Why DEMONCRATS Hate Black Folks

Poet, why do you pinheads always run to the 1972 Nixon "Southern Strategy" as some Holy Grail as to when Republicans suddenly turned from champions of Civil Rights to outright racist sheet wearers? Is this when the Great Redemption took place as well, and Wallace, Maddox, Byrd, etc., were magically forgiven all past transgressions? I'm asking because I am only 51 years old, and was 13 in 1972. Someone who voted for the first time in '72, is now 60 years old... so all 60 year olds must be Republicans, right? And maybe that explains why Andy Griffith and the Democrats are constantly trying to scare the shit outta old people and get them to vote Democrat?

Since we're discussing political strategies now, why don't we discuss the Wallace "Never gonna be out-niggered again!" strategy? You see, Wallace was running for the Democrat nomination for Governor of Alabama for the first time, and lost to John Patterson, who was an ardent supporter of the KKK, while Wallace supported the NAACP. Afterwards, Wallace made the infamous comment to his fired campaign manager, and damn if he didn't keep his word. He would go on to win term after term, largely on the segregationist platform. Oh, did I mention Wallace was a DEMOCRAT his whole life? With the exception of the time he ran as an independent against NIXON for the presidency in 1968!
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Poet, why do you pinheads always run to the 1972 Nixon "Southern Strategy" as some Holy Grail as to when Republicans suddenly turned from champions of Civil Rights to outright racist sheet wearers? Is this when the Great Redemption took place as well, and Wallace, Maddox, Byrd, etc., were magically forgiven all past transgressions? I'm asking because I am only 51 years old, and was 13 in 1972. Someone who voted for the first time in '72, is now 60 years old... so all 60 year olds must be Republicans, right? And maybe that explains why Andy Griffith and the Democrats are constantly trying to scare the shit outta old people and get them to vote Democrat?

Since we're discussing political strategies now, why don't we discuss the Wallace "Never gonna be out-niggered again!" strategy? You see, Wallace was running for the Democrat nomination for Governor of Alabama for the first time, and lost to John Patterson, who was an ardent supporter of the KKK, while Wallace supported the NAACP. Afterwards, Wallace made the infamous comment to his fired campaign manager, and damn if he didn't keep his word. He would go on to win term after term, largely on the segregationist platform. Oh, did I mention Wallace was a DEMOCRAT his whole life? With the exception of the time he ran as an independent against NIXON for the presidency in 1968!

Tha's become a talking point for the left. The fact is McGovern was far left. The Southern Democrats were always more conservative. They didn't have a transformation overnight like the left wants you to believe. It was only natural for them to vote for Nixon instead of McGovern. The left always has an excuse for their defeats and it usually has some racism attached to it.

I am 63 and I was there so I know what I'm talking about.
Poet, why do you pinheads always run to the 1972 Nixon "Southern Strategy" as some Holy Grail as to when Republicans suddenly turned from champions of Civil Rights to outright racist sheet wearers?..
So they can lie about that too. Here's what the Southern Strategy was really about, by the folks that were there:

In the arsenal of the Democrats is a condemnation of Republican President Richard Nixon for his so-called “Southern Strategy.” These same Democrats expressed no concern when the racially segregated South voted solidly for Democrats for over 100 years, yet unfairly deride Republicans because of the thirty-year odyssey of the South switching to the Republican Party that began in the 1970's. Nixon's "Southern Strategy” was an effort on his part to get fair-minded people in the South to stop voting for Democrats who did not share their values and were discriminating against blacks. Georgia did not switch until 2004, and Louisiana was controlled by Democrats until the election of Republican Governor Bobby Jindal in 2007.

As the co-architect of Nixon’s “Southern Strategy”, Pat Buchanan provided a first-hand account of the origin and intent of that strategy in a 2002 article that can be found on the Internet at: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=30233

In that article, Buchanan wrote that when Nixon kicked off his historic comeback in 1966 with a column about the South (written by Buchanan), Nixon declared that the Republican Party would be built on a foundation of states rights, human rights, small government and a strong national defense, and leave it to the “party of Maddox, Mahoney and Wallace to squeeze the last ounce of political juice out of the rotting fruit of racial injustice”.

