Why did the right sell out our country.

I'm amazed you even talk to me since you know so much. Awesome! :hand:

Good thing for us that Trump was too fucking stupid to use all of those powers to crown himself king.

Did I hurt your feeling , buddy. Are you denying what I said . If so what. If I;m correct then yes you are wrong. Sorry buddy. Here is what I said show us why I;m wrong
"The president has the most power by far in our system. Its called the veto and he has executive orders that he can dictate. He select judges, The president has the final answer on everything during his presidency, The number one example is tell us what congress has to do to over turn a veto. And what can they do to to stop the presidents executive orders and how can they stop him from filling the courts. He is in charge of the Military , he commands and directs the military and is responsible for planning military strategy. , he is in charge of selecting Ambassadors , He directs foreign policy. Buddy you have no clue. "
The Republican Party headed by Reagan cheated in elections

Court documented fact

Reagan race baited too

Everyone knew what welfare Queens in caddys was saying

Blatant race baiting

He did illegal things like lying about selling weapons to terrorists

He let Americans die of a horrible disease

He was not the man you pretend he was

He trashed Gorbachev

And hailed a drunken sod who hand picked putin to run Russia

All facts

Let me see Reagan was a racist, Reagan set up for capitalism in this country to die, with the trickle down lie , The weapons of mass destruction that we were so concerned about, Reagan gave them to Iraq under the table. Literately tons and tons of it. Not only that but he sent over Scientist to show them how to make it themselves . So the lie that the republicans used to Get us in a war with Iraq .The threat is because Reagan Gave these WMS to them. Reagan was a normal pond scum Character. Bad actor, worse politician.
TO THE DUTCH UNCLE "Did I hurt your feeling , buddy. Are you denying what I said . If so what. If I;m correct then yes you are wrong. Sorry buddy. Here is what I said show us why I;m wrong
"The president has the most power by far in our system. Its called the veto and he has executive orders that he can dictate. He select judges, The president has the final answer on everything during his presidency, The number one example is tell us what congress has to do to over turn a veto. And what can they do to to stop the presidents executive orders and how can they stop him from filling the courts. He is in charge of the Military , he commands and directs the military and is responsible for planning military strategy. , he is in charge of selecting Ambassadors , He directs foreign policy. Buddy you have no clue. "
I asked you , so no I don't know for a fact that I hurt your feelings . Second if I did, what does that have to do with me still talking to you. That is more amazing.

Sorry. No, you didn't hurt my feelings. Unlike others on this forum, while I understand this is a virtual world, I also understand there are real people on the other end; a wide, wide variety of people but only a subsection of, mostly Americans, who have logged onto this little neck of the Internet.

Most people, like you appear to be doing, come here to vent, not to discuss. Their choice.

FWIW, I first found forums as nightly haunts back in the 1990s because I traveled 4-5 days a week for a living. Forums gave me all the "at home" stability I needed since I could log on from hotels. LOL
I asked you , so no I don't know for a fact that I hurt your feelings . Second if I did, what does that have to do with me still talking to you. That is more amazing.

Why does it matter if you did hurt some one's feelings? You didn't hurt mine since any sane adult would never let the comments of a gutless, immature little prick on the Internet bother their anonymous username.

OTOH, it's fun to watch the gutless, immature little pricks on the Internet try to do so. Kinda like watching a monkey fucking a football, a mild amusement. LOL

Sorry. No, you didn't hurt my feelings. Unlike others on this forum, while I understand this is a virtual world, I also understand there are real people on the other end; a wide, wide variety of people but only a subsection of, mostly Americans, who have logged onto this little neck of the Internet.

Most people, like you appear to be doing, come here to vent, not to discuss. Their choice.

FWIW, I first found forums as nightly haunts back in the 1990s because I traveled 4-5 days a week for a living. Forums gave me all the "at home" stability I needed since I could log on from hotels. LOL
The point is if I thought if you had something to offer this country , other then its destruction, I would talk to you about choice, You are the biggest threat by far to this great country , you are the enemy. There hasn't been a threat like you asses since the civil war. You offer nothing to this country other then what Trump offered this country , total poison.
They decided that they were willing to give up Democracy to force in Trump as their forever dictator . When you don't win a election and try to stop the designation of the elected president into office. You are traitors to your constitution, your flag and your country.
What happened is that Trump drew on a group of people that society has put under rocks to keep them away from our children. A vile ugly group of hate driven people who never had a voice in this country, till Trump gave them a voice. This group knows they will be put right back in that box where our society as a whole has demanded that they should be and they know this is the last time they will have their voice of cruelty and hate and ugliness as a driving voice in this country, They will kill to keep their power and the Right will ask them to kill for them.
Everyone out there know what people I'm talking about, the ugly neighbor down the road who has the Trump Pence sign still up, Their stars and bars waving and that American flag that is in taters , symbolically and also in reality , that is flying high right next to their Trump Flag ,non stop for the last year.

Why does it matter if you did hurt some one's feelings? You didn't hurt mine since any sane adult would never let the comments of a gutless, immature little prick on the Internet bother their anonymous username.

OTOH, it's fun to watch the gutless, immature little pricks on the Internet try to do so. Kinda like watching a monkey fucking a football, a mild amusement. LOL

Ok ace you are gone, I warned you . all you had to do is contribute
What the hell is a 'globalist'??

I used to work in a casino. I know what a shill is and what they do (I used to be one!). The key buzzword here is 'globalist'. You're going to have to define it.



1st you need to learn what Agenda 21 and ICLEI are. Ol' girl died of Covid, doesn't mean she wasn't right. It's worth the 5 minutes.

ICLEI are globalists that move their shills into local areas to usurp local representation and do the UN's (globalist) bidding instead of representing the locals.
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The point is if I thought if you had something to offer this country , other then its destruction, I would talk to you about choice, You are the biggest threat by far to this great country , you are the enemy. There hasn't been a threat like you asses since the civil war. You offer nothing to this country other then what Trump offered this country , total poison.

Trump isn't trying to bring war or discard the Constitution. Democrats are.