Why DEMONCRATS Hate Black Folks

But you disproved this yourself, when you pointed out how Wallace recanted and went on to become elected governor a few more times with large black majorities of the vote, in the 70s! He was a life-long Democrat, he never switched parties, neither did Lester Maddox or Robert Byrd. So this is something you keep INSISTING happened, yet the evidence points to the contrary, these people didn't change parties, they remained Democrats and were "redeemed" by Democrat voters. The only example I can find of someone switching from a segregationist Democrat to a Republican, is Strom Thurmond (who is dead) and even Strom fathered a child with a black woman, so he obviously didn't "hate" the black race too bad.

What an idiot! Believe in revisionist history, if you must...I choose to believe in the words of the link I provided, to the letter. "Even Strom Thurmond fathered a child with a black woman...???????????" Do you know the story? The mother of his child worked as a maidservant in his racist household....like she had a say so, in what was undoubtedly, "a rape", much like what occurred during the bulk of slavery. Black women had no voice. They had no rights. They couldn't say no. What kind of shit is that? And then, your racist ass deems it "he must have not hated the black race too bad".
Well, everyone knows, when you get down to it....pussy is pussy. No matter the color. And some folks will stick their wee wees into anything moving. So, fuck what he thought about blacks. He didn't fucking acknowledge the fact that he had fathered a mixed child until he was at death's door. What a great man. POS.

No one has said one word about repealing the 14th Amendment. You can find not one speech from anyone on the right, advocating a return to the past in Civil Rights, bringing back Jim Crowe laws, or any other such nonsense... not one SHRED of evidence to support this outrageous LIE.

Passed in 1866, the portion of the 14th Amendment that has drawn conservative ire is the Citizenship Clause, which defines citizenship as extending to all those who are born in the United States, regardless of the immigration status of the parents.

Rand Paul
Like many sitting Republican U.S. senators, Rand Paul favors a repeal of the 14th Amendment. In an interview with Right Wing News, Paul said the following:

I also think that we need to have the courts review whether or not if you break the law to come into the U.S., whether your child would be a citizen just by being born here. Some point of the 14th Amendment say you can't do that. But the 14th Amendment actually says that you will be a citizen as long as you are under the jurisdiction of the United States. Many argue that these children that are born to illegal aliens are really still under the jurisdiction of the Mexican government. I think we need to fight that out in the courts. If we lose, then I think we should amend the Constitution because I don't think the 14th amendment was meant to apply to illegal aliens. It was meant to apply to the children of slaves.
Mike Lee
In addition to his dislike of the 17th Amendment, Lee would also like to see the 14th done away with. Lee has often termed the children who are born in the U.S. to foreign citizens "anchor babies."./
Are you that moronic to think that I wouldn't be able to back up my claim? Stupid bitch.

I think people may not like you because of the 'gone from the face of the Earth' thing... Maybe if you moderated your view to recognize conservatives right to exist, they might like you more? And we've already gone over the whole 'party of racists' thing... if that were the case, Bush would have lost re-election in 2004 by a landslide, after appointing top-level cabinet positions to black people. How is it, the "racist" Republican party turned out in record numbers to give him a second term? I know racists are stupid, but that stupid? Really?

Propaganda. Simply put....I can't find one decent Republican, worth salt. They should all just go away. And are you stupid. Colin Powell's appt. as Sec. of State, made George Bush look good...as there was no one as prestigious. And what did they do to him but sell his ass out at the U.N., dispensing "lies" to justify the invasion of Iraq...and no doubt, his reason for supporting Barack Obama, at the 11th hour, and no Republican. Condie Rice , was the top in her field and added much needed gravitas to the Bush cabinet. He needed them...more than they needed him. Bitch.

Well, you're wrong, and your word doesn't mean dog shit, best I can tell.

You wouldn't know 'RIGHT" if it struck you in the head.

No, I'm not implying any such a thing, I am outright stating it as fact. You have no mind of your own, you repeat and regurgitate whatever white liberals want you to, because you have to keep them in power so your peeps keep getting handouts. You are so afraid of conservatives, you have to lie and make them into racists, so you can hate them and continue justifying your foolish and misguided support of white liberal democrats, who have you convinced they are working for you... to make your life better... even though, after 60 years, you're really no better off at all.

Bitch. Do you know what white liberals I listen to? Do you know who I read? I listen to folks like Dr. Cornel West, a black literati and intellectual liberal, and Dr. Maya Angelou, and Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, and Oprah, and Roland Martin. Fuck white liberals. Handouts? What fucking handouts am I receiving? My Peeps? I don't fucking talk like that, you wanna be hood rat. I don't have to do shit.
It's done for me. You're all shooting your own selves in the foot. And ass. Cretins.

What ruse? That Conservatives believe we are all created equal, and deserve the same opportunity for prosperity and success, and that is best achieved when government gets out of our way and allows us to thrive and achieve, regardless of our race? That's what I believe, but I don't think it's a ruse. A honest to goodness ruse would be, that government can someone erase prejudices and bigotry toward a race of people, by giving advantages and handouts to said race of people on the basis of race alone.


