Why did no Republican candidates attack trump for talking about his genital size?

Of course. Not just a pun, but we all know what a person being a dick is, and Trump exemplifies it. He yells ,swears at and berates his staff. His maturity level explains his tweeting. Still the worlds oldest teenager. Name calling and low grade insults are so dicky. He has brought the office down to a level never reached before. We have had bad presidents before, but they did not harm the office like Daffy Donald has. The dignity will be difficult to get back. Maybe President Warren can elevate it again. An intelligent well spoken person who speaks in facts will be a welcome change.

Warren likes to get down in the gutter like Trump does. You're going to have look elsewhere for elevation
Warren likes to get down in the gutter like Trump does. You're going to have look elsewhere for elevation

Nobody is like trump. The presidency has been permanently debased. Warren is very intelligent and knows her shit. Trump just knows his audience. He can play Fox fans like a fiddle.