Why Do Conservatives Hate Immigrants So Much?

Hello StoneByStone,

You know you could pick any facet of appearance to single out.

Blue-eyed people could decide to shun everybody who wasn't 'special' like them.

It would make just as much sense to me: NONE!

Sure, that could happen. But how often has it? How many societies had blue-eyed separatism?
The reason this doesn't happen is because eye color isn't nearly as important as race.
Hello StoneByStone,

EVERYBODY is allowed to be racial.

White people are only allowed to be racial if they're not being pro-white. If a white person said any of the things I'm saying here, they'd get ostracized for being a "White Supremacist."
Even Joe Biden, who actually fought against segregation, is now being called racist for not hating the guts of every segregationist. Nothing we do will ever be enough. We will always be the enemy as long as the establishment is against us.

NICELY, most people choose not to.

No, most white people choose not to. And the reason for that is because it's social suicide.

What you see as anti-white? That is really acceptance that people are people no matter what their heritage. Just like it says in the Declaration of Independence.

No, I see that as Globalism.
What I see as anti-white are the double standards and the constant propaganda against white people in media and academia.
Hello StoneByStone,

I think the only thing that has happened is that the internet and social media have allowed the isolated pockets of it to connect, and the sensationalism of it is being covered by the media because anything sensational sells advertising and makes profits. And, of course, Trump has capitalized on that politically.

I agree with most of that, but if it was only small isolated people on the fringe who felt this way, Nationalist candidates wouldn't be winning elections.

No, other races were not conditioned from birth to believe it was their right to be king of anything. They have always known they would have a tough row in life. This phenomenon is unique to American white males.

Where exactly are American white males taught this? It certainly isn't in the media or academia, which are both anti-white.
And patriarchy used to be the norm in most of the world. So how come this transition away from patriarchy isn't leading to suicide increases all over the world?

No, it is not. White females are not experiencing a comparable rise in suicide rates.

"The rates for this group have been particularly high among young people, with the vast majority of suicides affecting those ages 15 to 44. Among the 45-to-65 age group, the rate was highest among white people for both men and women."


They voted with their husbands for the sake of marital harmony, and because they identify with them. The propaganda works.

How do you know their husbands didn't vote with them? Or maybe they both just wanted the wall?

Because we hold dear the concept that all people are created equal and should have equal rights.

Allowing a private company to discriminate would not mean we don't have equal rights. If private companies can not discriminate, then we don't have freedom of association.
What makes it even worse is that the laws against freedom of associations are only enforced for Whites. So not only do we not have freedom of association, but we also don't have equal rights.

Actually you do. You are free to associate with whomever you wish. If you wish to run a solo business and avoid working with or associating with black people, that is your choice. You could be a writer, live in an all white town, only see white people. You are not free to discriminate in hiring on the basis of race because that is not the policy of the nation. I really don't get it why you have a problem with people of different skin color. The races are so mixed it's pretty hard to tell sometimes. Many people who appear white actually have black ancestry. It is quite impossible to draw the line. Why bother? I think you are cutting yourself off from some very enlightening experiences. Your reservations could be preventing you from finding your new best friend for life. Who knows?

Well if I'm not free to only hire white people for my company, then I don't have freedom of association. I totally get banning PUBLIC companies from doing this. We all pay taxes to fund public schools, so public schools should not be allowed to discriminate. But there is no good reason to not allow private companies to discriminate.

I don't hate people of other races. I even have some non-white friends. I just think Ethnic Nationalism works much better than Globalism. Ethnostates preserve ethnicities and culture, have higher social trust and generally better performance, and serve as a sanctuary where the people of that ethnicity can go to escape persecution.
The reason I want white people to have free association is because I think it would lead to happier white societies. Even with non-white friends, I know that most of the people we become friends with are of the same race, and white neighborhoods have the tight sense of community that America used to have.
And I don't believe in racial purity. If someone looks European and has a European ethnicity, they're white.

