Why did our founding fathers hate corporations?

Those 'radical Republicans' you speak of are called LIBERALS, like the great liberal President Abraham Lincoln. The 'Southern Democrats' you speak of are called CONSERVATIVES.

The modern conservatives are authoritarians who are enemies of the democratic ideals of liberals like Thomas Jefferson. They view the Constitution as a weapon to wield against the living by twisting the words of the dead.

Your typical right wing twisting of social programs is ignorant.

THOSE facts are undeniable.

None of what you said here are facts.
Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms... The larger point Dixie, civil rights and segregation were never conservative beliefs, regardless of party. Conservatives have no record of any advocacy for minorities or poor citizens. Liberals in both parties have been the advocates and agents of change.

Both George Wallace and Robert Byrd denounced their prior beliefs. And the new generation that followed were Republicans; the Trent 'the United States would have avoided "all these problems" if then-segregationist Strom Thurmond had been elected president in 1948.' Lott, Newt, Ashcroft, Cochran, Alexander.

There is no 'larger point' than the outright lie you told about Dixiecrats switching to Republicans... didn't fucking happen! You cited two people, who incidentally, ALSO renounced their former views on segregation, but you seem to want to completely ignore the fact that you were wrong, many Dixiecrats remained in the Democrat party until the day they died. To make the slanderous claim that "Dixiecrats all switched to Republicans" is simply IGNORANT of fact. Remember, I never claimed that NO Dixiecrat ever changed to a Republican, I said they ALL didn't, and in fact, MOST didn't, they remained in the Democrat party until they croaked, blessed and ordained by the liberal powers that be, with sanctified liberal redemption for their past transgressions.

George Wallace, probably the most famous 'segregationist' of our time, was responsible for ENORMOUS amounts of Alabama taxpayer funding for state programs to assist the poor and minorities. AFTER the 'schoolhouse door' incident, he routinely garnered 70-80% of the black vote in Alabama, he was beloved by the poor, by the very minorities he sought to keep out of the University of Alabama.
Wallace, like Byrd, realized that the tide had turned and that it was much more effective to give minorities welfare and affirmative action then to try and segregate them. The result was decimation of minority families on a scale that the KKK could never had dreamed of.
Wallace, like Byrd, realized that the tide had turned and that it was much more effective to give minorities welfare and affirmative action then to try and segregate them. The result was decimation of minority families on a scale that the KKK could never had dreamed of.

Wallace was the consumate politician and did what he thought would get him elected. That may explain why he is one of (if not the) most successful politicians in the history of the country.
There is no 'larger point' than the outright lie you told about Dixiecrats switching to Republicans... didn't fucking happen! You cited two people, who incidentally, ALSO renounced their former views on segregation, but you seem to want to completely ignore the fact that you were wrong, many Dixiecrats remained in the Democrat party until the day they died. To make the slanderous claim that "Dixiecrats all switched to Republicans" is simply IGNORANT of fact. Remember, I never claimed that NO Dixiecrat ever changed to a Republican, I said they ALL didn't, and in fact, MOST didn't, they remained in the Democrat party until they croaked, blessed and ordained by the liberal powers that be, with sanctified liberal redemption for their past transgressions.

George Wallace, probably the most famous 'segregationist' of our time, was responsible for ENORMOUS amounts of Alabama taxpayer funding for state programs to assist the poor and minorities. AFTER the 'schoolhouse door' incident, he routinely garnered 70-80% of the black vote in Alabama, he was beloved by the poor, by the very minorities he sought to keep out of the University of Alabama.

You are right, I overstated that all Dixiecrats became Republicans. But I didn't overstate that civil rights and desegregation were never conservative beliefs, regardless of party. Conservatives have no record of any advocacy for minorities or poor citizens. Liberals in both parties have been the advocates and agents of change. If Wallace had a epiphany then good for him, maybe he was welcomed into Heaven because of it.
You are right, I overstated that all Dixiecrats became Republicans. But I didn't overstate that civil rights and desegregation were never conservative beliefs, regardless of party. Conservatives have no record of any advocacy for minorities or poor citizens. Liberals in both parties have been the advocates and agents of change. If Wallace had a epiphany then good for him, maybe he was welcomed into Heaven because of it.

