Why do conservatives bash education? GOP leaders went to elite universities.

You have no intelligence, nor education.

Truth Matters (evince) is the dumbest person on the interwebz - but damned don't you give her a run for her money...

People like you have no idea what happens at universities.

A B.A. in history leads to graduate school. No one majoring in history expects a job in history without advanced degrees.
People like you have no idea what happens at universities.

A B.A. in history leads to graduate school. No one majoring in history expects a job in history without advanced degrees.

Magically leads to?


The FACT that you failed to finish grammar school led to the position you are in now.

Any baccalaureate degree is a prerequisite to a masters - moron. In most cases, a BA in liberal arts will NOT qualify one for STEM or Business related graduate courses. Institutions set their own criterion, and there may be exceptions, but in general a BA in history will get you into a masters program in art, music, or history. You certainly can NOT use a BA in history to get into a masters of mechanical engineering program.

Because you've never had secondary, much less post-secondary education, you have no idea about how this all works.
Magically leads to?


The FACT that you failed to finish grammar school led to the position you are in now.

Any baccalaureate degree is a prerequisite to a masters - moron. In most cases, a BA in liberal arts will NOT qualify one for STEM or Business related graduate courses. Institutions set their own criterion, and there may be exceptions, but in general a BA in history will get you into a masters program in art, music, or history. You certainly can NOT use a BA in history to get into a masters of mechanical engineering program.

Because you've never had secondary, much less post-secondary education, you have no idea about how this all works.

You're too stupid to bother with.
Throwing money at the problem?

Calling experts in their fields all manner of discussing things when they prove the republicans are lying

You hate schools so much you cause them to be shooting galleries for hells sake

Then you call the shootings fake

Link to posts of me saying those things?

Ah, you're lying - as always.

Stupid, dishonest, and flat out evil - you are the sewage of the universe.
You write insults. That is your problem, not mine.

You write little else.

Where you are derailed is that I'm infinitely smarter than you and vastly better educated.

People who work with me address me a "Doctor." People who interact with you address you as "case number."
It's true that many leading Republican pols have degrees from really good schools.

It's also true, however, that they hired Asian exchange students to take their SATs, their school exams, and to write their papers as well.

This is common knowledge.

They themselves were all too busy, out looking to shoot up elementary schools with their AR-15s.
Almost all of our current crop of top politicians went to some elite university. Almost all of them didn't go because they were academically qualified geniuses either. They went because they had the money and connections to get in, do shitty in terms of academics usually taking some lop, loser, easy liberal arts degree, and graduate.

Those universities know which side their bread is buttered on and expect in return for letting those losers graduate there, to get well funded donations from them and their families for their massive endowment funds.
The fact that rightwing leaders went to good schools, shows they were educated enough to learn how to handle the uneducated. They are playing the uneducated like babies. Trump has convinced the rightys that a man who claims to be a billionaire feels and understands their lives. He thinks you show ID to buy groceries because he never had to buy any. He says crazy things and stirs up anger. He knows there are bigots and haters that he can own with lies.
Desantis attacks social issues because it works. They just need about 40 percent of the voters to vote against their own interests to win or come close. The rest will be wealthy voters who are happy with the wealth and power the right moves to them. The plutocracy is alive and well.
It's true that many leading Republican pols have degrees from really good schools.

It's also true, however, that they hired Asian exchange students to take their SATs, their school exams, and to write their papers as well.

This is common knowledge.

They themselves were all too busy, out looking to shoot up elementary schools with their AR-15s.

Republicans like Teddy Kennedy?

You're not the brightest black hole in the universe.
The fact that rightwing leaders went to good schools, shows they were educated enough to learn how to handle the uneducated. They are playing the uneducated like babies. Trump has convinced the rightys that a man who claims to be a billionaire feels and understands their lives. He thinks you show ID to buy groceries because he never had to buy any. He says crazy things and stirs up anger. He knows there are bigots and haters that he can own with lies.
Desantis attacks social issues because it works. They just need about 40 percent of the voters to vote against their own interests to win or come close. The rest will be wealthy voters who are happy with the wealth and power the right moves to them. The plutocracy is alive and well.

It's amusing how you of the fascist left put on airs of superiority, when it's painfully obvious based on prose and grammar that the conservatives on the board are significantly better educated than you of the pretentious party are.