Hello StoneByStone,
White people are only allowed to be racial if they're not being pro-white. If a white person said any of the things I'm saying here, they'd get ostracized for being a "White Supremacist."
Even Joe Biden, who actually fought against segregation, is now being called racist for not hating the guts of every segregationist. Nothing we do will ever be enough. We will always be the enemy as long as the establishment is against us.
Only if you see yourself that way. If you just drop the concern about trying to divide up the races then it won't be a problem.
IOW, if you can't beat 'em, JOIN 'EM!
No, most white people choose not to. [be racial] And the reason for that is because it's social suicide.
And suicide is no fun. Ever hear the song 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?' It's true, but only because girls are people and people just wanna have fun.
No, I see that as Globalism.
What I see as anti-white are the double standards and the constant propaganda against white people in media and academia.
Bing! Bing! Bing! Bing!
Bells just went off in my head.
I am totally getting a vision here.
(Not what you are hoping for)
I think I more fully understand your thinking now.
(You're probably not going to like my assessment)
You're win/lose!
You think that for one race to win, another has to lose.
So, for blacks to gain acceptance, somehow this means whites have to lose something.
You think as racial mixing becomes more prevalent, the 'beauty of being white' has to be lost.
Now, I can offer some valuable insight as to why this is of no concern to other people.
I am win/win.
I am a total proponent and believer of win/win philosophy.
BOTH sides win in racial mixing.
People are always going to make the best of a situation.
What else are we going to do? We are here. We find ourselves here on this planet and we know we only have so long to live. We're smart. We have opposable thumbs, we make tools, we improve our lives. We evolved into what we are today. Sure. we've got a lot of unanswered questions, and we are working on coming up with answers that work for us. We've got religion and science. We're not sure what to make of them. But we know we don't live forever, so we are each trying to make the most of our lives. For most of us, that means building a nice life, trying to enjoy it however we believe best suits us.
OK, big picture time. OVERALL, humanity has improved over time from the age of cavemen hunters and gatherers. THAT means MOST humans are contributing to improvement. SURE, some aren't. But the ones who are OUTNUMBER the ones who aren't.
As a proponent of racial division, you become one of the ones who is out of alignment with the majority. You probably think you are doing a good thing, but I believe differently, along with most of the rest of the planet.
I think time will tell that racial mixing is inevitable, so you can fight it but it won't matter. So you might as well accept it. This is no issue at all for most people, but for some, they struggle with it. That's you.
You're hung up on win/lose, and I'm just looking at the plus side.
I gotta say.
I don't think you're ever going to resolve this.
Ya might wanna consider just letting it go.
What would it hurt? If it wasn't an issue for you I bet you could enjoy life better.
What little of it remains. (in the big picture)
Me? I LOVE my life. It is totally not an issue for me. I've got such a good life I often have the thought that it is fabulous to be human. I want it to last forever, but I know it won't. So I just carry on in constant amazement at how awesome it is. If I was on an airliner falling out of the sky to certain death, I'd like to think my final thought would be: 'Well, THAT was an awesome life!"
Along the way I am happy to be in the part of humanity trying to contribute to overall improvement as I make the most of my own life.
Sure, there's plenty to worry about or not like. But I get it that if I let that take over my life, then I am missing out on the good part. So I don't let that happen. I take time for myself. I would like to think everybody does. I know some don't but I can't help that. I gotta live my own life. Nobody else is gonna do it FOR me. So I just look for the good in everything.
And there is good in racial mixing.
You can't go backwards in time.
Might as well enjoy the ride...
The world is moving towards racial mixing.
Doesn't hurt me.
I am totally fine with it.
And some new minds will be created out of that which could accomplish great things.
What's not to like?