Politicians often work for their own political gains, that's what makes them good at politicking. However, I don't believe this is confined to the GOP, it's fairly universal... it's why we must be diligent in electing representatives with high moral character. So, I can't really speak for what current legislators are doing, only what current people running for office want to do when elected... and curiously, none of them are talking about repealing the 14th or Jim Crowe laws or whatever... it's all about growing the economy and creating jobs for AMERICANS... I think they figure everyone's money is green, thats the only color that matters right now. You know, if I were hearing candidates claiming to want to do this or that to make it easier for whites and harder for blacks to generate economic prosperity... maybe I could see what point you are making, but they aren't mentioning race....only you are.

Liar. Misrepresenting. Blind.

Yeah, all of this stuff is in WHO'S stump speech???

You're right, I don't know you. I assume you are black because it has been said, but I don't know you personally, you might be lying, you could be Asian for all I know...or Russian. If what you claim is true, then you're an example of what I am saying, and the point I've been articulating, you didn't rely or depend on government to achieve success, you did it on your own... why are we still tying your people to a system of dependency on the government, brainwashing them into believing they can't accomplish things on their own without white liberal democrats 'tilting the field in their favor' or whatever? We're already on an even playing field, if we abide by the Constitution and strive to be colorblind. We have a system in place to deal with it if we're not, and it works fairly well.

Although I don't know you, I can read what you post, and I assume these are your true feelings. And since I have a background in psychology, I can determine many things about you personally, just by the things you say, the structure of your sentences, the order or your thought process as you type... that sort of thing. I don't want to go into detail about what I know about you personally, because I am really not talking about you personally. We were discussing the 90-something percent of blacks who consistently vote Democrat.

As for government assistance, I have never accepted any, other than a few weeks of unemployment, which I paid into... and the tax breaks I have gotten through the years. I was raised to believe you stand on your own two feet and take care of yourself. The government has a big enough job already, it doesn't need to take care of people. Ultimately, your fate is no one else's responsibility, it's up to YOU. I now live comfortably, but there have been times in my life where I ate 'ketchup soup' made from hoarded condiment packs, and stale crackers... and was thankful for it! I never accepted charity. I won't. If I can't work for it, I don't want it. Now, maybe the time comes in my life where I have to accept help from someone? ...I hope I can get to my S&W!

White privilege. On parade.
Poet, why do you pinheads always run to the 1972 Nixon "Southern Strategy" as some Holy Grail as to when Republicans suddenly turned from champions of Civil Rights to outright racist sheet wearers? Is this when the Great Redemption took place as well, and Wallace, Maddox, Byrd, etc., were magically forgiven all past transgressions? I'm asking because I am only 51 years old, and was 13 in 1972. Someone who voted for the first time in '72, is now 60 years old... so all 60 year olds must be Republicans, right? And maybe that explains why Andy Griffith and the Democrats are constantly trying to scare the shit outta old people and get them to vote Democrat?

Since we're discussing political strategies now, why don't we discuss the Wallace "Never gonna be out-niggered again!" strategy? You see, Wallace was running for the Democrat nomination for Governor of Alabama for the first time, and lost to John Patterson, who was an ardent supporter of the KKK, while Wallace supported the NAACP. Afterwards, Wallace made the infamous comment to his fired campaign manager, and damn if he didn't keep his word. He would go on to win term after term, largely on the segregationist platform. Oh, did I mention Wallace was a DEMOCRAT his whole life? With the exception of the time he ran as an independent against NIXON for the presidency in 1968!

George Wallace was a racists and a segregationist for most of his political career. Yes, he is known for his "I'll never be out niggered again" comment, but most people forget his change of heart in the late 70s. He publically apologized for his racists acts and segregationist stance. He admitted that his stand on the steps of the UA was flat wrong. While some have accused him of grandstanding for votes, they forget that he appointed a record number of blacks to gov't positions. That record has been equaled but not exceeded to this day. He is also the only gov. to have appointed 2 blacks to the same cabinet post. While his early (most?) career is a shameful example, his repentence and actions in his last term are often overlooked. Which is a shame as well.

Wallace's change of heart is my second favorite act by an Alabama politician. The first would still be Bill Baxley's letter to the KKK.
George Wallace was a racists and a segregationist for most of his political career. Yes, he is known for his "I'll never be out niggered again" comment, but most people forget his change of heart in the late 70s. He publically apologized for his racists acts and segregationist stance. He admitted that his stand on the steps of the UA was flat wrong. While some have accused him of grandstanding for votes, they forget that he appointed a record number of blacks to gov't positions. That record has been equaled but not exceeded to this day. He is also the only gov. to have appointed 2 blacks to the same cabinet post. While his early (most?) career is a shameful example, his repentence and actions in his last term are often overlooked. Which is a shame as well.

Wallace's change of heart is my second favorite act by an Alabama politician. The first would still be Bill Baxley's letter to the KKK.