During the 1966 campaign, Nixon was personally thanked by Dr. King for his help in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1957.
Tha's become a talking point for the left. The fact is McGovern was far left. The Southern Democrats were always more conservative. They didn't have a transformation overnight like the left wants you to believe. It was only natural for them to vote for Nixon instead of McGovern. The left always has an excuse for their defeats and it usually has some racism attached to it.

I am 63 and I was there so I know what I'm talking about.

What gets me about their arguments is, the time span, and how little they figure people have changed. My viewpoints are nothing like my father's, and this is typical of virtually everyone. We're different than our parents, we think and act differently, we were raised in different eras. Now, we're several generations removed from civil rights, segregation, and Nixon's southern strategy, but apparently these geniuses figure people haven't changed a bit since then... hell, some of them want to argue we've not changed much since the civil war and slavery! At the same time, during the very same time period, a political party which was founded largely on ending slavery an has staunchly supported civil rights, has somehow changed to the secret bastion of all things racist in America. That is, with the exception of segregationist DEMOCRATS who apparently get a free pass because of some profound redemption... still searching for a record of this event.
So meth addiction is your problem. I can see it. A guy on meth would behave as retarded as you have.

Excuse me, but black people don't , as a rule, use meth. Crack would be the drug of choice. And I'm almost 15 years clean and sober. All you rural hillbilly Repubs are into that.
The difference between you and me is that I would say what I say right to your face. You're a coward. You'd smile and schuck and jive and do your little faggot dance around me.

Really? Bigoted much? You're more of a queen than I am...I don't faggot dance. Schuck and jive? I have never. Coward? I'll meet you any time and at any place, bitch. You got me and your mama confused.
Poet, why do you pinheads always run to the 1972 Nixon "Southern Strategy" as some Holy Grail as to when Republicans suddenly turned from champions of Civil Rights to outright racist sheet wearers? Is this when the Great Redemption took place as well, and Wallace, Maddox, Byrd, etc., were magically forgiven all past transgressions? I'm asking because I am only 51 years old, and was 13 in 1972. Someone who voted for the first time in '72, is now 60 years old... so all 60 year olds must be Republicans, right? And maybe that explains why Andy Griffith and the Democrats are constantly trying to scare the shit outta old people and get them to vote Democrat?

Since we're discussing political strategies now, why don't we discuss the Wallace "Never gonna be out-niggered again!" strategy? You see, Wallace was running for the Democrat nomination for Governor of Alabama for the first time, and lost to John Patterson, who was an ardent supporter of the KKK, while Wallace supported the NAACP. Afterwards, Wallace made the infamous comment to his fired campaign manager, and damn if he didn't keep his word. He would go on to win term after term, largely on the segregationist platform. Oh, did I mention Wallace was a DEMOCRAT his whole life? With the exception of the time he ran as an independent against NIXON for the presidency in 1968!

Are you aware that during his last years, Wallace recanted his racist past, and was re-elected Governor, thanks to the black vote?

Per Wiki:
Change of positionsWallace announced that he was a born-again Christian in the late 1970s, and apologized to black civil rights leaders for his earlier segregationist positions. He said that while he had once sought power and glory, he realized he needed to seek love and forgiveness.[note 3] In 1979, Wallace said of his stand in the schoolhouse door: "I was wrong. Those days are over and they ought to be over."[4] His final term as Governor (1983–1987) saw a record number of black appointments to government positions.[43] Also in his final term, Wallace was the first governor to appoint two black members in the same cabinet, a number that has been equalled but never surpassed. In the 1982 Alabama gubernatorial Democratic primary, Wallace's main opponents were Lieutenant Governor George McMillan and Alabama House Speaker Joe McCorquodale. In the primary, McCorquodale was eliminated, and the vote went to a runoff with Wallace holding a slight edge over McMillan. Wallace won the Democratic nomination by a margin of 51 to 49 percent.

