Why did our founding fathers hate corporations?

My sister got her first degree in her 40's. You said you have kids, if it was to tough for you in your 20's, what about your 30's and 40's.
Education is obviously not very important to you.
You don't know dick about what I would do, I finished my first degree after getting married, balanced coaching little league with getting an MBA.
exuses are for losers.

What are 'exuses' college boy? I am not making 'excuses', because I don't need your approval. I did very well for myself and my family. I got the best education no college could ever teach and made 6 figures getting it.

It is YOU who is making excuses for not being able to articulate your 'claimed' economic acumen, by using obfuscation and diversion.

Why don't you and I debate economics, it should be an easy win for you. But I will not make 'excuses' for cleaning your clock, and you can make 'exuses' for being trampled.

I will even give you the opportunity go first...give it your best shot.
I know what conservative means, so tell me Dixie, WHAT traditions, tenets, beliefs and orthodoxy would a conservative in Russia want to CONSERVE? Free market capitalism?

I have never heard a conservative actually called a tree hugger. Why do CONSERVE-atives mock liberals who want to protect the environment? WHY are the worst environmental Congressman and Senators Republicans? WHY do conservatives parrot the propaganda of the worst polluters on the planet, like Gov Walker's puppet masters, the Koch brothers?

WHY are all but one of the Congressman and Senators on the League of CONSERVATION voters Dirty Dozen Republicans?

LCV 2010 Dirty Dozen

LCV's trademark Dirty Dozen program targets candidates for Congress — regardless of party affiliation — who consistently vote against clean energy and conservation and are running in races in which LCV has a serious chance to affect the outcome. Since 1996, more than 60 percent of the Dirty Dozen have been defeated. Click here to view the gubernatorial and state legislative candidates named to LCV's inaugural state-level Dirty Dozen.

Okay, Bfoon, your problem is, you have been immersed in liberal propaganda too long, you can't see things objectively anymore, you have programmed yourself to believe whatever liberal activists tell you to, and nothing I can ever say, will ever change your mind. So what should I do here? How can I overcome your brainwashed bias and bigoted prejudices?

Do you know why California has so many wildfires? Have you ever wondered about that? You don't hear of other places having this problem much, it's mostly a California thing... why? Well, the reason is, environmentalists in California are a very strong lobby, and they have successfully banned any 'clear cutting' in the state. Now, what 'clear cutting' naturally does, is eliminate the dead wood in the forest, which is the leading contributor to forest fires.

Why do you feel compelled to mention "The Koch Brothers"? Is this something else your liberal masters have taught you to emote about? Until the liberals began mentioning them in every breath, I had never heard of them, so how the hell have they shaped my conservative viewpoints? I believe what I believe, because it's what I believe, not because some "Koch Brother" told me to... I understand, liberals believe whatever the liberal activist masters tell them, but we are not all like that. Some of us have core principles and convictions, and they existed long before we ever even knew of the Koch Brothers... In fact, I bet a majority of conservatives couldn't even tell you who the hell they are!
What are 'exuses' college boy? I am not making 'excuses', because I don't need your approval. I did very well for myself and my family. I got the best education no college could ever teach and made 6 figures getting it.

It is YOU who is making excuses for not being able to articulate your 'claimed' economic acumen, by using obfuscation and diversion.

Why don't you and I debate economics, it should be an easy win for you. But I will not make 'excuses' for cleaning your clock, and you can make 'exuses' for being trampled.

I will even give you the opportunity go first...give it your best shot.

great, I hope you make a billion.
you kicked your own ass on economics.
that's why I correctly guessed you weren't college educated. You raped economics princibles in your argument. NO debate was necessary as is often the case when supposedley self educated people rant.
great, I hope you make a billion.
you kicked your own ass on economics.
that's why I correctly guessed you weren't college educated. You raped economics princibles in your argument. NO debate was necessary as is often the case when supposedley self educated people rant.

You know toppy, you can give a monkey a diploma, but it's still a monkey.
great, I hope you make a billion.
you kicked your own ass on economics.
that's why I correctly guessed you weren't college educated. You raped economics princibles in your argument. NO debate was necessary as is often the case when supposedley self educated people rant.

Then TEACH me you coward. I challenged you to a debate on economics. Your debating argument is:

"You raped economics princibles in your argument"

First of all, what are 'princibles'?

