intents and purposes. In your final sentence, you reveal the mindset I was referring to, the mentality that society owes you something because you are black. IF you were a decent faithful Christian, you'd understand that we're already on a level field as far as non-prejudice, non-bigoted people are concerned, and for the prejudiced bigot, nothing could ever level the field.
I didn't ask for a pass, I happen to be 1/16 African-American, 1/8 Cherokee, 1/8 Creek, 1/8 Asian. It would be rather 'self-defeating' for me to be racist. And again, I am not talking about YOU personally, I know nothing about YOU or what you have or haven't done in life, and I'm unqualified to comment on that. We are talking about black people and the government handing out welfare to them on the basis they are black. Yes, I know more white people are on welfare than blacks, but more white people are on welfare than part black/indian/asian people too! That's not the point.
I'm surprised you don't get the point, your responses are indicative of the very point I am making. You constantly feel the need to justify yourself to me, to explain to me how you don't fit the stereotype, that you have accomplished and achieved on your own merits, not because of handouts. Now, why do you feel the need to defend yourself? Because society sees a government system designed to give you and advantage, to "level the field" ...and because this exists, it hangs over your head with any accomplishment you may obtain in life. What you've done in life, would have so much more merit and meaning, if this stereotype no longer existed, and we all understood that every American plays on the same field and has the same rights and privileges. As long as there is a perception that black people get special treatment, there will be the perception that you don't deserve what you've achieved.
Again.. therein lies the rub! FDR and LBJ simply didn't believe black folks were as smart as white folks, which is why they established a government system of subsidy for blacks on the basis that they are black. They convinced you that things have to be tilted in your favor, to make up for the years they weren't. And you have bought into the rhetoric completely, thinking that your people are totally deserving of anything they can get... because they are black people. Go scour the law books, see if you can find any indication that white people are given any advantage over black people under the law? It doesn't happen anymore in America, we passed Civil Rights, we prosecute people for discrimination and sometimes send them to prison. Are there still prejudiced bigots out there? Sure, but no amount of government 'tilting' is going to change the heart of a bigot. In fact, if anything, it serves to do the opposite, it (in their mind) justifies their bigotry.
Black people can (AND HAVE) accomplished many great things, and have proven themselves to be just as smart and capable as anyone else. The fact that you and I must point that out, is a testament to the very point I am trying to make here. As long as the perception exists, that government is "leveling the field" or giving black people an advantage because they are black, the perception will exist that black people don't deserve what they achieve. In order to break that stereotype, black people must first believe in themselves, and stop accepting the rhetoric which says they are inferior and need help from the government to make them equal to whites.