Why do conservatives bash education? GOP leaders went to elite universities.

Look at it this way:

There are four basic groups of people in a society:

There are smart lazy people. They become middle managers, officers, and other "White collar" workers. This is because they're smart enough to do complex tasks and figure stuff out and lazy enough to figure out how to get someone else to do stuff instead of them. Their laziness prevents them from rising to the top at the same time. In the military they are officers.

There are smart energetic people. These are the true movers and shakers of society. A small proportion are those that become CEO's and mega entrepreneurs like say, Elon Musk. The bulk of them become shop supervisors, foremen, and other frontline leaders. In the military they are senior NCO's and generals or admirals. They know how to do stuff, and they get things done regardless of obstacles.

Then there are stupid lazy people. These are the helper monkeys of society. They won't do anything unless forced to. The smart energetics are more than willing to flog them into doing stuff. The smart lazies figure out what these losers are capable of and assist the smart energetics in getting the most out of them. Of course, a stupid lazy will never amount to shit, but nobody else cares. They do all the grunt work and then they die to be replaced by more of the same.

The last group are the stupid energic type. These are the "hold my beer and watch this shit" sort. They're the useful idiots in a revolution. For example they fill the ranks of Antifa, and other radical Left and Right groups. They do stupid shit that harms society. Their fate is usually to end up being shot dead or in prison for life. They have no value or use to society.

Their only alternative reason for existing is they are useful idiots to smart energetic people who are evil in nature. That is, an evil smart energetic wants to disrupt society, so they calculatingly use the stupid energetics to ferment revolution, riots, and terrorism.

Elon Musk is an asshat. He has never had a business venture that wasn't focused on public money. He isn't what you people think he is.
Elon Musk is an asshat. He has never had a business venture that wasn't focused on public money. He isn't what you people think he is.

Elon Musk is a smart energetic. He makes a shitload of money off his business ventures, and he gets things done. Most people of that type are utter, ruthless, conniving, assholes. When they come up with evil goals in mind (eg., George Soros or of late Bill Gates) they become a menace to society. But that aside, they are people that by whatever means necessary get things done.
Elon Musk is a smart energetic. He makes a shitload of money off his business ventures, and he gets things done. Most people of that type are utter, ruthless, conniving, assholes. When they come up with evil goals in mind (eg., George Soros or of late Bill Gates) they become a menace to society. But that aside, they are people that by whatever means necessary get things done.

Elon Musk is a fucking idiot. Hey..I know what's a good idea...I'll smoke dope with Joe Rogan and then I'll drop tweets that get the SEC mad at me.

He's a fucking moron and has never done anything on his own.
And then he goes on to bash as a "scam" the education he claims to never bash:

Why yes, you certainly are a fucking liar. But then, who of the fascist left isn't?

Quick, tell DeSantis his history major was a completely useless rich girls' major.

Top 5 professions a history major prepares one for:

5. Walmart Greeter
4. Dishwasher at Denny's
3. Gardener
2. Barista
1. History Teacher

Major matters FAR MORE than institution does.

A person with a chemistry degree from University of La Vern has far more useful and applicable knowledge than a person with a gender studies degree from Harvard. But the public is finally awakening to the fact that Harvard, Yale, et al. are nothing more than social clubs for the Oligarchy.

Oh, and DeSantis has a Juris Doctorate, that is he is a lawyer - as noted earlier - you of the fascist left are fucking liars, always.
Why yes, you certainly are a fucking liar. But then, who of the fascist left isn't?

Top 5 professions a history major prepares one for:

5. Walmart Greeter
4. Dishwasher at Denny's
3. Gardener
2. Barista
1. History Teacher

Major matters FAR MORE than institution does.

A person with a chemistry degree from University of La Vern has far more useful and applicable knowledge than a person with a gender studies degree from Harvard. But the public is finally awakening to the fact that Harvard, Yale, et al. are nothing more than social clubs for the Oligarchy.

Oh, and DeSantis has a Juris Doctorate, that is he is a lawyer - as noted earlier - you of the fascist left are fucking liars, always.

You realize that a history major leads to graduate school. You would not know since you know nothing about higher education.
You realize that a history major leads to graduate school. You would not know since you know nothing about higher education.

history major leads to graduate school.


You really should have stuck it out for 4th grade. I know, you were 25 by then, but still.

Say sploogy, if someone were working on a masters in history, wouldn't that actually BE graduate school?

history major leads to graduate school.


You really should have stuck it out for 4th grade. I know, you were 25 by then, but still.

Say sploogy, if someone were working on a masters in history, wouldn't that actually BE graduate school?


I have no tolerance for your stupidity.
Why are Nazi democrats such fucking liars?

No conservative "bashes" education - you're just lying - as you always do.

Throwing money at the problem?

Calling experts in their fields all manner of discussing things when they prove the republicans are lying

You hate schools so much you cause them to be shooting galleries for hells sake

Then you call the shootings fake