Why do you keep trying to re-write history? Ask yourself why most KKK'ers identify as Republicans. Why is the Tea Party, viewed by most as a racist organization? The Tea Party is the right wing of the Republican Party. Where are the masses of minorities aligned with the Republican Party? Nowhere. Because it is conventional wisdom that the Republican Party is the "white party" and the "party of the (white) rich". Are you arguing the point? Fox News is the mouthpiece for the Republican Party...outside of Juan Williams, where are the black faces on Fox News. Where are the Hispanic faces? Why does the Republican Party have such bad PR with minorities? Because it's a racist organization, that's why. It's not rocket science to understand why blacks, and minorities align themselves with the Democratic Party, and it has nothing to do with handouts or enabling a plantation mentality, or brainwashing or any such nonsense. They just talk a better game and strategy.
Tha's become a talking point for the left. The fact is McGovern was far left. The Southern Democrats were always more conservative. They didn't have a transformation overnight like the left wants you to believe. It was only natural for them to vote for Nixon instead of McGovern. The left always has an excuse for their defeats and it usually has some racism attached to it.

I am 63 and I was there so I know what I'm talking about.

And I'm 58, and I was there too. Ask yourself where did all the Southern (racist) Democrats go, if not into the Republican Party? They don't exist anymore. Texas was a Democratic state when LBJ went to Congress....it's now a red state? How'd that happen?
Excuse me, but black people don't , as a rule, use meth. Crack would be the drug of choice. And I'm almost 15 years clean and sober. All you rural hillbilly Repubs are into that.

I'll give you that - meth is generally a white man's drug. It used to be so big in the Tacoma, Wash. area that I have heard DJ's jokingly refer to it as the "poor man's crack," as a parody of crack being labeled the "poor man's cocaine." :cof1:
What gets me about their arguments is, the time span, and how little they figure people have changed. My viewpoints are nothing like my father's, and this is typical of virtually everyone. We're different than our parents, we think and act differently, we were raised in different eras. Now, we're several generations removed from civil rights, segregation, and Nixon's southern strategy, but apparently these geniuses figure people haven't changed a bit since then... hell, some of them want to argue we've not changed much since the civil war and slavery! At the same time, during the very same time period, a political party which was founded largely on ending slavery an has staunchly supported civil rights, has somehow changed to the secret bastion of all things racist in America. That is, with the exception of segregationist DEMOCRATS who apparently get a free pass because of some profound redemption... still searching for a record of this event.

Proof is in the goddamn pudding. Before Barack Obama won the nomination , the right was already chopping at his wood. The very idea of a black man being a serious candidate for the presidency was simply too much for them to bear. They proceeded to demonize him, but he countered with a brilliant speech on race. He distanced himself from Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers, and became a pristine candidate, despite protests to the contrary. Republicans. Republicans were against him...because of his race, and very little to do with his politics. He was the choice of the Democratic Party...what does that tell you about the segregationist Democrats, bitch?
Excuse me, but black people don't , as a rule, use meth. Crack would be the drug of choice. And I'm almost 15 years clean and sober. All you rural hillbilly Repubs are into that.
I've always been clean and sober. So when were you a drug addict?
Really? Bigoted much? You're more of a queen than I am...I don't faggot dance. Schuck and jive? I have never. Coward? I'll meet you any time and at any place, bitch. You got me and your mama confused.

Poet's boyfriend
Are you aware that during his last years, Wallace recanted his racist past, and was re-elected Governor, thanks to the black vote?

Oh yeah, I'm very aware. I've made the exact same point numerous times, but now... since you bring it up, let's discuss why it is, Wallace can simply "recant" and all is forgiven... but republicans, despite 150 years of supporting civil rights, can't seem to overcome the "racism" of their forefathers from Nixon's era? It's been 40 years, don't you imagine some of those '72 voters might have 'recanted' as well? (If they even existed?) Not that MY generation and younger would ever need to recant, we grew up in a different era.

