Why did the right sell out our country.

The Republican Party has corrupted itself. That's very sad since We, the People do need a legitimate conservative voice in Congress.
Agreed , in fact the conservative viewpoint is as important as my progressive voice is in this country but it won't exist till they dump this hate group that's called republican and find another title for their party , they have poisoned a great party of the past and the word Republican carries that poisoning. Real conservatives can put together a voice and party that speaks to them and for them , but it won't work without throwing out the hate group that drives their party now. They know they have no place in a democracy anymore , they know they can't survive in a democracy ,they will turn to dictatorship and murder to sustain their power. They will attack every aspects of voting rights to keep their power, by making it impossible or hard for democrats to vote. This anti American anti Democracy actions are seen throughout the country. They literally are evil and by far this countries biggest threat and enemy. Not only did Trump select judges that were conservatives but they were chosen because scum bag thought he could control them. All you have to do is look at the sleaze he selected to realize that.
Agreed , in fact the conservative viewpoint is as important as my progressive voice is in this country but it won't exist till they dump this hate group that's called republican and find another title for their party , they have poisoned a great party of the past and the word Republican carries that poisoning. Real conservatives can put together a voice and party that speaks to them and for them , but it won't work without throwing out the hate group that drives their party now. They know they have no place in a democracy anymore , they know they can't survive in a democracy ,they will turn to dictatorship and murder to sustain their power. They will attack every aspects of voting rights to keep their power, by making it impossible or hard for democrats to vote. This anti American anti Democracy actions are seen throughout the country. They literally are evil and by far this countries biggest threat and enemy. Not only did Trump select judges that were conservatives but they were chosen because scum bag thought he could control them. All you have to do is look at the sleaze he selected to realize that.

As long as both sides devolve into creating wedge-issues-for-votes problems, I doubt we'll see much change until change is forced upon them.
The Right? How about the Left? For example, the latest with the Big Bucks Blunder plan is Progressives and the Left in Congress want Biden to do an unconstitutional, illegal, end-run around the House and Senate and enact that plan by executive order.

The leader of a group of 95 left-wing House Democrats called on President Biden Wednesday to take executive action implementing portions of the $2 trillion Build Back Better Act.

The statement from Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) came three days after Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced he could not support the current version of the massive social and environmental spending bill — which includes free pre-K, the expansion of social safety net programs and tax increases on corporations and the wealthiest Americans.

This is completely unconstitutional as all spending bills and such must originate in the House, and legislative power is reserved to Congress as a whole, not the executive branch. Yet, here's the Left saying openly that Biden should act like a dictator and just do it anyway. Sounds to me like they're the ones trampling democracy and separation of power.
The Right? How about the Left? For example, the latest with the Big Bucks Blunder plan is Progressives and the Left in Congress want Biden to do an unconstitutional, illegal, end-run around the House and Senate and enact that plan by executive order.


This is completely unconstitutional as all spending bills and such must originate in the House, and legislative power is reserved to Congress as a whole, not the executive branch. Yet, here's the Left saying openly that Biden should act like a dictator and just do it anyway. Sounds to me like they're the ones trampling democracy and separation of power.

Agreed both are fucked up so why support either? Remember the old saying about "Work smarter, not harder"?
Sorry it won't wash ,first the mass majority of the right support Trump and Jan6, Those are all traitors to this country. all of them. You still hang the word Republican with your name and you are just as guilty. If they say they are a republican at this point they are aligning themselves with and supporting treason.

This. If you aren't with us you are against us. Every sane Republican should renounce their party. Period. This is not a political issue. It goes to the very fabric of the country.
They decided that they were willing to give up Democracy to force in Trump as their forever dictator . When you don't win a election and try to stop the designation of the elected president into office. You are traitors to your constitution, your flag and your country.
What happened is that Trump drew on a group of people that society has put under rocks to keep them away from our children. A vile ugly group of hate driven people who never had a voice in this country, till Trump gave them a voice. This group knows they will be put right back in that box where our society as a whole has demanded that they should be and they know this is the last time they will have their voice of cruelty and hate and ugliness as a driving voice in this country, They will kill to keep their power and the Right will ask them to kill for them.
Everyone out there know what people I'm talking about, the ugly neighbor down the road who has the Trump Pence sign still up, Their stars and bars waving and that American flag that is in taters , symbolically and also in reality , that is flying high right next to their Trump Flag ,non stop for the last year.