That was only part of it. His talent is for combining enough different appeals to gather just enough support to get elected (with a the assistance of Putin.)

Granted, but keeping out Mexicans was a big part of it, it was his signature issue.
Hello and Happy first day of summer, Howard the Duck,

Leftists are always welcome to do something about that problem (and not in the manner with which they traditionally approach it).

Actually, I would suspect that conservatives are more likely to commit suicide or finalize their lives through 'deaths of despair' (drinking oneself to death, drug overdose.)

The reason being that the mindset which believes the man should be the breadwinner, the king of his own castle, order the (subservient) wife around like she's merely one of the kids, is a mindset that is more often associated with conservative thinking. And to have such dreams/hopes shattered by the rise of women in the workforce, and in stature in the home, leads to depression.

Likewise, it is liberals who are more apt to accept women's rights and women's equality in the workforce and at home. So when that occurs, liberals are not depressed by it to the point of suicide or deaths of despair.

If you're a dude, and your wife earns more than you, and dedicates herself more fully to her career, then the thing to do is buck up and do more of the housework to support her in that role. When a couple works as a team, it is more effective at building a good life and enjoying it. Preconceived notions and clinging to conservative traditional roles gets in the way of that.
Hello and happy first day of summer StoneByStone,

Sure, that could happen. But how often has it? How many societies had blue-eyed separatism?
The reason this doesn't happen is because eye color isn't nearly as important as race.

Why is race any different?

We are all humans.

We all have great potential.

Few of us ever realize it.

We live, we die, along the way we hope to find some enjoyment while we have the chance.

Wanting to divide up people because of their heritage does not lead to enjoyment of life for most people. That only works for those who have some hang-up about it, a pretty small segment of society.
Hello StoneByStone,

White people are only allowed to be racial if they're not being pro-white. If a white person said any of the things I'm saying here, they'd get ostracized for being a "White Supremacist."
Even Joe Biden, who actually fought against segregation, is now being called racist for not hating the guts of every segregationist. Nothing we do will ever be enough. We will always be the enemy as long as the establishment is against us.

Only if you see yourself that way. If you just drop the concern about trying to divide up the races then it won't be a problem.

IOW, if you can't beat 'em, JOIN 'EM!

No, most white people choose not to. [be racial] And the reason for that is because it's social suicide.

And suicide is no fun. Ever hear the song 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?' It's true, but only because girls are people and people just wanna have fun.

No, I see that as Globalism.
What I see as anti-white are the double standards and the constant propaganda against white people in media and academia.


Bing! Bing! Bing! Bing!

Bells just went off in my head.

I am totally getting a vision here.

(Not what you are hoping for)

I think I more fully understand your thinking now.

(You're probably not going to like my assessment)

You're win/lose!

You think that for one race to win, another has to lose.

So, for blacks to gain acceptance, somehow this means whites have to lose something.

You think as racial mixing becomes more prevalent, the 'beauty of being white' has to be lost.

Now, I can offer some valuable insight as to why this is of no concern to other people.

I am win/win.

I am a total proponent and believer of win/win philosophy.

BOTH sides win in racial mixing.

People are always going to make the best of a situation.

What else are we going to do? We are here. We find ourselves here on this planet and we know we only have so long to live. We're smart. We have opposable thumbs, we make tools, we improve our lives. We evolved into what we are today. Sure. we've got a lot of unanswered questions, and we are working on coming up with answers that work for us. We've got religion and science. We're not sure what to make of them. But we know we don't live forever, so we are each trying to make the most of our lives. For most of us, that means building a nice life, trying to enjoy it however we believe best suits us.

OK, big picture time. OVERALL, humanity has improved over time from the age of cavemen hunters and gatherers. THAT means MOST humans are contributing to improvement. SURE, some aren't. But the ones who are OUTNUMBER the ones who aren't.