Why do you keep trying to re-write history? Ask yourself why most KKK'ers identify as Republicans.

I'm not rewriting anything, that's what you seem to want to do. Where do you get your statistics on the KKK's politicial identifications? I said it before, and I'll say it again, most RACISTS (and I do know of some) identify as Anarchists, or at least, that seems to be their political flavor of choice. People are ALL different! Why do pinheads constantly try to apply some universal stereotype to one 'group' of people? Is Michelle Bachmann speaking at KKK rallies? If not, I don't think your argument holds much water. It's simply what you want to believe because you are a bigot.

Why is the Tea Party, viewed by most as a racist organization?

It's not viewed by anyone as a racist organization, except for a few idiots like you, who can't back up the allegation.

The Tea Party is the right wing of the Republican Party.

No, the TEA Party is an amalgamation of conservatives spanning from religious social conservatives to secular libertarian conservatives, who believe in smaller limited and constitutional government.

Where are the masses of minorities aligned with the Republican Party? Nowhere. Because it is conventional wisdom that the Republican Party is the "white party" and the "party of the (white) rich". Are you arguing the point?

It's not conventional wisdom, it is baseless stupidity and profound ignorance.

Why does the Republican Party have such bad PR with minorities? Because it's a racist organization, that's why. It's not rocket science to understand why blacks, and minorities align themselves with the Democratic Party, and it has nothing to do with handouts or enabling a plantation mentality, or brainwashing or any such nonsense. They just talk a better game and strategy.

No, it's just because you are stupid and ignorant, see my comment above. You see, the white liberal racists of the past, they tricked you and you never even knew it. They sold you on the idea that government is there to right the wrongs, to take care of the injustice you are burdened with because of your skin color, and you graciously accepted those trappings. Now you are trapped into a system of dependency on the government, and specifically, white liberal democrats, to keep your heads above water. Which is exactly what black people have done for the past 60 years, in spite of all the help. Wallace, Maddox, and Byrd all went to their graves with the last laugh... they survived long political careers by fooling you... by patronizing you, and shackling you to assistance programs that constantly overshadow any achievement or accomplishment your people make. I like to point out the fact that NO ONE who has ever attained success and prosperity in America, black, white, or otherwise, has attributed their achievement to government assistance programs. Not a single one!
I'll give you that - meth is generally a white man's drug. It used to be so big in the Tacoma, Wash. area that I have heard DJ's jokingly refer to it as the "poor man's crack," as a parody of crack being labeled the "poor man's cocaine." :cof1:

I visited my first Wal-Mart this past weekend in Sacramento. Wow. I swear half the people there looked like meth users. Crazy.
Proof is in the goddamn pudding. Before Barack Obama won the nomination , the right was already chopping at his wood. The very idea of a black man being a serious candidate for the presidency was simply too much for them to bear. They proceeded to demonize him, but he countered with a brilliant speech on race. He distanced himself from Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers, and became a pristine candidate, despite protests to the contrary. Republicans. Republicans were against him...because of his race, and very little to do with his politics. He was the choice of the Democratic Party...what does that tell you about the segregationist Democrats, bitch?

Then why in the hell is a BLACK MAN currently polling #2 or #3 in every straw poll being taken for the GOP nomination? A BLACK MAN, I might add, who has ZERO political experience! If the Republican Party or the TEA Party were RACIST, this would not and could not be the case! How is it that the last Republican president appointed the FIRST cabinet level position to a BLACK person, had TWO BLACK Secretaries of State, Nominated the first Hispanic to the Supreme Court, and yet... got re-elected by the largest Republican tally of all time? It seems like, if Republicans were all a bunch of racists, this would have been impossible... yet that's what happened.
When Obama won the election it was supposed to be a time of renewal. America was a post racism nation. We were past the racism BS. The left has pulled out their old wrinkled race card they had buried in the back of their wallet, thinking they would not have to use it again. Now America is full of racists once again. Amazing.
Proof is in the goddamn pudding. Before Barack Obama won the nomination , the right was already chopping at his wood. The very idea of a black man being a serious candidate for the presidency was simply too much for them to bear. They proceeded to demonize him, but he countered with a brilliant speech on race. He distanced himself from Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers, and became a pristine candidate, despite protests to the contrary. Republicans. Republicans were against him...because of his race, and very little to do with his politics. He was the choice of the Democratic Party...what does that tell you about the segregationist Democrats, bitch?