Why do you keep trying to equate modern conservatism with 1960's Democrats?
You are right, I overstated that all Dixiecrats became Republicans. But I didn't overstate that civil rights and desegregation were never conservative beliefs, regardless of party. Conservatives have no record of any advocacy for minorities or poor citizens. Liberals in both parties have been the advocates and agents of change. If Wallace had a epiphany then good for him, maybe he was welcomed into Heaven because of it.

Again, you are factually incorrect. Republican Conservatives in Congress voted unanimously to pass the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act in 1964 and 1965. Had it not been for UNANIMOUS support by Republicans, the Democrats could have never passed either act!
The 1960 Dixiecrats were conservatives, not liberals. In the narrative of modern conservatives, the Dixiecrats were DINO's.

Well now you have contradicted the assertion you made before:

The larger point Dixie, civil rights and segregation were never conservative beliefs, regardless of party. Conservatives have no record of any advocacy for minorities or poor citizens.

So, people like George Wallace and Lester Maddox, were "conservatives" yet, Wallace spent more on social programs for the poor and minorities, than any governor in the history of Alabama. Much the same can be said for Maddox.

Zell Miller, Democrat governor of Georgia, Clinton's keynote speaker in '92... coined the phrase "I feel your pain!" ... Implemented huge education funding programs geared toward the poor and minorities in his state. The Peach Grant program is responsible for providing education for millions of Georgians.... but Zell is a CONSERVATIVE Democrat!

So your 'argument' just doesn't wash with reality. Quite a few "Conservatives" also support minorities and the poor. George W. Bush spent more on new social entitlement programs for the poor and minorities, than the previous TWO Democrat presidents. Does the left not consider Bush a conservative?
So, people like George Wallace and Lester Maddox, were "conservatives" yet, Wallace spent more on social programs for the poor and minorities, than any governor in the history of Alabama. Much the same can be said for Maddox.

Zell Miller, Democrat governor of Georgia, Clinton's keynote speaker in '92... coined the phrase "I feel your pain!" ... Implemented huge education funding programs geared toward the poor and minorities in his state. The Peach Grant program is responsible for providing education for millions of Georgians.... but Zell is a CONSERVATIVE Democrat!

So your 'argument' just doesn't wash with reality. Quite a few "Conservatives" also support minorities and the poor. George W. Bush spent more on new social entitlement programs for the poor and minorities, than the previous TWO Democrat presidents. Does the left not consider Bush a conservative?

Uh oh, now you are using facts. How will Bfoon handle it?
Again, you are factually incorrect. Republican Conservatives in Congress voted unanimously to pass the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act in 1964 and 1965. Had it not been for UNANIMOUS support by Republicans, the Democrats could have never passed either act!

Well let's see how they voted Dixie:

Civil Rights Act of 1964

The original House version:

* Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7%–93%)
* Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0%–100%)

* Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%–6%)
* Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%–15%)

The Senate version:

* Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5%–95%)
* Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0%–100%)
* Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%–2%)
* Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%–16%)
Well now you have contradicted the assertion you made before:

So, people like George Wallace and Lester Maddox, were "conservatives" yet, Wallace spent more on social programs for the poor and minorities, than any governor in the history of Alabama. Much the same can be said for Maddox.

Zell Miller, Democrat governor of Georgia, Clinton's keynote speaker in '92... coined the phrase "I feel your pain!" ... Implemented huge education funding programs geared toward the poor and minorities in his state. The Peach Grant program is responsible for providing education for millions of Georgians.... but Zell is a CONSERVATIVE Democrat!