As a proponent of racial division, you become one of the ones who is out of alignment with the majority. You probably think you are doing a good thing, but I believe differently, along with most of the rest of the planet.

I think time will tell that racial mixing is inevitable, so you can fight it but it won't matter. So you might as well accept it. This is no issue at all for most people, but for some, they struggle with it. That's you.

You're hung up on win/lose, and I'm just looking at the plus side.

I gotta say.

I don't think you're ever going to resolve this.

Ya might wanna consider just letting it go.

What would it hurt? If it wasn't an issue for you I bet you could enjoy life better.

What little of it remains. (in the big picture)

Me? I LOVE my life. It is totally not an issue for me. I've got such a good life I often have the thought that it is fabulous to be human. I want it to last forever, but I know it won't. So I just carry on in constant amazement at how awesome it is. If I was on an airliner falling out of the sky to certain death, I'd like to think my final thought would be: 'Well, THAT was an awesome life!"

Along the way I am happy to be in the part of humanity trying to contribute to overall improvement as I make the most of my own life.

Sure, there's plenty to worry about or not like. But I get it that if I let that take over my life, then I am missing out on the good part. So I don't let that happen. I take time for myself. I would like to think everybody does. I know some don't but I can't help that. I gotta live my own life. Nobody else is gonna do it FOR me. So I just look for the good in everything.

And there is good in racial mixing.

You can't go backwards in time.

Might as well enjoy the ride...

The world is moving towards racial mixing.

Doesn't hurt me.

I am totally fine with it.

And some new minds will be created out of that which could accomplish great things.

What's not to like?
Hello StoneByStone,

I agree with most of that, but if it was only small isolated people on the fringe who felt this way, Nationalist candidates wouldn't be winning elections.

Mostly? The AREN'T.

Where exactly are American white males taught this? It certainly isn't in the media or academia, which are both anti-white.

We're talking about guys who as children watched 'Father Knows Best' (or reruns.) Virtually every TV show in the 50's and 60's featured the roles of man as the breadwinner and king of the family.

And patriarchy used to be the norm in most of the world. So how come this transition away from patriarchy isn't leading to suicide increases all over the world?

Good question. I'd guess it is because the rest of the world wasn't part of the rise of the great American middle class after WWII.

"The rates for this group have been particularly high among young people, with the vast majority of suicides affecting those ages 15 to 44. Among the 45-to-65 age group, the rate was highest among white people for both men and women."


Well you know different articles are going to attribute it to different things. I never said there was only one reason for suicide. I notice this particular article does not talk about 'deaths of despair' - overdose and such. It's understandable why suppressed groups would be despondent. Women, minorities and the young who have heard of the American Dream but have found it personally unattainable for themselves...

How do you know their husbands didn't vote with them? Or maybe they both just wanted the wall?

Well that's the question of the ages, eh? How did Trump get elected? People laughed outwardly at the thought of his candidacy. Poll after poll showed Hillary with a comfortable lead (although most did show that evaporating near the end.) Did Putin really pull it off? It is still under investigation. Who killed JFK?

Allowing a private company to discriminate would not mean we don't have equal rights. If private companies can not discriminate, then we don't have freedom of association.
What makes it even worse is that the laws against freedom of associations are only enforced for Whites. So not only do we not have freedom of association, but we also don't have equal rights.

The law does not discriminate. If a black business excluded whites, and somebody brought a case, it would have to be taken just as seriously.

Well if I'm not free to only hire white people for my company, then I don't have freedom of association. I totally get banning PUBLIC companies from doing this. We all pay taxes to fund public schools, so public schools should not be allowed to discriminate. But there is no good reason to not allow private companies to discriminate.

The United States of America has taken a different position on that. I agree with what our country has done. You are free to advocate for a different approach, but you're not convincing me. Good luck moving that needle on the national level when everything is going the other way.

I don't hate people of other races. [Glad to hear it] I even have some non-white friends. I just think Ethnic Nationalism works much better than Globalism. [I don't] Ethnostates preserve ethnicities and culture, have higher social trust and generally better performance, and serve as a sanctuary where the people of that ethnicity can go to escape persecution.