This is hilarious considering that exit polling for the 2008 Democrat primary showed that:

As in other recent primaries, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton won the large majority of the white vote, and she decisively carried the small towns and rural areas of both states.

Almost half of the voters in both states indicated that the recent controversy over Obama's former minister, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., was an important factor in their decision.
Oh yeah, I'm very aware. I've made the exact same point numerous times, but now... since you bring it up, let's discuss why it is, Wallace can simply "recant" and all is forgiven... but republicans, despite 150 years of supporting civil rights, can't seem to overcome the "racism" of their forefathers from Nixon's era? It's been 40 years, don't you imagine some of those '72 voters might have 'recanted' as well? (If they even existed?) Not that MY generation and younger would ever need to recant, we grew up in a different era.

What a stupid bitch. You don't get it. The parties switched in the '70's. What you think of as old Republican is actually new Democrat...and what is old Democrat is actually new Republican. So making the claim that Republicans supported civil rights and have always been progressive doesn't work for today's Republican Party. Today's Republican Party is trying desperately to "roll back" civil rights. Rand Paul, a Tea Partier, is trying to repeal the 14th amendment. Are you stupid? You must be.

I'm not rewriting anything, that's what you seem to want to do. Where do you get your statistics on the KKK's politicial identifications? I said it before, and I'll say it again, most RACISTS (and I do know of some) identify as Anarchists, or at least, that seems to be their political flavor of choice. People are ALL different! Why do pinheads constantly try to apply some universal stereotype to one 'group' of people? Is Michelle Bachmann speaking at KKK rallies? If not, I don't think your argument holds much water. It's simply what you want to believe because you are a bigot.

I'm not a bigot...I just don't like people that don't like me. And 9 times of out 10 , that tends to be conservatives and Republicans. The Republican Party is the party of the whites, party of the rich, party of racists and bigots, and party of the mentally challenged. And I want them gone from the face of the Earth. Period.

It's not viewed by anyone as a racist organization, except for a few idiots like you, who can't back up the allegation.

I don't need to friggin back up any goddamn thing. It's conventional wisdom...and I hope it sticks in your craw.
No, the TEA Party is an amalgamation of conservatives spanning from religious social conservatives to secular libertarian conservatives, who believe in smaller limited and constitutional government.

It's a bunch of racists , bigots, and Neanderthals, who think that guns are next to God, who cheat on their wives and husbands, while professing to be staunch Christians, and wouldn't know how to interpret Bible scripture if there was money in it, and who hate the ground that Barack Obama walks on. They can all eat shit and die.

It's not conventional wisdom, it is baseless stupidity and profound ignorance.

My word is the only word that counts...and I say otherwise.

No, it's just because you are stupid and ignorant, see my comment above. You see, the white liberal racists of the past, they tricked you and you never even knew it. They sold you on the idea that government is there to right the wrongs, to take care of the injustice you are burdened with because of your skin color, and you graciously accepted those trappings. Now you are trapped into a system of dependency on the government, and specifically, white liberal democrats, to keep your heads above water. Which is exactly what black people have done for the past 60 years, in spite of all the help. Wallace, Maddox, and Byrd all went to their graves with the last laugh... they survived long political careers by fooling you... by patronizing you, and shackling you to assistance programs that constantly overshadow any achievement or accomplishment your people make. I like to point out the fact that NO ONE who has ever attained success and prosperity in America, black, white, or otherwise, has attributed their achievement to government assistance programs. Not a single one!