So your 'argument' just doesn't wash with reality. Quite a few "Conservatives" also support minorities and the poor. George W. Bush spent more on new social entitlement programs for the poor and minorities, than the previous TWO Democrat presidents. Does the left not consider Bush a conservative?

Well Dixie, I guess being a conservative Democrat allows for a liberal heart, and a conservative mind. Too bad they had to plead for forgiveness for when they followed the latter...

"I know what Dan Quayle means when he says it's best for children to have two parents. You bet it is! And it would be nice for them to have trust funds, too. We can't all be born rich and handsome and lucky. And that's why we have a Democratic Party. My family would still be isolated and destitute if we had not had F.D.R.'s Democratic brand of government. I made it because Franklin Delano Roosevelt energized this nation. I made it because Harry Truman fought for working families like mine. I made it because John Kennedy's rising tide lifted even our tiny boat. I made it because Lyndon Johnson showed America that people who were born poor didn't have to die poor. And I made it because a man with whom I served in the Georgia Senate, a man named Jimmy Carter, brought honesty and decency and integrity to public service".
Zell Miller 1991
As the saying goes; Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together. I am glad you have liberated yourself and found your nest...DixieBorn

If I were a bird I might need a nest. However, Dixie doesn't claim me any more than you do. I'm a rather independent old fart.
Actually, the biggest difference between liberals and conservatives in in their approach to child rearing. And the results of that manifests in conservatives being conformists, stiff, subservient, fearful and extremely insecure.

this is often what you get from blowhards who dropped out of college. Said with a ton of confidence and Zero basis in reality.:awesome:
this is often what you get from blowhards who dropped out of college. Said with a ton of confidence and Zero basis in reality.:awesome:

I can see you have latched on to a very tragic time in my life and will use it as a way to demean. Says a lot about you, not me.

"All people are born alike—except Republicans and Democrats," quipped Groucho Marx, and in fact it turns out that personality differences between liberals and conservatives are evident in early childhood. In 1969, Berkeley professors Jack and Jeanne Block embarked on a study of childhood personality, asking nursery school teachers to rate children's temperaments. They weren't even thinking about political orientation.

Twenty years later, they decided to compare the subjects' childhood personalities with their political preferences as adults. They found arresting patterns. As kids, liberals had developed close relationships with peers and were rated by their teachers as self-reliant, energetic, impulsive, and resilient. People who were conservative at age 23 had been described by their teachers as easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited, and vulnerable at age 3. The reason for the difference, the Blocks hypothesized, was that insecure kids most needed the reassurance of tradition and authority, and they found it in conservative politics.
Psychology Today
I can see you have latched on to a very tragic time in my life and will use it as a way to demean. Says a lot about you, not me.

"All people are born alike—except Republicans and Democrats," quipped Groucho Marx, and in fact it turns out that personality differences between liberals and conservatives are evident in early childhood. In 1969, Berkeley professors Jack and Jeanne Block embarked on a study of childhood personality, asking nursery school teachers to rate children's temperaments. They weren't even thinking about political orientation.

Twenty years later, they decided to compare the subjects' childhood personalities with their political preferences as adults. They found arresting patterns. As kids, liberals had developed close relationships with peers and were rated by their teachers as self-reliant, energetic, impulsive, and resilient. People who were conservative at age 23 had been described by their teachers as easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited, and vulnerable at age 3. The reason for the difference, the Blocks hypothesized, was that insecure kids most needed the reassurance of tradition and authority, and they found it in conservative politics.
Psychology Today

liberals are whining on another thread that the poor don't graduate because of poverty. I point out that you dropped out due to hardship yet after making big paper you didn't regain your lust for knowledge. Hmmm:whoa:
liberals are whining on another thread that the poor don't graduate because of poverty. I point out that you dropped out due to hardship yet after making big paper you didn't regain your lust for knowledge. Hmmm:whoa:

So you are claiming that the only way to satisfy a quest for knowledge is by going to college?

He has said nothing about stopping his learning. Just that, due to circumstances, he was unable to complete his college education.