So, you wish you were Japanese? I am totally glad to be who I am. I accepted it a long time ago. That has made my life very enjoyable.

The reason I want white people to have free association is because I think it would lead to happier white societies. [Admirable. We all want happiness] Even with non-white friends, I know that most of the people we become friends with are of the same race, and white neighborhoods have the tight sense of community that America used to have.

I don't see that.

And I don't believe in racial purity. If someone looks European and has a European ethnicity, they're white.

Makes sense. Most nationalists have to have a way of dealing with the prospect of a personal DNA work-up.

Granted, but keeping out Mexicans was a big part of it, it was his signature issue.

But he would not have won if that was the only thing he ran on. He was purposely ambiguous. His campaign website gave only vague positions on major issues. Much of his support came from Hillary hatred. The 2016 election had the most unpopular candidate choices of the century. It was the 'hold your nose and vote' election. Most voters voted AGAINST somebody, not FOR somebody. And do not rule out the possibility that Putin got Trump elected. That question has never been answered.
Hello and Happy first day of summer, Howard the Duck,

Actually, I would suspect that conservatives are more likely to commit suicide or finalize their lives through 'deaths of despair' (drinking oneself to death, drug overdose.)

The reason being that the mindset which believes the man should be the breadwinner, the king of his own castle, order the (subservient) wife around like she's merely one of the kids, is a mindset that is more often associated with conservative thinking. And to have such dreams/hopes shattered by the rise of women in the workforce, and in stature in the home, leads to depression.

Likewise, it is liberals who are more apt to accept women's rights and women's equality in the workforce and at home. So when that occurs, liberals are not depressed by it to the point of suicide or deaths of despair.

If you're a dude, and your wife earns more than you, and dedicates herself more fully to her career, then the thing to do is buck up and do more of the housework to support her in that role. When a couple works as a team, it is more effective at building a good life and enjoying it. Preconceived notions and clinging to conservative traditional roles gets in the way of that.

Having shitty values can also lead to depression.

But, we're talking about Malthusians here. I don't approve of traditional leftists with their campaigns of murder, genocide, and eugenics. I also don't approve of their current appetite for abortion and infanticide. But, the left always has the option of noble self-sacrifice, which would be both unprecedented and weird.
Hello Howard,

Having shitty values can also lead to depression.

But, we're talking about Malthusians here. I don't approve of traditional leftists with their campaigns of murder, genocide, and eugenics. I also don't approve of their current appetite for abortion and infanticide. But, the left always has the option of noble self-sacrifice, which would be both unprecedented and weird.

I'm sure you have to have a way of rationalizing being conservative. You can't know what it's like to be liberal any more than I can know what it's like to be conservative. I really do try to understand conservative reasoning. It seems to me like it just comes down to being selfish. You guys don't want to acknowledge that we live in a society and we benefit from society, so it is a good idea to do things that are good for society. Seems like your arguments perpetually come down to what it means to the individual. IOW, self.
Hello Howard,

I'm sure you have to have a way of rationalizing being conservative. You can't know what it's like to be liberal any more than I can know what it's like to be conservative. I really do try to understand conservative reasoning. It seems to me like it just comes down to being selfish. You guys don't want to acknowledge that we live in a society and we benefit from society, so it is a good idea to do things that are good for society. Seems like your arguments perpetually come down to what it means to the individual. IOW, self.

I understand liberalism perfectly, being that I live in a liberal society. I may not understand well what it is like being a leftist.
Calling everything you don't support 'leftist' doesn't mean it really is. Science, the media...

I see something leftist (progressivism, socialism, Marxism), and I will call it that. Other illiberal philosophies (fascism, monarchy, theocracy) will likewise draw my ire. Anyway, for this reason, I find it more helpful when people say progressive instead of liberal.