It wouldn't matter if it was "based in rational argument", if it could be based in their belief system any law would be against their belief system, according to you.No, but according to the argument being made, no Christian could argue for such a law because it is based in their morality.
If it is based on their morality, no. That would be a contradiction with their ideology.
If it was based on rational argument, and not on their religious moral beliefs, they wouldn't have the contradiction.
Such laws would have to be removed, because it "limits their choices" to do wrong and supposedly Christianity teaches you must choose to do something without fear of consequences on this planet.
Of course, it doesn't. In fact it teaches that you are also to follow the laws of the land in which you reside. But that is beside the point. Your argument that laws "limit the choices" and thus are against "Christian Teaching" taken to its full extent would lead only to anarchy.
Even "rational laws" can be based in those moral systems that you hold in contempt and misrepresent. All the way up to basing a supposed hypocrisy on a false premise that "laws take away free choice".