Second of all, you just abdicated the debate.

Point, set, match...
again no one with an education is going to debate you. Laughing at your bastardization of economics is way too fun. Try being even remedial before you step up to advanced you droupout.
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again no one with an education is going to debate you. Laughing at your bastardization of economics is way to fun. Try being even remedial before you step up to advanced you droupout.

How has he bastardized economics? You simply cannot debate him, and you're retreating into naked and baseless elitism, like always........:good4u:
again no one with an education is going to debate you. Laughing at your bastardization of economics is way to fun. Try being even remedial before you step up to advanced you droupout.

If you are going to disparage me for not completing college, at least learn to spell dropout. What is a 'droupout', some accelerated aging process?

Let's start here...the OP lays out clearly that our founding fathers believed corporations should A) Serve a purpose that has a clear benefit to We, the people. B)Incorporating is not a shield, shareholders must be held personally responsible for any harm their actions cause to We, the people.

I have said many times, that the most important rule of a free market is no one can get rich by making other people poor. If they are, they are gaming the system and/or externalizing costs. The cost to bring a product to market MUST include ALL the costs. Do you understand cost externalization? Do you understand regulatory capture?
take a year of economics and you'd be remedial. You keep tossing shit out that wouldn't get you hired as an intern.
Your hs diploma has given you enough education to muddle left wing talking points, you are clueless to the comedy you are providing us.
hey buy a paper airplane and then go tell an airline pilot about flying!!! that's what you are doing.
The stupid chart you presented proves nothing. Bfgn's post explains it perfectly and I agree. I don't expect you to agree, you are in complete denial.
I gave facts that disputed his conjecture. No surprise that causes you to react emotionally, being liberal and all. :)
I gave facts that disputed his conjecture. No surprise that causes you to react emotionally, being liberal and all. :)

You didn't post any facts, you posted a mission statement written by the likes of a young Jack Abramhoff, at best a personal philosophy.
Okay, Bfoon, your problem is, you have been immersed in liberal propaganda too long, you can't see things objectively anymore, you have programmed yourself to believe whatever liberal activists tell you to, and nothing I can ever say, will ever change your mind. So what should I do here? How can I overcome your brainwashed bias and bigoted prejudices?

Do you know why California has so many wildfires? Have you ever wondered about that? You don't hear of other places having this problem much, it's mostly a California thing... why? Well, the reason is, environmentalists in California are a very strong lobby, and they have successfully banned any 'clear cutting' in the state. Now, what 'clear cutting' naturally does, is eliminate the dead wood in the forest, which is the leading contributor to forest fires.

Why do you feel compelled to mention "The Koch Brothers"? Is this something else your liberal masters have taught you to emote about? Until the liberals began mentioning them in every breath, I had never heard of them, so how the hell have they shaped my conservative viewpoints? I believe what I believe, because it's what I believe, not because some "Koch Brother" told me to... I understand, liberals believe whatever the liberal activist masters tell them, but we are not all like that. Some of us have core principles and convictions, and they existed long before we ever even knew of the Koch Brothers... In fact, I bet a majority of conservatives couldn't even tell you who the hell they are!

WOW Dixie, you are really on to us liberals. The solution is clear. Remove all liberals from California and the wildfires will cease. I am sure the Florida wildfires are caused by the same reason. Even though Florida is a red state, the wildfires only hit where pockets of liberals reside. If I were you, I would be suspicious that wherever liberals move to the wildfires will soon follow. And the Santa Ana winds would shift and find the liberals.

I'm sure this is why New England is ravaged by wildfires. But now that Teddy is gone, they may subside.

The only obstacle I see to solving this problem is that damn liberal propaganda. Crapola like THIS:

On September 2, 2009, wildfires existed in California, Utah, and Oregon. According to the United States Geological Survey, nearly every state has had severe wildfires. The western third of the country accounts for the bulk of these fires, but states like Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, and Oklahoma have all seen their fair share. The fewest fires have occurred in New England.
take a year of economics and you'd be remedial. You keep tossing shit out that wouldn't get you hired as an intern.
Your hs diploma has given you enough education to muddle left wing talking points, you are clueless to the comedy you are providing us.
hey buy a paper airplane and then go tell an airline pilot about flying!!! that's what you are doing.

It really sounds like what you are doing.