You're implying that I have no mind of my own, and further, that I learned nothing in school. Bitch, I know the difference between proclivities and indoctrination. Do you? You want to paint Liberals and the Democrats as "mind benders" and hypnotists, but what do you think the Republican Party has done to the likes of you and your ilk???? Have you not bought the ruse , hook line and sinker?
You think that GOP legislators are working on your behalf, and not for their own financial and political gain? You stupid bitch. Your stupid ass is dependent on the GOP causing us to forget about science and actual global warming and its' effect on the environment and our way of life...of unsafe food and drugs and water and air, due to the relaxing or elimination of safeguards and regulations. Fuck the environment. Fuck the air. Fuck the water. Fuck alliances with foreign governments. Fuck the trade inequities. Fuck Peace. Shoot first , ask questions later...that's the conservative republican way.
And bitch you don't know me, or what I have accomplished , on my own, without assistance from the government or anybody white. In your recalcitrant mind, every black person is on assistance or welfare, and has their hand out, for something. I don't, you lowlife bitch. I don't. No telling how much assistance you've gotten from the government, and talking all that noise. Probably on food stamps as we speak.
When Obama won the election it was supposed to be a time of renewal. America was a post racism nation. We were past the racism BS. The left has pulled out their old wrinkled race card they had buried in the back of their wallet, thinking they would not have to use it again. Now America is full of racists once again. Amazing.

America has always been a nation of closet racists. It took Obama to bring them out of the woodwork...and now we don't have enough Raid to deal with all of them. But sunlight has a cleansing effect, like no other. You can run, but you can't hide.
What a stupid bitch. You don't get it. The parties switched in the '70's. What you think of as old Republican is actually new Democrat...and what is old Democrat is actually new Republican.

But you disproved this yourself, when you pointed out how Wallace recanted and went on to become elected governor a few more times with large black majorities of the vote, in the 70s! He was a life-long Democrat, he never switched parties, neither did Lester Maddox or Robert Byrd. So this is something you keep INSISTING happened, yet the evidence points to the contrary, these people didn't change parties, they remained Democrats and were "redeemed" by Democrat voters. The only example I can find of someone switching from a segregationist Democrat to a Republican, is Strom Thurmond (who is dead) and even Strom fathered a child with a black woman, so he obviously didn't "hate" the black race too bad.

So making the claim that Republicans supported civil rights and have always been progressive doesn't work for today's Republican Party. Today's Republican Party is trying desperately to "roll back" civil rights. Rand Paul, a Tea Partier, is trying to repeal the 14th amendment. Are you stupid? You must be.

No one has said one word about repealing the 14th Amendment. You can find not one speech from anyone on the right, advocating a return to the past in Civil Rights, bringing back Jim Crowe laws, or any other such nonsense... not one SHRED of evidence to support this outrageous LIE.

I'm not a bigot...I just don't like people that don't like me. And 9 times of out 10 , that tends to be conservatives and Republicans. The Republican Party is the party of the whites, party of the rich, party of racists and bigots, and party of the mentally challenged. And I want them gone from the face of the Earth. Period.

I think people may not like you because of the 'gone from the face of the Earth' thing... Maybe if you moderated your view to recognize conservatives right to exist, they might like you more? And we've already gone over the whole 'party of racists' thing... if that were the case, Bush would have lost re-election in 2004 by a landslide, after appointing top-level cabinet positions to black people. How is it, the "racist" Republican party turned out in record numbers to give him a second term? I know racists are stupid, but that stupid? Really?

My word is the only word that counts...and I say otherwise.

Well, you're wrong, and your word doesn't mean dog shit, best I can tell.

You're implying that I have no mind of my own, and further, that I learned nothing in school.