What Dixie and others seem to ignore is that while George Wallace remained a Democrat, his supporters (Dixiecrats), by and large, left the Democratic Party for the Republican Party, and became integral to Nixon's Southern Strategy. They, collectively, turned the Republican Party into the party it is today....mostly "white", uneducated, rich and poor, hardly representative of the middle class, and resentful of minorities.
What Dixie and others seem to ignore is that while George Wallace remained a Democrat, his supporters (Dixiecrats), by and large, left the Democratic Party for the Republican Party, and became integral to Nixon's Southern Strategy. They, collectively, turned the Republican Party into the party it is today....mostly "white", uneducated, rich and poor, hardly representative of the middle class, and resentful of minorities.

LOL! You don't know much about the voters in the south, do you?
I've been a resident of Houston , Texas since 1967. I know quite a bit. What are you trying to say?

That your description of the republicans would fit as many democrats as republicans where I have lived and worked in the south.
Blacks don't have privilege, in case you were wondering, in a white man's world.

This is what the former 'reformed' segregationists told you. They repeated this over and over, and sadly enough, many black people began to see this as truth, and it persists to this day. Now, let me ask you this... how are we supposed to ever achieve a colorblind society, with this mode of thinking? As long as YOU view things through the lens of race, it's not possible to be colorblind. If you refuse to accept that equality is even possible, how do you expect to achieve equality? When you honestly believe this is a "white mans world" and the black man can never compete, how is that any different than a racist believing black people are inferior to white people? Isn't it essentially the same thing, from different perspective?
That your description of the republicans would fit as many democrats as republicans where I have lived and worked in the south.

Democrats , as a rule, are diverse, ethnically and socially, and tend to be college-educated. They also tend to be "inclusive" as opposed to exclusive, embracing all ethnicities, sexual preferences, and tend to be "pro-choice" and pro-women.
to say that black people hate black people is pretty sick dont you think?

You see most black voters are democrats so you are saying black people hate black people.

I can tell you why black people hate the Repbulican party though.

Its because the republican party has worked for decades to keep black voter from voting.

There is a very long court documented history of the republican partys hate for black people.


In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."
George Wallace was a racists and a segregationist for most of his political career. Yes, he is known for his "I'll never be out niggered again" comment, but most people forget his change of heart in the late 70s. He publically apologized for his racists acts and segregationist stance. He admitted that his stand on the steps of the UA was flat wrong. While some have accused him of grandstanding for votes, they forget that he appointed a record number of blacks to gov't positions. That record has been equaled but not exceeded to this day. He is also the only gov. to have appointed 2 blacks to the same cabinet post. While his early (most?) career is a shameful example, his repentence and actions in his last term are often overlooked. Which is a shame as well.

Wallace's change of heart is my second favorite act by an Alabama politician. The first would still be Bill Baxley's letter to the KKK.

Wallace's story is no different than Roberty Byrd or Lester Maddox... this is how ALL the segregation-era democrats were able to save their political careers. They "recanted" and then spent the rest of their careers repeating poets line about "blacks can't compete in a white mans world." Which is basically the admittance that blacks are inferior to whites and need government to make them equal. It's one of the most insidious twists of fate, ever in American politics. The repentance of white liberal guilt over segregation, has been the biggest obstacle to healing race relations. Instead of seeking the TRUTH, that ALL men are created equal, and our Constitution applies to EVERY American, regardless of skin color, we've allowed former racists to apply the notion that blacks are inferior and wholly incapable of achievement on the same level as white people, without government intervening. And many blacks accept this line of thought!
Now its voter ID laws which are designed to stop no voter fraud but to put up hurdles for poor people to vote.
What do you call Affirmative Action Forever, and the ability to play the race card at any time to avoid debate?

There is no RACE CARD.

this isnt a fucking game.

Its human beings and unfair treatment.

You want to PRETEND its a game because you dont see black people as human beings.

Take your race card and shove it up your ass dixie because that is were the phrase came from , some bigot pulled it out of their ass.
There is no RACE CARD.

this isnt a fucking game.

Its human beings and unfair treatment.

You want to PRETEND its a game because you dont see black people as human beings.

Take your race card and shove it up your ass dixie because that is were the phrase came from , some bigot pulled it out of their ass.

It's been asked (several times) that you present some kind of evidence to support this blatant racism you claim exists. So far, you and the rest of the people who are yammering this nonsense, have produced exactly NOTHING to support your lie. No one on the right is advocating anything remotely close to this, yet you continue to lie through your teeth and pretend a different reality exists. The former racists who you 'redeemed' sure did a good job of brainwashing you. How many more decades do you figure black people will not comprehend the terrible trick they've played on you? How many more generations of black people will go through life believing they are inferior to white people, and REQUIRE white liberal democrats to "even the field" for them? Take a look at ANY successful black person... how many of them credit government "evening the field" for their accomplishments?
I already did you blind man.

How much more racist can a party get than to puposely keep black people from voting?
There is no RACE CARD.

this isnt a fucking game.

Its human beings and unfair treatment.

You want to PRETEND its a game because you dont see black people as human beings.

Take your race card and shove it up your ass dixie because that is were the phrase came from , some bigot pulled it out of their ass.

Yo have a distorted view of history as well as the current reality. :)