What a stupid bitch. You don't get it. The parties switched in the '70's. What you think of as old Republican is actually new Democrat...and what is old Democrat is actually new Republican.
But you disproved this yourself, when you pointed out how Wallace recanted and went on to become elected governor a few more times with large black majorities of the vote, in the 70s! He was a life-long Democrat, he never switched parties, neither did Lester Maddox or Robert Byrd. So this is something you keep INSISTING happened, yet the evidence points to the contrary, these people didn't change parties, they remained Democrats and were "redeemed" by Democrat voters. The only example I can find of someone switching from a segregationist Democrat to a Republican, is Strom Thurmond (who is dead) and even Strom fathered a child with a black woman, so he obviously didn't "hate" the black race too bad.
So making the claim that Republicans supported civil rights and have always been progressive doesn't work for today's Republican Party. Today's Republican Party is trying desperately to "roll back" civil rights. Rand Paul, a Tea Partier, is trying to repeal the 14th amendment. Are you stupid? You must be.
No one has said one word about repealing the 14th Amendment. You can find not one speech from anyone on the right, advocating a return to the past in Civil Rights, bringing back Jim Crowe laws, or any other such nonsense... not one SHRED of evidence to support this outrageous LIE.
I'm not a bigot...I just don't like people that don't like me. And 9 times of out 10 , that tends to be conservatives and Republicans. The Republican Party is the party of the whites, party of the rich, party of racists and bigots, and party of the mentally challenged. And I want them gone from the face of the Earth. Period.
I think people may not like you because of the 'gone from the face of the Earth' thing... Maybe if you moderated your view to recognize conservatives right to exist, they might like you more? And we've already gone over the whole 'party of racists' thing... if that were the case, Bush would have lost re-election in 2004 by a landslide, after appointing top-level cabinet positions to black people. How is it, the "racist" Republican party turned out in record numbers to give him a second term? I know racists are stupid, but that stupid? Really?
My word is the only word that counts...and I say otherwise.
Well, you're wrong, and your word doesn't mean dog shit, best I can tell.
You're implying that I have no mind of my own, and further, that I learned nothing in school.
No, I'm not implying any such a thing, I am outright stating it as fact. You have no mind of your own, you repeat and regurgitate whatever white liberals want you to, because you have to keep them in power so your peeps keep getting handouts. You are so afraid of conservatives, you have to lie and make them into racists, so you can hate them and continue justifying your foolish and misguided support of white liberal democrats, who have you convinced they are working for you... to make your life better... even though, after 60 years, you're really no better off at all.
Bitch, I know the difference between proclivities and indoctrination. Do you?
You want to paint Liberals and the Democrats as "mind benders" and hypnotists, but what do you think the Republican Party has done to the likes of you and your ilk???? Have you not bought the ruse , hook line and sinker?
What ruse? That Conservatives believe we are all created equal, and deserve the same opportunity for prosperity and success, and that is best achieved when government gets out of our way and allows us to thrive and achieve, regardless of our race? That's what I believe, but I don't think it's a ruse. A honest to goodness ruse would be, that government can someone erase prejudices and bigotry toward a race of people, by giving advantages and handouts to said race of people on the basis of race alone.
You think that GOP legislators are working on your behalf, and not for their own financial and political gain? You stupid bitch.
Politicians often work for their own political gains, that's what makes them good at politicking. However, I don't believe this is confined to the GOP, it's fairly universal... it's why we must be diligent in electing representatives with high moral character. So, I can't really speak for what current legislators are doing, only what current people running for office want to do when elected... and curiously, none of them are talking about repealing the 14th or Jim Crowe laws or whatever... it's all about growing the economy and creating jobs for AMERICANS... I think they figure everyone's money is green, thats the only color that matters right now. You know, if I were hearing candidates claiming to want to do this or that to make it easier for whites and harder for blacks to generate economic prosperity... maybe I could see what point you are making, but they aren't mentioning race....only you are.
Your stupid ass is dependent on the GOP causing us to forget about science and actual global warming and its' effect on the environment and our way of life...of unsafe food and drugs and water and air, due to the relaxing or elimination of safeguards and regulations. Fuck the environment. Fuck the air. Fuck the water. Fuck alliances with foreign governments. Fuck the trade inequities. Fuck Peace. Shoot first , ask questions later...that's the conservative republican way.
Yeah, all of this stuff is in WHO'S stump speech???
And bitch you don't know me, or what I have accomplished , on my own, without assistance from the government or anybody white. In your recalcitrant mind, every black person is on assistance or welfare, and has their hand out, for something. I don't, you lowlife bitch. I don't. No telling how much assistance you've gotten from the government, and talking all that noise. Probably on food stamps as we speak.
You're right, I don't know you. I assume you are black because it has been said, but I don't know you personally, you might be lying, you could be Asian for all I know...or Russian. If what you claim is true, then you're an example of what I am saying, and the point I've been articulating, you didn't rely or depend on government to achieve success, you did it on your own... why are we still tying your people to a system of dependency on the government, brainwashing them into believing they can't accomplish things on their own without white liberal democrats 'tilting the field in their favor' or whatever? We're already on an even playing field, if we abide by the Constitution and strive to be colorblind. We have a system in place to deal with it if we're not, and it works fairly well.
Although I don't know you, I can read what you post, and I assume these are your true feelings. And since I have a background in psychology, I can determine many things about you personally, just by the things you say, the structure of your sentences, the order or your thought process as you type... that sort of thing. I don't want to go into detail about what I know about you personally, because I am really not talking about you personally. We were discussing the 90-something percent of blacks who consistently vote Democrat.
As for government assistance, I have never accepted any, other than a few weeks of unemployment, which I paid into... and the tax breaks I have gotten through the years. I was raised to believe you stand on your own two feet and take care of yourself. The government has a big enough job already, it doesn't need to take care of people. Ultimately, your fate is no one else's responsibility, it's up to YOU. I now live comfortably, but there have been times in my life where I ate 'ketchup soup' made from hoarded condiment packs, and stale crackers... and was thankful for it! I never accepted charity. I won't. If I can't work for it, I don't want it. Now, maybe the time comes in my life where I have to accept help from someone? ...I hope I can get to my S&W!