No, I'm not implying any such a thing, I am outright stating it as fact. You have no mind of your own, you repeat and regurgitate whatever white liberals want you to, because you have to keep them in power so your peeps keep getting handouts. You are so afraid of conservatives, you have to lie and make them into racists, so you can hate them and continue justifying your foolish and misguided support of white liberal democrats, who have you convinced they are working for you... to make your life better... even though, after 60 years, you're really no better off at all.

Bitch, I know the difference between proclivities and indoctrination. Do you?

You want to paint Liberals and the Democrats as "mind benders" and hypnotists, but what do you think the Republican Party has done to the likes of you and your ilk???? Have you not bought the ruse , hook line and sinker?

What ruse? That Conservatives believe we are all created equal, and deserve the same opportunity for prosperity and success, and that is best achieved when government gets out of our way and allows us to thrive and achieve, regardless of our race? That's what I believe, but I don't think it's a ruse. A honest to goodness ruse would be, that government can someone erase prejudices and bigotry toward a race of people, by giving advantages and handouts to said race of people on the basis of race alone.

You think that GOP legislators are working on your behalf, and not for their own financial and political gain? You stupid bitch.

Politicians often work for their own political gains, that's what makes them good at politicking. However, I don't believe this is confined to the GOP, it's fairly universal... it's why we must be diligent in electing representatives with high moral character. So, I can't really speak for what current legislators are doing, only what current people running for office want to do when elected... and curiously, none of them are talking about repealing the 14th or Jim Crowe laws or whatever... it's all about growing the economy and creating jobs for AMERICANS... I think they figure everyone's money is green, thats the only color that matters right now. You know, if I were hearing candidates claiming to want to do this or that to make it easier for whites and harder for blacks to generate economic prosperity... maybe I could see what point you are making, but they aren't mentioning race....only you are.

Your stupid ass is dependent on the GOP causing us to forget about science and actual global warming and its' effect on the environment and our way of life...of unsafe food and drugs and water and air, due to the relaxing or elimination of safeguards and regulations. Fuck the environment. Fuck the air. Fuck the water. Fuck alliances with foreign governments. Fuck the trade inequities. Fuck Peace. Shoot first , ask questions later...that's the conservative republican way.

Yeah, all of this stuff is in WHO'S stump speech???

And bitch you don't know me, or what I have accomplished , on my own, without assistance from the government or anybody white. In your recalcitrant mind, every black person is on assistance or welfare, and has their hand out, for something. I don't, you lowlife bitch. I don't. No telling how much assistance you've gotten from the government, and talking all that noise. Probably on food stamps as we speak.

You're right, I don't know you. I assume you are black because it has been said, but I don't know you personally, you might be lying, you could be Asian for all I know...or Russian. If what you claim is true, then you're an example of what I am saying, and the point I've been articulating, you didn't rely or depend on government to achieve success, you did it on your own... why are we still tying your people to a system of dependency on the government, brainwashing them into believing they can't accomplish things on their own without white liberal democrats 'tilting the field in their favor' or whatever? We're already on an even playing field, if we abide by the Constitution and strive to be colorblind. We have a system in place to deal with it if we're not, and it works fairly well.

Although I don't know you, I can read what you post, and I assume these are your true feelings. And since I have a background in psychology, I can determine many things about you personally, just by the things you say, the structure of your sentences, the order or your thought process as you type... that sort of thing. I don't want to go into detail about what I know about you personally, because I am really not talking about you personally. We were discussing the 90-something percent of blacks who consistently vote Democrat.

As for government assistance, I have never accepted any, other than a few weeks of unemployment, which I paid into... and the tax breaks I have gotten through the years. I was raised to believe you stand on your own two feet and take care of yourself. The government has a big enough job already, it doesn't need to take care of people. Ultimately, your fate is no one else's responsibility, it's up to YOU. I now live comfortably, but there have been times in my life where I ate 'ketchup soup' made from hoarded condiment packs, and stale crackers... and was thankful for it! I never accepted charity. I won't. If I can't work for it, I don't want it. Now, maybe the time comes in my life where I have to accept help from someone? ...I hope I can get to my S&W!