1st you need to learn what Agenda 21 and ICLEI are. Ol' girl died of Covid, doesn't mean she wasn't right. It's worth the 5 minutes.
ICLEI are globalists that move their shills into local areas to usurp local representation and do the UN's (globalist) bidding instead of representing the locals.
Okay. So a 'globalist' is simply someone that supports the UN's Agenda 21, formed out of religious idiots around the world meeting in Rio in 1992. Essentially then, you figure a 'globalist' is any member of any of the religions of the Church of Covid, the Church of Global Warming, the Church of the Ozone Hole, the Church of Green, and the Church of Karl Marx.
Fair enough.
They don't install shills though. They try to install agents.
A shill is a legitimate job in any casino. The purpose of a shill it to get games started. 8 people don't just walk in off the street all at once to sit down and play poker, for example. Shills are used to start the game and keep it going until enough people DO walk in one by one and join the game.
As each real player arrives, the shill leaves the game to go start another.
Shills gamble with their own money. As a result, they play extremely conservatively (what in poker are often referred to as rocks). Once enough games are started, the shill goes back to dealing or flooring (his other job). Usually it's the dealers that shill. A shill is not there to make money. They are there to start the game.
What you are describing is an agent, not a shill. An agent that is loyal to a worldwide attempt to get fascism and communism anywhere it can be installed.
There's just one problem:
These religions have been around long before Agenda21. This agreement at the UN is not a cause, but a symptom. It is simply these religious nuts coming together to form an agreement at the UN.
It is not one world government that's the problem. It is a bunch of tinpot little control freaks that's the problem. Remember that each one of these little control freaks are selfish. They each want total control and they each think they are bigger than they are.
Thank you for defining 'globalist', as you use it in your posts.