The alt right has some scary people. They are angered by America's refusal to give them the American dream without having to work for it. They are angered by American women's refusal to sleep with them. They are just plain angered.
As long as both sides devolve into creating wedge-issues-for-votes problems, I doubt we'll see much change until change is forced upon them.
First step get rid of scum bag , jail will do then second, jail his conspirators . Pass voting rights and get rid of filibuster. Increase the size of the supreme court to make Liberals the majority and have the federal government take over the next election for the senate and the house. That is in the constitution and the supreme court number is totally legal and has been changed multiple times in the past. Just those two automatics will complete get rid of the hate group the right calls a party. Trump as of now will spend the rest of his life in jail or in court. Those three, erases The hate party. We are fixed , Conservatives will have to start another party and it won't go if this hate group takes that over again.
The alt right has some scary people. They are angered by America's refusal to give them the American dream without having to work for it. They are angered by American women's refusal to sleep with them. They are just plain angered.
Yup the old fat white man party isn't very sexy, that's for sure. Two verygood things will happen first all the people that are dying from Covid are stupid right wingers , that's good for the gene pool in this country and Republicans won't breed and will lose numbers because none of these old fat white men will be able to breed. No women will come close to these fat stinky men.
When the right collapses and the republican name is so poisoned that they will need a new name, I propose the old fat stink men's party is the most sensible name.
When the right collapses and the republican name is so poisoned that they will need a new name, I propose the old fat stink men's party is the most sensible name.

We really badly need a healthy Republican Party... It is sad they are instead becoming a party of sickness and trump.
First step get rid of scum bag , jail will do then second, jail his conspirators . Pass voting rights and get rid of filibuster. Increase the size of the supreme court to make Liberals the majority and have the federal government take over the next election for the senate and the house. That is in the constitution and the supreme court number is totally legal and has been changed multiple times in the past. Just those two automatics will complete get rid of the hate group the right calls a party. Trump as of now will spend the rest of his life in jail or in court. Those three, erases The hate party. We are fixed , Conservatives will have to start another party and it won't go if this hate group takes that over again.

Interesting ideas with almost a zero chance of passing.
First step get rid of scum bag , jail will do then second, jail his conspirators . Pass voting rights and get rid of filibuster. Increase the size of the supreme court to make Liberals the majority and have the federal government take over the next election for the senate and the house. That is in the constitution and the supreme court number is totally legal and has been changed multiple times in the past. Just those two automatics will complete get rid of the hate group the right calls a party. Trump as of now will spend the rest of his life in jail or in court. Those three, erases The hate party. We are fixed , Conservatives will have to start another party and it won't go if this hate group takes that over again.

In other words, the Left should just institute a coup to take power in all branches of government then make their power permanent because they can...
Interesting ideas with almost a zero chance of passing.

to regulate the times, places, and manner of electing Members of Congress so as to fully safeguard the integrity of the process; This give the Federal congress the right to run federal elections in all states.There is no better time to protect the elections from the rights attempt to take away the votes of democrats. congress can dictate the size of the Supreme court. But just taking control as prescribed in the constitution with the elections of federal congressmen in both houses will erase the Republican party off the face of the earth. They know longer can survive in a democracy and they know it. So they will get rid of our democracy if we let them.
...and a far Right party which is determined to outmatch the Lefties in lies, stupidity and ignorance.
That;s ridiculous Trump lied over 30, 000 verified times when he was in office. There has never been anything like that ever in our history. Both party\s lie, One just 100 times more then the other.
Interesting ideas with almost a zero chance of passing.
The supreme court number and the federal government taking charge of federal elections in all states for federal congress is in the constitution. and their is no law that sets the number of supreme court justices. No bill need to be past, ,congress just has to do it.
The supreme court number and the federal government taking charge of federal elections in all states for federal congress is in the constitution. and their is no law that sets the number of supreme court justices. No bill need to be past, ,congress just has to do it.

What reason is there to do it other than court packing to favor the Left?
That;s ridiculous Trump lied over 30, 000 verified times when he was in office. There has never been anything like that ever in our history. Both party\s lie, One just 100 times more then the other.

Which was exactly my point. Thanks for getting it.