Why did no Republican candidates attack trump for talking about his genital size?


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A lot of Republican candidates for president were on stage when trump brought up the size of his genitals, saying he had no problem about that.

Why didn't one of the other candidates attack him immediately for violating the dignity of the office and the debate? Instead they all did not, and he 'won' the point.
A lot of Republican candidates for president were on stage when trump brought up the size of his genitals, saying he had no problem about that.

Why didn't one of the other candidates attack him immediately for violating the dignity of the office and the debate? Instead they all did not, and he 'won' the point.

Why don't dims attack dims for every stupid thing they say? Hypocrisy much?
A lot of Republican candidates for president were on stage when trump brought up the size of his genitals, saying he had no problem about that.

Why didn't one of the other candidates attack him immediately for violating the dignity of the office and the debate? Instead they all did not, and he 'won' the point.

and that would have done what?
Trump is rude and crude. This is the kind of remark you expect from him. He meets a different standard. It is far lower. We don't expect him to represent us on a high level. We don't expect him to act presidential. We know his rudeness and crudeness will piss off enemies and allies. He has the language of a teenager. He has the vocabulary of a teenager. He has the attitude of a teenager. He puts the twit in twitter . He plays golf while Rome burns.
Because this thread has a topic, and your trying to ask questions about other topics is not the topic for this thread. Go make your own thread, but you're dodging the topic.

No, the topic of the thread is liberal hypocrisy, obviously. I was merely highlighting it.